Incorrect Buddypress Links - wordpress

I recently installed Buddypress on a new Wordpress site. I'm having a problem getting Buddypress links to work. My site's permalinks are set to 'post-name' ( but when I click 'Register' for example (a Buddypress link) it goes to
Anyone know how I can change Buddypress link structure?

There should NOT be index.php/ in your permalinks.
Go to Permalinks admin page and remove it using input. And check that you have .htaccess file in the root of your WP install.
This codex article will be useful for you as well.


Wordpress Permalink issue on subdirectory wordpress

I have installed wordpress inside one folder called blog. when we open the blog, the blog links are broken 404 page error. How do i fix this issue, if its installed on root directory it will work, but this time it is directory, Is there any way to fix this issue
Normally such issues can be fixed easily by refreshing your permalinks. To do that go to WP > Settings > Permalinks and click on the save button once.
On some servers it is not allowed to edit .htaccess by clicking save in that section, therefore if you get an error; contact your hosting provider.
You may also want to check that the URL of your site corresponds to the URLs shown inside of WP > Settings > General.
First ensure your server support rewrite_ module
1.Login your WordPress dashboard
2. Click Settings Permalinks and change your permalink then click save

Wordpress display readme page instead of home page. Other page and wp-admin are working

I have this problem, when i try to get the home page of my wordpress installation, wordpress displays the readme page. The other page are all workings, also wp-admin. I checked database, checked correct URL in wp-option, checked wp-config.php, checked the .htaccess file. I also disabled plugins and changed theme. I don't know what to do again to solve this situation. i updated to 4.0.1 version.
Inside Wordpress administration go to:
Settings -> Reading -> "Front page displays" -> "A static page" ->and choose the page you want to see there, in your case, something related with Home (Some pages are added by the Theme, so you should have the required theme activated).

Wordpress cannot find a link

I have a link in wordpress website. However, I cannot find the link to edit. I try to find it in pages and in template. I tried to edit a page but the page is empty. So where does wordpress placed my link? Is it in database or somewhere?
Homepage template can be index.php, home.php or front-page.php located in your theme's folder.
Find out which page is being loaded as your homepage in Settings -> Reading under Front page displays.
All the content in WordPress should also be accessible from within your Admin Panel. You have to find that out yourself. Only people who have access to the Admin Panel knows about that. Ask the person who was responsible for this if you must.

Permalink Redirect from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html in Wordpress Hosted Blog

I've just changed my permalinks from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html
So, links which are in /%postname%/ are showing 404 error.
I want to redirect those links to /%postname%.html in order to avoid 404 error page.
Changing the permalink settings with extension will effect only in posts, not in pages. In many instances like this I always use this plugin, it is a short plugin and editable, you can change the extension (.html) to many other like: .asp, .shtml, etc.
But please note: if you do an edit to your permalink setting please deactivate the plugin and activated it again when your done. Because if you change the permalink setting and didn't deactivate and activate this plugin all the page will appear as not found.
You can see the plugin stats to see how many people used the plugin.

Wordpress posts go to homepage

When you go to a post page - such as:
What you see is the same as the main blog homepage:
What's going on?
Make sure you have a single.php in your theme, and you've setup your permalinks in the backend properly (Settings -> Permalinks).
