Change Background when a different div is hovered - css

i am totally new in web design, and i am right now struggling with creating part of my website, i need to somehow make this happen:
When PART of the BODY BACKGROUND is HOVERED, make the background change to "B", and when the mouse is not over that part, I need it to change back to background "A".
I have seen some examples here but as i am a beginner, i have no idea how to use javascript, if you could please give me some light here, either on pure CSS or on how to apply javascript.
THIS is what i have so far: ( i tried using javascript) jsFiddle
body {
background-position:top center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
and THIS is what i wanted to show up when the COCONUT is HOVERED:
This works, (Of course the hover div doesn't fit perfectly on the fruit)
In your previous example, you've never closed a "li" tag. Remeber, always close them.


CSS transition of div on hover over only part of div?

Let me see how well I can explain this. I am working on an index on a website that is in a div that is pushed off of the page via css margin with only part of it showing. When you hover over the part that is showing, the rest slides down into view. This works fine. I already have the transition effect in place for the margin change slide and also a background color change with rgba. It looks very nice.
My question is, the index is around 500px wide and the visible part before hovering is 70px high. So that is a fairly large area of the screen for people to accidentally catch with their mouse hover if they are not trying to display the index div. Is there some way that I can only make part of the initially visible portion of the div activate the hover transition animation to bring the full div into view? Or perhaps someway I can attach a smaller div to this one as a sort of tab, that will bring down the larger div and itself via transition on hover?
I hope this makes sense. Thank you.
Here is the basic idea of the current code:
#index {
margin:-430px 0 0 -500px;
#index:hover {
margin:0 0 0 -500px;}
<div id="slider"><div id="trigger"><br></div></div>
solution without jQuery:
sorry i usually just browse jquery questions, so i didn't check the tags lol
Using only CSS you can use another block, or a pseudo-element to overlay the parts of block where you don't want to have transition, and then, after hover, make z-index for the element with transition bigger than overlaying element, so all the contents of it would be accessible.
Here is a fiddle with an example:
This comes from the position:relative property. I strongly feel that your current div tag has position relative property. Please remove that.

CSS issue: Links on page becoming unclickable when other element is positioned "absolute"

This is a longer story I'm trying to cut short. Generally I'm playing around with a website menu that is supposed to partly slide under a partly transparent background gif image, and fully reveal itself only upon mouseover. To do that, I'm using the z-index parameter on both the background image and the menu. But since you can't use z-index on a body background image, I'm using a "regular" image, which I'm setting to 100% width and height - AND for the z-index paramenter to work, I need to specify "position" as well. It seems though that with that combo, I'm basically creating an invisible shield that'll make all links untouchable. I've cooked it down to the following lines:
#style {
position: absolute;
<div id="style"></div>
If you try this, you will see that the "test" link is unclickable (cross-browser).
Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this? Thanks!
#style {
position: absolute;
a {position:relative} /*won't change position of the link, but shows link above.*/
<div id="style"></div>
#style {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
.test {
z-index: 99;
<div id="style"></div>
Will work too, along with campino2k's answer.
Thanks for the replies, which pointed me in the right direction. It seems like the div does indeed create an invisible shield, and that shield is (more or less) inpenetrable when it comes to underlying links.
Click through a DIV to underlying elements
#Logan: I'm afraid that approach doesn't work for me. You're suggesting to simply raise the link above the div shield - that, however, defeats the original purpose I've described above (the one with the background image and the menu sliding underneath it).
#campino: I thought this was it, but adding a z-index definition to "style" broke it again. The fact that you colored the entire div field helped me understand what you obvously already knew: As long as the div is over the link, it's not clickable, period.
So all in all, I'm concluding that my approach doesn't work. For the actual project I'll probably cut up my asymmetric background image into several pieces, so the div doesn't cover the entire screen, and is only where I absolutely need it.
I think setting a z-index, though it might work doesn't really address the problem but a kind of a hack that achieves what you want.
The root cause of unclickable links is mostly an element that is improperly positioned through floating, display, or position property. This element is displayed in the foreground of your link creating a shield that prevents you from clicking the link.
The solution to this I found is to use javascript/jquery to console.log or alert the id or class of the element in the foreground when you click.
$('*').click(function (){
alert('class = ' + $(this).attr('class') + ' id = '+ $(this).attr('id'));
above will alert the element in the foreground. Now that you know the cause look at its style.

div:hover positions swap image differently in different browsers

I've used the div:hover CSS rule to achieve the desired affect - an image "swap" when the mouse hovers over a navigation image:
My setup here, however, is not actually a "swap." The main navigation image is a flattened jpeg of the entire desk (for faster loading), and there are empty divs over each item on the desk to map the image with links. When these empty divs are moused over, the div:hover rule fills the div with a .png that is meant to be placed precisely over the main desk image to give the effect of an image swap.
It works nicely in Firefox, but I do not understand why Safari is positioning the :hover image over the desk differently than Firefox is - each :hover image is about 1 pixel off, making it look like the seperate images on the desk are actually shifting a bit when moused over. Any suggestions??
I've had trouble using the :hover pseudo-class on elements other than <a></a>. You could use (jquery/javascript) to alter the class of the said <div> using onmouseover and onmouseout events.
With onmouseover, add a class that defines a certain background image. With onmouseout remove that class.
Even easier, use jquery .hover()
reposition your links after adding this to your css:
a div {
line-height: 0;
I've come across this issue before and found that it had to do with the size of the image. When the image is an odd-number pixel size on one of its dimensions, the calculations done by Firefox and Chrome/Safari (particularly when using center) are slightly different. Essentially, it has to do with sub-pixel rounding.
Simply add or subtract a pixel to your images on the axis that has an odd number length, to make them an even number (ie - instead of 100x123, make it 100x124) and you should be golden.
No need to use Javascript, this can certainly be achieved using just CSS. In my opinion, your best bet is to use the technique discussed in this article on CSS Sprites:
Essentially, for each item on your desk, place the hovered and non-hovered image in same image, one on top of each other, so that the top area has the non-hover state, and the bottom area has the hover state. Your code will probably look like this modified:
div#keyboard2 {
position: absolute;
left: 89px;
top: 256px;
width: 67px;
height: 160px;
background: url(../images/keyboard.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
#keyboard2:hover { background-position: 0 100%; }
Your desk image will then be empty, and of your items will just be on top of it.

CSS menu using image sprite with transparencies

This is my issue.
I have a menu using an image sprite, the image has transparencies, but when I add a :hover, it works, but I am still able to see the original image at the end.
Is there a way to make the hover show the image that I want and REPLACE the original one?
You can replace an image by using it as a background-image instead of using the <img> tag.
But most of the times, this is slow and another way is maybe good practice:
Create an image that has the :hover image next to it [img|hoverImg]
Do a styling with background-position to change the background.
Like this:
background-image: url('hello.jpg');
background-position: 100px; /* Or whatever measure your image is */
The problem with this, is that the image size is fixed. You really have to specify it, instead of just doing this with an image.
I like this as the best way. If you want to set the src in your <img>, this can be done with Javascript, but is much heavier most of the time, because you have to load an extra image from the server.

How to achieve a photo "stack" border effect with CSS?

I'd like to be able to add a class to images that adds a border that makes them look like a stack of photos. Anyone know how to do this?
Clarifications: Ideally something like the stack shown here but it doesn't need to be interactive and only needs to work for a single photo. I also don't mind using javascript if needed (jQuery would be preferred though).
The "depth" affect is probably going to be some type of drop shadow. Do you need to rotate the photos as well for the "messy photo pile" effect or are you looking for a "neatly stacked" look?
The "messy photo pile" effect seems to me to break down into three components:
Put a background behind the image for the "polaroid" look (explained in other comments
Put a drop shadow behind the image for the "depth" effect (explained above and in other comments
Rotating images. I've never done this myself but it looks like someone has coded the Jquery plugin you are looking for.
Place your IMG tag inside a nested set of DIV elements (the number of divs will determine the number of photos in the stack). Then use CSS to set the border and padding so that the DIV elements get progressively larger than the photograph. Generally you will add more padding to the bottom and right.
CSS3 it's supported by everyone yet, but you might want to look into border-image.
Put a div around the image and then have 2 styles defined.
<div class="img-shadow"><img ...></div>
.img-shadow {style.css (line 456)
margin:5px 0 0 0;
.img-shadow img {style.css (line 461)
border:3px solid #000000;
margin:-8px 8px 8px -8px;
in the .img-shadow class, define a graphic for your background that's large enough for your images, and looks like a stack of photos. The above makes it look like the photo is casting a shadow.
Below is my recommendation which has a clear and simple CSS which results in a perfect photo stack.
