Upload documents to Buddypress activities without Groups - wordpress

A PHP/js developer called Stergatu has developed an awesome Buddypress plugin that allows users to upload documents as activity attachments. I want to use it to develop a file sharing site. It's very good but it has one restriction. The user must be in a group in order to upload documents.
Here is my comment on her blog - http://lenasterg.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/buddypress-group-documents-for-bp-1-7-and-wp-3-5-1/#comment-426
I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me is she cannot.
Ideally, not being in a group would be an option in the Worpress admin panel. This seems like a natural progression for the development of this plugin.

Try BuddyDrive plugin
Here is more info.


Social network with WordPress

My project is social network website which will be built on CMS. I have decided for WordPress. The thing is I am not so sure about my decision now.
Website should have features like login and register forms, profile making and editing, user generated content from front end of site, content making restriction only on registered users of website, publishing most popular posts on home page.
User posts should be public. What I mean by that is, while I was previewing themes, I noticed that most posts from users were posted in groups. I would like this website to work more like Facebook.
Is it possible to make this sort of website with WordPress without custom plugins? And could you recommend a theme for this sort of project?
Sorry for long question and thanks in advance :D
You should look into Social specific plugin/project for WordPress called BuddyPress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/
If you look into buddypress specific themes you might be able to find something which is similar to your goals.
Here is official website https://buddypress.org/ (it is open source free project by WP team)
It has a feature called Activity Stream which you might be looking for which is like FB timeline.

Wordpress website theme, hosting choice

I am new to word press. I would like to create a website that would have registered users with log in, able to accept online payments, able to upload documents by users and by administrator into a secure location unique for each user and protected by log in . I also would like to add 2nd language option where the website would change from one language to another language at a click of a button.
I need help with the choice of hosting service and theme and plugins to accomplish this task.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
of all For hosting You can contact me, I have a linux server running many quality websites so you can try it out but if you are really interested to spending a lot amount of money on hosting I will sugest you to go for WPEngines or purchase dedicated server.
For the language thing, your theme must have a new language (e.g spanish) .mo and .po file or you can use Google Translator plugin in sidebar.
The requirements you have said, generally you need to made a custom theme for it.
You will find many other wordpress tutorials here: http://9tutorials.org/tutorials/wordpress/

Wordpress Advanced Search Plugin

I want to design a Wordpress site that contains all of the usual Wordpress components (blog, contact us, image gallery, etc). I want to have a separate section of the site for "Books" and "Articles".
Admins will be able to enter a book/article with its detailed information (title, author, reference, etc.). I need to have a way for users (non admin) to be able to do an advanced search on these books entered by the Admin.
Should I use Wordpress for the entire site, and write a custom plugin for the book search piece? OR Have a custom PHP page for the searching? OR Is there a plugin that already exists where I could leverage Wordpress to do this advanced search for me? Any information to point me in the right direction would help.
Take a look at this Wordpress Plugin. It should provide you with what you need within the bounds of Wordpress. This should save time from having to write custom PHP code for this functionality.
There are probably other plugins available too that could work for you. One of the benefits of open source is there is a lot of user created content. This should help get you started.

Wordpress site user accounts

I am new to web development. I am trying to build a site using wordpress as a cms. As such i want to know whether there is any way to create user accounts, so that people can register with the site and login. We would have an online store and we would like users to be able to save and view orders.
I have seen buddy press, but it only works with some themes. Is there any other option available?
Thanks in advance,
You can add one of the free plugins such as "Login Logout". This is the one I am currently using and it lets new users register for accounts.
You need to search for it in your plugins tab in wordpress, then install and activate it. Then you need to go to your Widgets tab and include it. Then it should run on your website.
Yes, Wordpress has user management, I suggest you play around with wordpress to understand how it works. Download a few e-commerce plugins or user management plugins and see how it all works.
Buddy press just uses the same user management that wordpress has.
I'm sure the wordpress documentation is a good place to look for more information.

Wordpress or Drupal Users Report Module

I have to build a site that receives some custom report from my users and store them in a database. The users are able to view their reports and the department administrator comments on it. I was creating this myself using PHP although it was good but it's full of security holes and I get lost after a while when my code grows bigger.
I think if there is a module for drupal or wordpess that can benefit from grouping my users into separate groups that would be much easier.
Does anyone know if there is such plugin or would you recommend me some keywords to search with.
Thanx in advance
Sounds like Drupal would be a good fit for this. There would be (at least) two roles (one for regular users and one for administrators), and there would be a 'report' content type. Regular users would be able to upload reports and view their own reports and administrators would be able to comment on reports.
Drupal + CCK (and possibly the FileField module if users are uploading document files) would be able to handle all of this pretty easily.
Drupal with the CCK & FileField modules would work great (as Mike mentioned). Two roles would suffice (admin & regular user).
As for security, make sure to use the latest versions in Drupal 6 & stay on top of when those 2 modules get updated although Drupal makes it super easy for you through site notification. Along the lines of security, you'd want to 'hide' the login box from the homepage & use www.sitename.com/user for your users to login.
