Call a piece fo CAS login webflow - spring-webflow

I have a CAS 3.4.9 using the login webflow.
I need to call directly the login webflow at a particular action/view.
How can it be done?
If it is not possible (I believe a security reason), How can have on CAS another "service" using another webflow?
And in this manner, what is the link I must use to call it?
Thank you.

You have two options. Extending the class in which you want to make the call, for instance at generateServiceTicket, or create a new class and inject your class into the CAS login webflow.
I have injected a trap in my CAS login webflow to check to see if a user has accepted a policy in the last 365 days.
Normally in the warn decision state, it will return the redirect action state, but instead I am trapping the user so the policy will be checked.
<decision-state id="warn">
<if test="flowScope.warnCookieValue" then="showWarningView" else="checkPolicy" />
It then transitions into my checkPolicy state
<action-state id="checkPolicy">
<evaluate expression="checkPolicyAction"/>
<transition on="success" to="redirect"/>
<transition on="error" to="viewLoginForm"/>
<transition on="redirectPolicy" to="redirectPolicy"/>
<transition on="gateway" to="redirectPolicy"/>
The expression checkPolicyAction is defined in the cas-servlet.xml to the java class which executes the doExecute method and returns back to the webflow various states as you see in the previous xml. Just to top it off, redirectPolicy redirects the user to a new service that will then have them accept the policy and they can then continue on to what they intended to do.
Take a look at - This is where a company has extended the login-webflow of CAS to trap for password updates. This is where I got most of my ideas on how to trap the user. Also the CAS User Manual is a great resource.


Cannot register a filter to the CXF bundle in my bundle

I am having trouble using the Pax Web Whiteboard service to register a javax.servlet.Filter to a running JaxRS endpoint registered through CXF. I have tried a few different approaches, namely registering the Filter as a service, and using the org.ops4j.pax.web.service.WebContainer to register the filter directly.
For my test, i booted karaf, and installed pax-web, webconsole, cxf and the pax-web whiteboard service.
I the registered a bundle with a blueprint:
<blueprint xmlns=""
<jaxrs:server id="webfiltersample" address="/webfilter">
<ref component-id="serviceBean" />
<service id="servletFilterService" interface="javax.servlet.Filter">
<entry key="filter-name" value="BasicWebFilter"/>
<entry key="urlPatterns" value="/*"/>
<entry key="initParams" value=""/>
<bean class="test.webfilter.BasicWebFilter"/>
<bean id="serviceBean" class="test.webfilter.WebFilterSample" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy">
<property name="bundleContext" ref="blueprintBundleContext"/>
However, this filter is never called. I have tried both using servlet names and urlpatterns, going so far as to attempt the urlpattern /*
I then tried a slightly different approach, removing the service declaration from the blueprint, and adding the filter directly though the init method of the blueprint instead:
public void init(){"Starting Sample");
filter = new WebFilter();
ServiceReference<WebContainer> ref = bundleContext.getServiceReference(BasicWebFilter.class);
WebContainer container = bundleContext.getService(ref);"Registering "+ filter + " with "+ container);
container.registerFilter(filter, new String[]{"/cxf/*"}, new String[]{""}, null, null);
The method is indeed called, as reflected by the log statements, but the filter is still not executed.
So am i completely wrong in how this works? My "Application" is really just an endpoint registered to the CXF servlet. This part is working, and i can call the REST services defined therein. But no matter what i do, the filter is not executing. I am working with a few libraries here that i don't really know that well (Servlets/Filters, Pax-Web and the Writeboard extender) do i have no idea why exactly this isn't working? My guess is that there are different httpcontexts for each bundle, and that i can't simply register a filter for another bundle (CXF) in my own test bundle.
If this is true, can someone tell me how to properly go about this problem? I could get the CXF bundles bundlecontext and register the filter to that, but that seems like a terrible horrible hack.
If that is NOT the case, can someone tell me why this is not working?
You are right, every bundle should have it's own httpContext. With Pax-Web it's possible to have shared httpContextes. For this you need to enable it for the bundle initially registering the httpContext. Though in this case it's the cxf bundle that does take care of it. As the shared context is a pax-web only feature (till v6 where OSGi R6 is implemented), this won't be added to cxf as cxf tends to rely on the smallest possible solution, which is the HttpService.
Basically even though it's possible to share httpContextes with different bundles, it's not possible for you with this scenario.
I propose to use JAAS instead of shiro as a way to login and store the authentication information. You can then use this in shiro as well as in other security implementations to do the authorization.
For CXF there is a JAASLoginFeature. It can receive basic auth as well as UserNameToken. See
This also has the advantage that it works the same way as the standard karaf authentication. So by default you can define users and groups in etc/ but you can also for example attach karaf to ldap.
If you use blueprint then you can use blueprint-authz do role based authorization using annotations. See and

Authorizing <app-route> paths using <firebase-auth> in Polymer 1.0

Just getting started with Polymer 1.0. My Single Page Polymer 1.0 application has multiple routes.
<paper-drawer-panel id="mainPanel" class="flex" >
<app-router id="router" class="flex" mode="pushstate">
<app-route path="/" element="page-landing"></app-route>
<app-route path="/user" element="page-user"></app-route>
<app-route path="/admin" element="page-admin"></app-route>
....// more <app-routes>
I would like to use <firebase-auth> with google as provider on landing page <page-landing>;
On Successful Authentication, I would like to navigate to <app-route> paths based on authorization
<page-admin> only ADMIN can see
<page-user> any logged in user can see
Say <page-landing> provides option to login as Admin or User.
How do I implement Authorization based routes? And in all <app-routes> I need to check the user isAuthorized or not. Could any one please point to an example of implementing this?
Have a look at iron-meta to store pagewide states like isAuthorized.
For distinguishing between secured pages and public once, you have to take care yourself. Use a change observer for the page path or selecteditem or similar.
Regarding authentication and authorization you are in bad luck, because all subpages are imported via the html link tag and you cannot attach any header.
But actually it is not really a problem. Because in general you like to secure the data of each page and not the whole itself. And html import only loads the view/page-template and you still have to populate it with the client data. This you usually request with an ajax call, which you can give an auth-header as normal.
Hope these descriptions help you find your way...

spring security logout trigger

I want to remove logged out user from a Hashmap I have for logged in users but I don't find the way to do this as when I press the logout link. It just redirected to login page.
In spring security I have
<logout invalidate-session="true"
logout link is like
When I press this link it just go to my login mapping
public ModelAndView login(){}
and when I try to get user detail using
it returns me anonymous user. So how can I get the logged out user detail.
Please let me know if you need more details.
Add an implementation of interface as a bean to your security context.
Then you can use it:
<logout success-handler-ref="yourLogoutSuccessHandler" />
As mentioned by Marcel this solution will not work out of the box because you can't mix success-handler-ref and logout-success-url attributes (reference). I prefer slightly different solution : instead of inheritance, you can use composition:
Prepare configuratio for SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler bean.
Set up logout-success-url via corresponding defaultTargetUrl property.
Inject SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler bean into your CustomUrlLogoutSuccessHandler using LogoutSuccessHandler interface and call it after doing your stuff.
Advantage is that you will be less coupled with a framework code. So you will have less problems in a case of migration from Spring Security 3.1 to Spring Security Y.Y
The hint about the LogoutSuccessHandler is correct. However, you have to consider that configuring success-handler-ref and logout-success-url are mutually exclusive if I'm not mistaken. Hence, you need to implement the forwarding to URL manually in your success handler. Pointer:
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
In your applicationContext-security.xml file add the success-handler like below
< logout logout-url="/resources/j_spring_security_logout" success-handler-ref="" />
Create the Class which will be implemneting interface and in it's logout method do all the stuff you want at the time of logout.

Is it posible to use request parameters in spring webflow view?

I am newbie in Spring Webflow and I am migrating and old Java MVC application to Spring MVC + WebFlow.
Navigation in our old application worked with URLs like this /MyServlet?action=myAction&status=1 and we need to mantain them in the new application. So we have create a Controller that controls all requests to MyServlet with
#RequestMapping(value="/MyServlet", method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET})
In this controller we have old servlet code who execute actions. This solution permit us use old code under Spring control.
Now we want to use WebFlow, but all views are expressed with URLs mention above and when I try to create a flow, it seems to be invalid. I have the following error:
The reference to entity "action" must end with the ';' delimiter
This is my XML flow file:
<view-state id="idIn" view="/MyServlet?action=myAction&status=1">
<transition on="list" to="idList" />
<view-state id="idList" view="/MyServlet?action=myAction&status=2">
<transition on="new" to="idNew" />
<view-state id="idNew" view="/MyServlet?action=myAction&status=3">
<transition on="out" to="idOut" />
<end-state id="idOut" view="/MyServlet">
Is it possible to use URL with parameters in Spring WebFLow? How could I do it?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Spring WebFlow has its own URL structure, with all states within a flow sharing a single URL for the whole flow. So you're not going to be able to maintain your current URL structure and use Spring WebFlow at the same time.
Thus, individual states within the flow are not directly accessible, even if you could transform the URLs with something like mod_rewrite, you'd be trying to jump into the middle of a flow, which is not how Spring WebFlow works.
Also, the view in the view-state is supposed to be a view-rendering technology like a JSP or Tile definition. It's an internal reference to a specific view, not the URL visible to the external user.
The reference to entity "action" must end with the ';' delimiter
This error uses to appear when character & is written to pass paramters in the URL. Just write & instead that character and the error should be fixed.
Hope this helps.

Application design in Spring MVC

I'm new to Spring MVC and trying out a simple project.It will contain a simple adding, viewing, updating and deleting user work flows. It will have login page and once authenticated the user will be taken to a welcome screen which will have links to add, view, update and delete users. Clicking on any of the links will take to individual pages where the user can do the specific tasks. What I'm doing here is, I'm using a MultiActionController to group together all requests related to User work flow. So the request from "Add User" link will handled by the addUser method in the UserController which will redirect the user to the "Add User" page, and the user can then fill in the details and save the new user. Now here is where I'm getting confused. Where should I put the save process of the new user, should I put that in new method inside UserController, or use the same "addUser" method. What is the best way to handle this kind of scenario.
I hope I was able to clear my question.
did you try to check the Petclinic example which is in the Spring distribution? There you can find all the CRUD operation examples and much more...
Based on your example I suggest that you implement a "goto action page" method and a "perform action" mthod in your UserController. For the AddUser operation, the "goto action page" method might be AddUserPage() which performs any necessary initialization and setup required for the "add user" page then forwards the request to the "add user" web page and the "perform action" method might be AddUser() in which you implement the action of adding a user to your website.
For a "Delete User" action, you might have a "DeleteUserPage" and a "DeleteUser". etc.
The idea here being that you need a method in the MultiActonController to send the user to the correct page and another method to implement the desired action. The name of the methods is not important, but I suggest that you name them consistantly (for instance, xxxPage() sends the user to the xxx activity page and xxx() implements the xxx activity).
