SQllite Query with Lower and Special Characters - sqlite

I have a Sqllite query
SELECT * FROM m_table WHERE LOWER(fName) = LOWER('yui!"'':;/?') AND account = '100' ORDER BY fName COLLATE NOCASE ASC ;
Above returns 0 rows; But when I use the same as below , it Works
update m_table set fName = 'yui!"'':;/? renamed' where fname='yui!"'':;/?' AND account = '100';
Any clues ?
PS: I am using LOWER to ignore case sensitive. I am using this via an android client. Hence
I am also doing StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql("folderName")

This is most likely related to the fact, that your input string contains characters in a non-ASCII-charset. from the documentation of SQLlite:
lower(X) -- The lower(X) function returns a copy of string X with all
ASCII characters converted to lower case. The default built-in lower()
function works for ASCII characters only. To do case conversions on
non-ASCII characters, load the ICU extension.
Try to run the following statement and see what it returns.
SELECT LOWER(fName) FROM m_table WHERE fname='yui!"'':;/?' AND account = '100';


while inserting i can insert danish character in proper format in sqlite Db but while retrieving my query returns no result

while inserting i can insert danish character in proper format in sqlite Db but while retrieving my query returns no result
String searchQuery= "SELECT * FROM article,product where article.ItemNo=product.ItemNo ";
searchQuery += " AND (article.itemNo like '"+ searchText +"%' OR product.Description like '"+ searchText +"%')";
in debug mode query is
`SELECT * FROM article,product where article.ItemNo=product.ItemNo AND (article.itemNo like '%ø%' OR product.Description like '%ø%')..`
No result returns
Proper query will be
SELECT * FROM article,product where article.ItemNo=product.ItemNo AND (article.itemNo like '%Ø%' OR product.Description like '%Ø%');
the desired description field value in Db is MØNTPUNG.
I am wondering is there any issue of case sensitivty?I am using UTF8 encoding for my raw file that will insert data to DB.
The documentation says:
SQLite only understands upper/lower case for ASCII characters by default. The LIKE operator is case sensitive by default for unicode characters that are beyond the ASCII range. For example, the expression 'a' LIKE 'A' is TRUE but 'æ' LIKE 'Æ' is FALSE.
To handle non-ASCII characters correctly, store an uppercase version of your string(s) in a separate column, and search in that with an uppercase search pattern.

Strange SQLite behavior: Not returning results on simple queries

Ok, so I have a basic table called "ledger", it contains fields of various types, integers, varchar, etc.
In my program, I used to use a query with no "from" predicate to collect all of the rows, which of course works fine. But... I changed my code to allow selecting one row at a time using "where acctno = x" (where X is the account number I want to select at the time).
I thought this must be a bug in the client library for my programming language, so I tested it in the SQLite command-line client - and it still doesn't work!
I am relatively new to SQLite, but I have been using Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc. for years and never seen this type of issue before.
Other things I can tell you:
* Queries using other integer fields also don't work
* Queries on char fields work
* Querying it as a string (with the account number on quotes) still doesn't work. (I thought maybe the numbers were stored as a string inadvertently).
* Accessing rows by rowid works fine - which is why I can edit the database with GUI tools with no noticeable problem.
Query with no WHERE (works fine):
1|0|0|JPY|8|Paid-In Capital|C|X|0|X|0|0||||0|0|0|
0|0|0|JPY|11|Root Account|P|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|150000|0|0|0|
3|0|0|JPY|13|Mitsubishi Bank Futsuu|A|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|150000|0|0|0|
4|0|0|JPY|14|Japan Post Bank|A|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|150000|0|0|0|
Query with WHERE clause: (no results)
sqlite> select * from ledger where acctno=1;
putting quotes around the 1 above changes nothing.
Interestingly enough, "select * from ledger where acctno > 1" returns results! However since it returns ALL results, it's not terrible useful.
I'm sure someone will ask about the table structure, so here goes:
sqlite> .schema ledger
"ACCTNO" integer(10,0) NOT NULL,
"drbal" integer(20,0) NOT NULL,
"crbal" integer(20,0) NOT NULL,
"CURRKEY" char(3,0) NOT NULL,
"TEXTKEY" integer(10,0),
"PACCTNO" number(10,0) NOT NULL,
"CATCD" number(10,0),
"TRANSNO" number(10,0) NOT NULL,
"extrefno" number(10,0),
"UPDATEDATE" text(8,0),
"PAYEECD" number(10,0) NOT NULL,
"drbal2" number(10,0) NOT NULL,
"crbal2" number(10,0) NOT NULL,
"delind" boolean,
The strangest thing is that I have other similar tables where this works fine!
sqlite> select * from journalhdr where transno=13;
13|Test transaction ATM Withdrawel 20130213|20130223||20130223||
TransNo in that table is also integer (10,0) NOT NULL - this is what makes me thing it is something to do with the values.
Another clue is that the sort order seems to be based on ascii, not numeric:
sqlite> select * from ledger order by acctno;
0|0|0|JPY|11|Root Account|P|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|150000|0|0|0|
1|0|0|JPY|8|Paid-In Capital|C|X|0|X|0|0||||0|0|0|
10|0|0|USD|20|Sallie Mae|L|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|153900|0|0|0|
24|0|0|JPY|24|Amex JP|L|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|154500|0|0|0|
3|0|0|JPY|13|Mitsubishi Bank Futsuu|A|X|0|X|0|0|SYSTEM|20121209|150000|0|0|0|
Of course the sort order on journalhdr (where the select works properly) is numeric.
Solved! (sort-of)
The data can be fixed like this:
sqlite> update ledger set acctno = 23 where rowid = 13;
sqlite> select * from ledger where acctno = 25;
Still, if it was stored as strings, then that leave a few questions:
1. Why couldn't I select it as a string using the quotes?
2. How did it get stored as a string since it is a valid integer?
3. How would you go about detecting this problem normally besides noticing bizzarre symptoms?
Although the data would normally be entered by my program, some of it was created by hand using Navicat, so I assume the problem must lie there.
You are victim of SQLite dynamic typing.
Even though SQLite defines system of type affinity, which sets some rules on how input strings or numbers will be converted to actual internal values, but it does NOT prevent software that is using prepared statements to explicitly set any type (and data value) for the column (and this can be different per row!).
This can be shown by this simple example:
CREATE TABLE ledger (acctno INTEGER, name VARCHAR(16));
INSERT INTO ledger VALUES(1, 'John'); -- INTEGER '1'
INSERT INTO ledger VALUES(2 || X'00', 'Zack'); -- BLOB '2\0'
I have inserted second row not as INTEGER, but as binary string containing embedded zero byte. This reproduces your issue exactly, see this SQLFiddle, step by step. You can also execute these commands in sqlite3, you will get the same result.
Below is Perl script that also reproduces this issue
This script creates just 2 rows with acctno having values of integer 1 for first, and "2\0" for second row. "2\0" means string consisting of 2 bytes: first is digit 2, and second is 0 (zero) byte.
Of course, it is very difficult to visually tell "2\0" from just "2", but this is what script below demonstrates:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:test.db") or die DBI::errstr();
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ledger");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ledger (acctno INTEGER, name VARCHAR(16))");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO ledger (acctno, name) VALUES (?, ?)");
$sth->bind_param(1, "1", SQL_INTEGER);
$sth->bind_param(2, "John");
$sth->bind_param(1, "2\0", SQL_BLOB);
$sth->bind_param(2, "Zack");
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT count(*) FROM ledger WHERE acctno = ?");
$sth->bind_param(1, "1");
my ($num1) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
print "Number of rows matching id '1' is $num1\n";
$sth->bind_param(1, "2");
my ($num2) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
print "Number of rows matching id '2' is $num2\n";
$sth->bind_param(1, "2\0", SQL_BLOB);
my ($num3) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
print "Number of rows matching id '2<0>' is $num3\n";
Output of this script is:
Number of rows matching id '1' is 1
Number of rows matching id '2' is 0
Number of rows matching id '2<0>' is 1
If you were to look at resultant table using any SQLite tool (including sqlite3), it will print 2 for second row - they all get confused by trailing 0 inside a BLOB when it gets coerced to string or number.
Note that I had to use custom param binding to coerce type to BLOB and permit null bytes stored:
$sth->bind_param(1, "2\0", SQL_BLOB);
Long story short, it is either some of your client programs, or some of client tools like Navicat which screwed it up.

SQLite SELECT statement where column equals zero

I'm preety new to SQLite.
I have a preety basic question.. Why can't I select rows where specific column equals zero?
The is_unwanted column is type TINYINT (which I see in SQLite basically means INTEGER)
So, I have only one record in the database (for testing).
When I try
SELECT is_unwanted FROM 'urls'
I get a result of "0" (zero), which is fine because that column contains the actual number 0.
I tried =>
SELECT * FROM 'urls' WHERE is_unwanted = 0
And got NO result, but
SELECT * FROM 'urls' WHERE is_unwanted <> 0
gives me result.
What am I doing wrong??
Try running
select '{' || is_unwanted || '}' from urls
to see if the value in the database is really a string containing spaces.
SQLite is a dynamically typed database; when you specify TINYINT is is a hint (SQLite uses the term "affinity") for the column. You can use
select is_unwanted, typeof(is_unwanted) from urls
to see the values with their types.
You could try:
SELECT * FROM urls WHERE coalesce(is_unwanted,'') = ''

Escape single quote character for use in an SQLite query

I wrote the database schema (only one table so far), and the INSERT statements for that table in one file. Then I created the database as follows:
$ sqlite3 newdatabase.db
SQLite version 3.4.0
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .read ./schema.sql
SQL error near line 16: near "s": syntax error
Line 16 of my file looks something like this:
INSERT INTO table_name (field1, field2) VALUES (123, 'Hello there\'s');
The problem is the escape character for a single quote. I also tried double escaping the single quote (using \\\' instead of \'), but that didn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
Try doubling up the single quotes (many databases expect it that way), so it would be :
INSERT INTO table_name (field1, field2) VALUES (123, 'Hello there''s');
Relevant quote from the documentation:
A string constant is formed by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). A single quote within the string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row - as in Pascal. C-style escapes using the backslash character are not supported because they are not standard SQL. BLOB literals are string literals containing hexadecimal data and preceded by a single "x" or "X" character. ... A literal value can also be the token "NULL".
I believe you'd want to escape by doubling the single quote:
INSERT INTO table_name (field1, field2) VALUES (123, 'Hello there''s');
for replace all (') in your string, use
sample = "St. Mary's and St. John's";
escapedSample = sample.replace(/\'/g,"''")
Just in case if you have a loop or a json string that need to insert in the database. Try to replace the string with a single quote . here is my solution. example if you have a string that contain's a single quote.
String mystring = "Sample's";
String myfinalstring = mystring.replace("'","''");
String query = "INSERT INTO "+table name+" ("+field1+") values ('"+myfinalstring+"')";
this works for me in c# and java
In C# you can use the following to replace the single quote with a double quote:
string sample = "St. Mary's";
string escapedSample = sample.Replace("'", "''");
And the output will be:
"St. Mary''s"
And, if you are working with Sqlite directly; you can work with object instead of string and catch special things like DBNull:
private static string MySqlEscape(Object usString)
if (usString is DBNull)
return "";
string sample = Convert.ToString(usString);
return sample.Replace("'", "''");
In bash scripts, I found that escaping double quotes around the value was necessary for values that could be null or contained characters that require escaping (like hyphens).
In this example, columnA's value could be null or contain hyphens.:
sqlite3 $db_name "insert into foo values (\"$columnA\", $columnB)";
Demonstration of single quoted string behavior where complexity or double quotes are not desired.
SELECT replace('SAMY''S','''''','''');
SQLite version:
SELECT sqlite_version();

HTML Encoding in T-SQL?

Is there any function to encode HTML strings in T-SQL? I have a legacy database which contains dodgey characters such as '<', '>' etc. I can write a function to replace the characters but is there a better way?
I have an ASP.Net application and when it returns a string it contains characters which cause an error. The ASP.Net application is reading the data from a database table. It does not write to the table itself.
We have a legacy system that uses a trigger and dbmail to send HTML encoded email when a table is entered, so we require encoding within the email generation. I noticed that Leo's version has a slight bug that encodes the & in < and > I use this version:
#UnEncoded as varchar(500)
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE #Encoded as varchar(500)
--order is important here. Replace the amp first, then the lt and gt.
--otherwise the &lt will become &lt;
SELECT #Encoded =
'<', '<'),
'>', '>')
RETURN #Encoded
It's a bit late, but anyway, here the proper ways:
HTML-Encode (HTML encoding = XML encoding):
SET #s = '<html>unsafe & safe Utf8CharsDon''tGetEncoded ÄöÜ - "Conex"<html>'
HTML-encode in a query:
SELECT CAST('<root>' + '<root>Test&123' + '</root>' AS XML).value(N'(root)[1]', N'varchar(max)');
If you want to do it properly, you can use a CLR-stored procedure.
However, it gets a bit complicated, because you can't use the System.Web-Assembly in CLR-stored-procedures (so you can't do System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlEncodedStr);). So you have to write your own HttpUtility class, which I wouldn't recommend, especially for decoding.
Fortunately, you can rip System.Web.HttpUtility out of the mono sourcecode (.NET for Linux). Then you can use HttpUtility without referencing system.web.
Then you write this CLR-Stored-Procedure:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
//using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
namespace ClrFunctionsLibrary
public class Test
public static SqlString HtmlEncode(SqlString sqlstrTextThatNeedsEncoding)
string strHtmlEncoded = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sqlstrTextThatNeedsEncoding.Value);
SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(strHtmlEncoded);
return sqlstrReturnValue;
public static SqlString HtmlDecode(SqlString sqlstrHtmlEncodedText)
string strHtmlDecoded = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(sqlstrHtmlEncodedText.Value);
SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(strHtmlDecoded);
return sqlstrReturnValue;
// ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test.GetPassword
//public static SqlString GetPassword(SqlString sqlstrEncryptedPassword)
// string strDecryptedPassword = libPortalSecurity.AperturePortal.DecryptPassword(sqlstrEncryptedPassword.Value);
// SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(sqlstrEncryptedPassword.Value + "hello");
// return sqlstrReturnValue;
public const double SALES_TAX = .086;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2kae45k(v=vs.80).aspx
public static SqlDouble addTax(SqlDouble originalAmount)
SqlDouble taxAmount = originalAmount * SALES_TAX;
return originalAmount + taxAmount;
} // End Class Test
} // End Namespace ClrFunctionsLibrary
And register it:
-- For unsafe permission
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[HtmlEncode]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlEncode]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[HtmlDecode]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlDecode]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies asms WHERE asms.name = N'ClrFunctionsLibrary' and is_user_defined = 1)
DROP ASSEMBLY [ClrFunctionsLibrary]
CREATE ASSEMBLY [ClrFunctionsLibrary]
FROM 'D:\username\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\ClrFunctionsLibrary\ClrFunctionsLibrary\bin\Debug\ClrFunctionsLibrary.dll'
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlDecode](#value [nvarchar](max))
-- [AssemblyName].[Namespace.Class].[FunctionName]
EXTERNAL NAME [ClrFunctionsLibrary].[ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test].[HtmlDecode]
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlEncode](#value [nvarchar](max))
-- [AssemblyName].[Namespace.Class].[FunctionName]
EXTERNAL NAME [ClrFunctionsLibrary].[ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test].[HtmlEncode]
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options' , '1';
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'clr enabled' , '1'
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options' , '0';
Afterwards, you can use it like normal functions:
dbo.HtmlEncode('helloäÖühello123') AS Encoded
,dbo.HtmlDecode('helloäÖühello123') AS Decoded
Anybody who just copy-pastes, please note that for efficiency reasons, you would use
public const double SALES_TAX = 1.086;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2kae45k(v=vs.80).aspx
public static SqlDouble addTax(SqlDouble originalAmount)
return originalAmount * SALES_TAX;
if you'd use this function in production.
See here for the edited mono classes:
You need to define NET_2_0 in the build options
You shouldn't fix the string in SQL. A better way is to use a function in ASP.net called HtmlEncode, this will cook the special characters that cause the issues you're seeing see the example below. I hope this helps.
string htmlEncodedStr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(yourRawStringVariableHere);
string decodedRawStr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlEncodedStr);
Since you're data binding this from a datatable. Use an inline expression to call HTMLEncode in the markup of the GridView or whatever control your using and this will still satisfy your data binding requirement. See example below. Alternativly you can loop every record in the data table object and update each cell with the html encoded string prior to data binding.
<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("YourColumnNameHere")) %>
I don't think data in a database should know or care about the user interface. Display issues should be handled by the presentation layer. I wouldn't want to see any HTML mingled into the database.
You can simply use 'XML PATH in your query'. For example;
SET #encodedString = 'give your html string you want to encode'
SELECT #encodedString
SELECT (SELECT #encodedString FOR XML PATH(''))
Now as your wish you can you this in your own sql function. Hope this will help.
If you're displaying a string on the web, you can encode it with Server.HTMLEncode().
If you're storing a string in the database, make sure the database field is "nchar", instead of "char". That will allow it to store unicode strings.
If you can't control the database, you can "flatten" the string to ASCII with Encoding.ASCII.GetString.
I haven't tried this solution myself but what I would try is utilise the sql server / .NET CLR integration and actually call the C# HTMLEncode function from the T-SQL.
This may be inefficient but I suspect it would give you the most accurate result.
My starting point for working out how to do this would be http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms254498%28VS.80%29.aspx
I've been trying to do this today in T-SQL, mostly for fun at this point since my requirements changed, but i figured one way out. You can use a table of unicode characters, built from the NCHAR() function or just import it, iterating from 0 to 65535 (or less if you just need the first 512 or something). Then rebuild the string. There are probably better ways to rebuild the string, but this works in a pinch.
---store unicode chars into a table so you can replace those characters withthe decimal value
CREATE TABLE #UnicodeCharacters(
DecimalValue INT,
UnicodeCharacter NCHAR
--loop from 0 to highest unicode value you want and dump to the table you created
WHILE #x <= 65535
INSERT INTO #UnicodeCharacters(DecimalValue, UnicodeCharacter)
SET #x = #x + 1
--index for fast retrieval
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CX_UnicodeCharacter_DecimalValue ON #UnicodeCharacters(UnicodeCharacter, DecimalValue);
--this is the string that you want to html-encode...
DECLARE #String NVARCHAR(100) = N'人This is a test - Ñ';
--other vars
DECLARE #NewString NVARCHAR(100) = '';
DECLARE #Word TABLE(Character NCHAR(1));
--run through the string and check each character to see if it is outside the regex expression
WHILE #Pos <= LEN(#String)
DECLARE #Letter NCHAR(1) = SUBSTRING(#String,#Pos,1);
PRINT #Letter;
--rebuild the string replacing each unicode character outside the regex with &#[unicode value];
SELECT #NewString = #NewString +
WHEN #Letter LIKE N'%[0-9abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-!##$%^&*()_+-= ]%' THEN #Letter
ELSE '&#' + CAST(uc.DecimalValue AS VARCHAR(10)) + ';'
FROM #UnicodeCharacters uc
SET #Pos += 1
--end result
SELECT #NewString
I know typically you would use [0-9A-Za-z], but for some reason, it considered accented characters within the scope of that expression when I did that. So I explicitly used every character that i didn't want to convert to Unicode in the expression.
Last note, I had to use a different collation to do matches on Unicode characters, because the default LATIN collation (CI or otherwise) seemed to incorrectly match on accented characters, much like the regex in the LIKE.
assign it to Text Property of label, it will be auto encoded by .NET
OK here is what I did. I created a simple function to handle it. Its far from complete but at least handles the standard <>& characters. I'll just add to it as I go along.
#UnEncoded as varchar(500)
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE #Encoded as varchar(500)
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#UnEncoded,'<','<')
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#Encoded,'>','>')
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#Encoded,'&','&')
RETURN #Encoded
I can then use:
Select Ref,dbo.HtmlEncode(RecID) from Customers
This gives me a HTML safe Record ID. There is probably a built in function but I can't find it.
