How to access my sites on IIS 7.5 from outside my network on Windows Server 2008 - iis-7

I'm new to Windows Server 2008 and IIS, so please be patient.
I want to access my sites from outside my network.
I can browse my sites from the localhost, it's working.
I've added a binding to my site, Type: http, Host Name:, port: 80.
I have a static IP from my ISP, and my router is forwarding http requests to my server.
If I remove the Host Name and access directly using my network IP address, I get my site, but I want to provide a host name to the site because I'm going to add another web sites.
I've added to the DNS with my IP address.
What should I do next?

I found the answer to what I was looking for, I should've done this:
create virtual application under default website on IIS,now I can access the website using STATIC_IP_ADDRESS/ .


Access Multiple Web Sites Hosted on single server on local network from workstations

I am trying to set up a secondary web site hosted on our local domain controller running IIS-8.
I already have one site working successfully thought our network, the default site.
I have successfully got the second one to work on the localhost (the domain controller Server 2012-R2), but I can't seem to access it from any of the other workstations on our network.
I added the new site.
Set the binding to IP address:, Port:80, Host
I have modifed C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts to show, and I have added an alias to the forward lookup Zone in the DNS Manager. (,, Target Host:
I can't seem to access the site from any of the network work stations. I have tried many combinations of addresses,,, \mydc\, etc.
I would imagine that I am probably missing something simple. I just don't know it is.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
To get your server accessed from other workstation. You have to promise
Your IIS site can be accessed via IP address directly.
the client workstation is using your DNS
Your client workstation is not bypassing your DNS server by .pac proxy
So could you get access the website via IP address by disabling default website and set the site to unassigned IP or with null domain name?
If you want to access the website via Then you shouldn't set FQDN like because Web browser will never consider as an alias but a different server. That's why When you set FQDN like, you could get work by access http://dyo and you could also access website via but fail with
How to set DNS correctly
To get it work, please create an new primary Forward Loopup Zone named Then create a new HOST(A) record to map to your machine name like and Then create an Alias(CNAME) called www to map to this A NAME. Then the FQDN will be
Finally bind your IIS site and access the website should work.
PS: Please make sure your other workstation is not using a proxy.

Deploying my website to the pulic using IIS and windows server

I recently bought a domain. Let's say my domain is "", and I made a website in visual web dev. using ASP.NET and VB.NET. I also have an old computer that I turned into a home server so I installed windows server 2008 R2 SP2. So I uploaded my website to a folder and went to the IIS manager. There I added a website, set the sitename to "" application pool to "ASP.NET v4.0". Then the physical path to: "c:\websites\wwwroot\" then in the bindings I added 3 different things.
type hostname port IP adress
http 80 my IP found at www.what'
http 80 my IP found at www.what'
http *blank* 80 server's internal IP)
I made sure port 80 is open in my router and I added a firewall inbound rule for port 80.
When I connect using I get my website and everthing works like it should.
However when I connect using or I see a 404 page.
Also when I change my bindings and I change the IP for and like displayed below:
type hostname port IP adress
http 80 server's internal IP)
http 80 server's internal IP)
http *blank* 80 server's internal IP)
It works just like it's supposed to?
I have done a DNSlookup on the domain and it's active. I'm a little bit stuck on this and I know you guys aren't experts on hosting but you all probably have more knowledge about this then I do.
You should check what is the server IP address (netstat), because you could use a proxy and then the Internet IP info will be not correct.
Also, make sure that you set the correct home page in IIS.

Not able to browse website through using domain name on IIS server

I have got a strange problem while setting up my .NET website on IIS server on Amazon EC2 instance.
I have created a new website giving its path to my website folder in IIS 7.5.
I have given the ip address and DNS in domain settings.
And configured the host name in bindings section of website with
I am able to browse it through the IP address but not able to browse it using domain. It is showing some service page...
Can any one help me?
You need to configure your host header in IIS. Here's how to do it on IIS 6.0 for example:
Also, does actually resolve to your IP address?
It sounds like the A record for for the domain isn't set to the correct IP address. Have you confirmed that the changes took AND that they've propagated to your computer? If you ping, do you get the correct IP?

Make Website Accessible Online with an IIS Server and a Static IP

I have a window server 2008 with an IIS 7.0 and Static IP. The website (with PORT: http:80 & https:443) is running well on it. Now, I deployed another website on it using same IP address but with Port http:180. The another website is working good locally but not accessible on web.
What are next steps to make website online?
That should be it. If you can access it locally with http://localhost:180, then IIS is listening on the port and should be serving requests. If you are not able to access it remotely via, I would suspect that a firewall somewhere is preventing connections over this non-standard port.

Getting site running in IIS 7 Issues

This is driving me nuts. I am trying to setup a webiste on our dev server with a specific url name as an example. mystupidsite is not the same name as the dev server.
1) specify a specific url to use for the website I create in IIS
2) run it and use that url to access it
I have:
1) created a new site in IIS 7 in Server 2008
2) attempted to access it via the site name which I set to the desired url and port 8888. So if we want it to be I setup the website name to mystupidsite in IIS 7.
3) I even tried to create an application under mystupidsite with the same name in IIS 7.
The server is definitely accessible and pingable on the network from my local PC, we have other stuff installed on this new server. Do I need to create an application or is just creating the website enough in IIS 7? I specified the IP as the server's IP in the website I made.
For the host name in the bindings of the site I put
when I try to access the site via it can't find it and the site in IIS7 on the dev server is running. It's running on a HyperV instance which is our dev server. Everything else has worked just fine. I just wnat to understand how to get a specific url by name setup.
Do I need to add something in the hosts file on the server or something?
You're not going to be able to have a site on your dev box answer to both the and domain names.
Unless you have the domains registered and have your domain's nameserver directing that name to your dev machine, IIS is only going to answer to requests either the machine name on the network or the IP address of your machine (in addition to and localhost).
The only thing you're going to be able to do outside that scenario is set up two sites on two different ports on your machine and access them from http://localhost:80 and http://localhost:8888 (or network computer name equivalent).
you need to have an entry in dns to be able to hit the server when using
Because you have the site running on an alternate port you should be able to get to it by http://your-server-IP-address:8888
If you want to test it locally using the host name and do not have access to dns you can add the appropriate entries to the hosts file on your local machine (c:\windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts)
What happens when you type 'nslookup'? Do you get the IP address of the virtual server?
Do you have the windows firewall enabled on the server? if so, did you add an exception for port 8888?
add a default binding (no host header / blank) and try accessing it by IP
