I have some keywords that show up in separate inline-block elements with 10%(=80px) width. Currently I am setting overflow:hidden; for longer words, but it's not a good practice. I want that if some of these keywords are longer than usual, their parent div (the one with currently 10% width applied to) should be twice its size: 160px. I wonder if this can be solved with CSS3 only.
I'll try to explain it visually:
+__longer text____+
+______way longer text_____+
instead of
+overflow hi+ or +random width to fit text+
If the text does not fit in 80px, its container should be 160px. That simple. Please help me.
I can't think of any way to do this in CSS, but with a little JavaScript magic you can make it work:
// assuming all elements are in a container with id="container"...
var qsa = document.getElementById('container').children, l = qsa.length, i;
for( i=0; i<l; i++) {
if( qsa[i].scrollWidth > 240) {
// this one handles REALLY long text by cutting them off with "..."
qsa[i].style.textOverflow = "ellipsis";
qsa[i].style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
if( qsa[i].scrollWidth > 160) qsa[i].style.width = "240px";
else if( qsa[i].scrollWidth > 80) qsa[i].style.width = "160px";
// else do nothing, leave the deafult 80 width
Let me start with i am sorry for the long post.
I'm attempting to use the bootstrap carousel and unfortunately the pictures i have been given are NOT uniform. for example some are 100x200, doe are 150x100, etc. The aspect ratios are different, letter vs landscape. Ive attempted a number of things, including the using the following helper function on load of each of my images in the Carousel:
function ScaleImage(srcwidth, srcheight, targetwidth, targetheight, fLetterBox) {
var result = { width: 0, height: 0, fScaleToTargetWidth: true };
if ((srcwidth <= 0) || (srcheight <= 0) || (targetwidth <= 0) || (targetheight <= 0)) {
return result;
// scale to the target width
var scaleX1 = targetwidth;
var scaleY1 = (srcheight * targetwidth) / srcwidth;
// scale to the target height
var scaleX2 = (srcwidth * targetheight) / srcheight;
var scaleY2 = targetheight;
// now figure out which one we should use
var fScaleOnWidth = (scaleX2 > targetwidth);
if (fScaleOnWidth) {
fScaleOnWidth = fLetterBox;
else {
fScaleOnWidth = !fLetterBox;
if (fScaleOnWidth) {
result.width = Math.floor(scaleX1);
result.height = Math.floor(scaleY1);
result.fScaleToTargetWidth = true;
else {
result.width = Math.floor(scaleX2);
result.height = Math.floor(scaleY2);
result.fScaleToTargetWidth = false;
result.targetleft = Math.floor((targetwidth - result.width) / 2);
result.targettop = Math.floor((targetheight - result.height) / 2);
return result;
function OnImageLoad(evt) {
var img = evt.currentTarget;
// what's the size of this image and it's parent
var w = $(img).prop('naturalWidth');
var h = $(img).prop('naturalHeight');
//var tw = $(img).parent().width();
//var th = $(img).parent().height();
var tw = $(img).parent().parent().parent().parent().width();
var th = $(img).parent().parent().parent().parent().height();
// compute the new size and offsets
var result = ScaleImage(w, h, tw, th, true);
// adjust the image coordinates and size
img.width = result.width;
img.height = result.height;
$(img).css("left", result.targetleft);
$(img).css("top", result.targettop);
and using the following for each of my images for the carousel
<img src="~/Images/Img1_Tall.jpg" alt="Tall" id="firstImage" onload="OnImageLoad(event);" />
and for the FIRST image in the carousel it works great, but each one after that they seem to just end up their natural size and are horizontally centered but are just against the top boarder of the carousel.
I've even changed the "onload" to pass the values of the length and width of the image but that didn't work either, in debug it seems only the first image kicks off the "onload" event.
the effect i am going for is if the ratio of the container is 3:4 and the ratio of the image is 1:2, the image stretch to meet the left and right edges and would center vertically and have letter box above and below, but the container does not change so that the navigation buttons of the carousel do not move. if the image is 2:1, the image would stretch to meet the top and bottom centered horizontally with letterboxes on the right and left, again keeping the navigation buttons unmoved.
any help would be appreciated... including:
what you are trying to do is crazy
do you want to do something like http://jsbin.com/zotelasa/1 . With that code I can get the active items w,h or any other variables you used in your code to run scale image. Because of parent.parent codes it applies to carousels main divs but you can set your own container.
The quick and dirty solution would be to resize the images using an image editor, and save the properly-sized images to a folder named eg carousel_images. Then whenever you get new content you simply run the image through your editor. With a carousel you're most likely dealing with a number of images in the several to dozens range and not hundreds or thousands.
A more complicated solution is explain to your image provider that you need everything one size. The images aren't going to look right if you're stretching and skewing them on the fly, and you can show them an image with the aspect ratios wrong to explain what you mean.
Finally, as a technical solution, I would try to find out why your image resizer is only being run on the first image. From the sound of it, other images just aren't being run through your function. I think that the technical solution should be a last resort in this case because, like I said, the end results are just not going to be as good. You should at a minimum, if possible, handle each image by hand to make sure the result is adequate.
...And the answer is a little long too...
• I assume that the width’s image’s parent is a constant, and while you don’t change the width’s viewport that must remain.
A-. Get the width’s image’s parent…
(Because the id attribute I took the grand parent’s parameter, that is (must be) the same than the parent’s one).
B-. With the below value deduce the height’s image’s parent, including the preferred ratio (in this case 16x9…
C-. … And with this, set the images’ parents height collection (all the elements with class=”item”).
D-. In order to conserve your carousel’s responsive characteristic, you must add the $F_getAdjustImagesParents function to the window resize event.
E-. Set the slide’s images position to absolute (Note: That must be via JQuery because if you do it in Css the bootstrap carousel will not display correctly. I did it with a new class for the images ('myCarouselImgs').
• Bootstrap carousel’s event 'slide.bs.carousel' and 'slid.bs.carousel'.
As you know, after the ‘click’ event, the slide.bs.carousel event is one of the firsts events that imply the change from the present slide to the next one; while the 'slid.bs.carousel' one is the end of the process.
F-. In the first one (slide.bs.carousel event), using the ‘relatedTarget’ variable of the Bootstrap’s plugin, the item’s id attribute and a item’s data attribute, get the number of the next item (ensure that these last ones -id attribute and data attribute- be present).
G-. In the second one, 'slid.bs.carousel', get the image’s size. For that you need to identify the implied image. I gave an id to each one. With this and the value obtained in previus step, it can do it.
H-. Well, now you already have the four values required for the ScaleImage function. You can call it…
I-. … And apply the result with some effect
var $parentImgW = ' '
var $parentImgH = ' ';
var $myCarousel = $('#myCarousel')
var $carouseItems = $('.item');
function $F_getAdjustImagesParents(){
$parentImgW = $myCarousel.width(); // A
$parentImgH = ($parentImgW*9)/16; // B
$carouseItems.height($parentImgH+'px').css('max-height',$parentImgH+'px'); //C
console.log('$parentImgW ====> '+$parentImgW);
console.log('$parentImgH ====> '+$parentImgH)
$(window).on('resize',function(){ // D
$('.myCarouselImgs').css('position','absolute'); // E
$myCarousel.on('slide.bs.carousel', function(event) {// The slide’s change process starts
var $slideNum = $("#"+event.relatedTarget.id).data('slide_num'); // F
console.log('$lideNum ====> '+$slideNum)
$myCarousel.on('slid.bs.carousel', function(event) {//The slide’s change process ends
var $imgW = $('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).width(); //G
var $imgH = $('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).height(); //G
console.log('$imgW ====> '+$imgW);
console.log('$imgH ====> '+$imgH);
var $result = '';
$result = ScaleImage($imgW, $imgH, $parentImgW, $parentImgH, true); //H
console.log('$result.width ====> '+$result.width);
console.log('$result.height ====> '+$result.height);
console.log('$result.targetleft ====> '+$result.targetleft);
console.log('$result.targettop ====> '+$result.targettop);
$('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).animate({ // I
top:$result.targettop+'px' },
See it runnig at https://jsfiddle.net/nd90r1ht/57/ or at https://jsfiddle.net/omarlin25/nd90r1ht/59/
Anybody know how I could wrap the text in reverse order, from bottom to top?
I attached an example image.
Instead of breaking the line after it is full and having an incomplete line at the end, I need to brake somehow from bottom to top, so bottom lines are full and top line is incomplete.
I would not recommend using exotic CSS attributes which aren't even in Chrome & Firefox yet. The best cross-browser solution is to handle this in Javascript when the document loads. Here's a sketch of how to do that:
$(function() {
$(".title").each(function(i,title) {
var width = 0;
var originalHeight = $(title).height();
var spacer = $('<div style="float:right;height:1px;"/>').prependTo(title);
while (originalHeight == $(title).height()) {
spacer.width( ++width );
spacer.width( --width );
Working JSFiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/zephod/hfuu3m49/1/
6 years later, but fret not! I have found a pure CSS solution!
Turns out you can achieve this result with flexbox, but it's not obvious or very straight forward. This is what I started out with:
I want the header to be "bottom-heavy", the same effect as you describe in the question.
I began by splitting up my string by whitespace and giving them each a <span> parent. By using flex-wrap: wrap-reverse, and align-content: flex-start. You will achieve this:
Oh no! Now the order is messed up! Here comes the trick. By reversing both the order in which you add spans to the HTML and the direction order of flex with 'flex-direction: row-reverse', you actually achieve the "pyramid-shaped" upwards overflow effect you desire.
Here is my (simplified) code, using react and react-bootstrap:
<Row className='d-flex flex-wrap-reverse flex-row-reverse align-content-start'>
.split(' ')
.map(word => (
<span className='mr-1'>{word}</span>
There is no general css solution for it. You must have to utilize help of any language.
This is one of the solution using PHP:
$str= "This is what I want to achieve with your help";
$str = strrev($str);
$exp = str_split($str,18);
$str = implode(">rb<", $exp);
echo strrev($str);
Well, if that is depending on the text, then you can try something like a word replacer. For example
var words = "This is what I want to achieve";
var newWords.replace("what", "what <br />"); // note the line break
Here is a fiddle for you: http://jsfiddle.net/afzaal_ahmad_zeeshan/Ume85/
Otherwise, I don't think you can break a line depending on number of characters in a line.
Wrap and Nowrap will be rendered by the client-browser, so you can not force the browser to wrap from bottom to top. but you can do that with javascript or asp.
This is not a formal solution for this problem. But see if this helps.
<div id="mydiv">
I can imagine the logic behind the code having to detect what is the last line, detect the div size, and the font size... then measure how many characters it can fit and finally go to the above line and insert the break where necessary. Some font families might make this harder, but trial and error should solve the issue once the basic code is set..
Here setting the div width around 50 times that of the font-size will give you the precise result. Other width values or font values might slightly disorient the last line, giving some blank space after the last character.(Could not solve that part, yet).
//GET the total height of the element
var height = $('#mydiv').outerHeight();
//Get the height of each line, which is set in CSS
var lineheight = $('#mydiv').css('line-height');
//Divide The total height by line height to get the no of lines.
var globalHeight = parseInt(height)/parseInt(lineheight);
var myContent = $('#mydiv').html();
var quotient = 0;
//As long as no of lines does not increase, keep looping.
//Add tiny single blank space to the div's beginning
$('#mydiv').html(' '+myContent);
//Get the new height of line and height of div and get the new no of lines and loop again.
height = $('#mydiv').outerHeight();
lineheight = $('#mydiv').css('line-height');
quotient = parseInt(height)/parseInt(lineheight);
myContent = $('#mydiv').html();
//get the final div content after exiting the loop.
var myString = $('#mydiv').html();
//This is to remove the extra space, which will put the last chars to a new line.
var newString = myString.substr(1);
If you already know where you want your breaks to take place just use simple HTML breaks to break your content and have it display the way you want.
<p>This is what<br/>
want to acheive with your help</p>
If you set the breaks manually (and you know where you want them to break) then create them yourself.
You could also try setting separate css width adjustments based on the dimensions of the screen you are seeing the breaking you are not liking and set an #media reference to make the div width smaller to break the text so it doesn't run unevenly across the top of certain size devices.
Use display: inline-block; on the text div.
Could you please help me to achieve layout as in this example?
Sample items in this list loads dynamically into view and length can be various. And it seems like the count of dots should change according to this. I try to use <table> element but it only I can set is dotted border to bottom and this is not my case because I need it in the middle of the row.
You could make the dots a vertically centered background for the TD. The content itself has a white background, so that the dots are hidden under the text.
Example here:
Here is what you could do in a quick and easy way with just CSS. Just create three blocks(div's). And give a bottom border to the middle div. Then move it's position a bit higher(margin-top with a negative value). I guess that's what you needed.
If you're using table, then no problem. Just add another div inside the second column. And add the bottom border as I said above. And move the div upper. Simple.
Here's a javascript solution. The idea is to set the font to monospace, and then place dots depending on the number of characters in a given row relative to the max number of characters in the samples column.
var samplePts = new Array( new Array("Sample",23), new Array("Longer Sample",9), new Array("Much Londer Sample",125) );
var maxSampleLen = 0;
for (var i=0; i<samplePts.length; i++){
var currLen = samplePts[i][0].length;
if (currLen > maxSampleLen){
maxSampleLen = currLen;
for (var i=0; i<samplePts.length; i++){
var outputStr = "<div style='font-family: monospace;'>"+samplePts[i][0];
for (var n=0; n<maxSampleLen-samplePts[i][0].length+5; n++){
outputStr += "·";
outputStr += samplePts[i][1]+"</div>";
I'm looking for a way to have a HTML container fit the width of one of its children.
OK I know, this is how it already works by design.
But! I also need another children to collapse with a "text-overflow: ellipsis". Problem is: to apply such a property, you need this children to be in "display: block" mode, which makes it enlarge the container width.
Is there any secret time to achieve what I'm looking for.
Here is a JsFiddle in case you don't get it or want to give it a try.
Edit : by the way, and this is important, I'm targetting specifically Internet Explorer 10.
As watson said, there is no "shrink-to-fit" css rule. So, you have two choices:
Set the size of the .overflow elements manually and statically. So, instead of width:100%, you put width:330px.
Use javascript to resize the .overflow elements dynamically. (I'm assuming you have more than one.) You said you wanted to shrink to the biggest internal div. Let's say you have several divs you might want to shrink to, but you want to shrink to the largest of them. First, you set them all to a class like this:
border: solid 2px salmon;
width:auto; /* necessary for some browsers' offsetWidth */
display:inline-block; /* gives it the width of the contents */
And you put javascript something like this at the top of the page:
var goods = document.getElementsByClassName('good-width');
//collect the widest one's width
var maxwidth = 0;
for(var x = 0; x < goods.length; x++) {
if(goods[x].offsetWidth > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = goods[x].offsetWidth;
//set the width of the overflow divs to match
var overflows = document.getElementsByClassName('overflow');
for(var y = 0; y < overflows.length; y++) {
overflows[y].style.width = maxwidth + 'px';
If I misunderstood, and you're trying to match specific overflows to specific good-widths, you should assign each element an id and do things that way:
document.getElementById('overflowID').style.width = document.getElementById('good-widthID').offsetWidth + 'px';
If it were my website, I would actually combine both #1 and #2, in order to have it look at least decent for those who don't have javascript. That is, you set a static width to the overflow things that isn't too far off, then allow the javascript to overwrite it if it can.
I have a MultiLine asp:Textbox (a standard html textarea for those non-asp people) that I want to be auto-sized to fit all it's content only through css. The reason for this is that I want it to be of a specified height in the web browser, with scrolling enabled.
I have implemented a print style sheet however and want all text located in the textarea to be displayed when printed with no overflow hidden.
I can manually specify the height of the textarea in the print.css file problem with this being that the fields are optional and a 350px blank box is not optimal and there is always the possibility of a larger amount of text than this...
I have tried using :
height: auto;
height: 100%;
In IE and Firefox respectively yet these seem to be overridden by the presence of a specified number of rows in the html mark-up for the form which must be generated by .NET when you do not specify a height on the asp:Textbox tag, this seems to only accept numercial measurements such as px em etc...
Any ideas?
What you are asking for (a css solution) is not possible.
The content of the textarea is not html elements, so it can not be used by css to calculate the size of the textarea.
The only thing that could work would be Javascript, e.g. reading the scrollHeight property and use that to set the height of the element. Still the scrollHeight property is non-standard, so it might not work in all browsers.
jQuery or a javascript function to find and make textboxes bigger might be the best solution - at least thats what i found
we use this set of functions and call clean form after the page is loaded (i know this isnt the best solution right here and am working to transfer to a jQuery solution that is more elegant) - one note make sure your textareas have rows and cols specified or it doesnt work right.
function countLines(strtocount, cols)
var hard_lines = 1;
var last = 0;
while (true)
last = strtocount.indexOf("\n", last + 1);
if (last == -1) break;
var soft_lines = Math.round(strtocount.length / (cols - 1));
var hard = eval("hard_lines " + unescape("%3e") + "soft_lines;");
if (hard) soft_lines = hard_lines; return soft_lines;
function cleanForm()
var the_form = document.forms[0];
for (var i = 0, il = the_form.length; i < il; i++)
if (!the_form[i]) continue;
if (typeof the_form[i].rows != "number") continue;
the_form[i].rows = countLines(the_form[i].value, the_form[i].cols) + 1;
setTimeout("cleanForm();", 3000);
If you set rows to be a ridiculously high number the CSS height rule should override it on the screen.
Then in the print stylesheet just set height to auto. This might result in some big blank space where all the available rows haven't been filled up, but at least all text will be visible.
give jQuery's autogrow() a go #