Make Website Accessible Online with an IIS Server and a Static IP -

I have a window server 2008 with an IIS 7.0 and Static IP. The website (with PORT: http:80 & https:443) is running well on it. Now, I deployed another website on it using same IP address but with Port http:180. The another website is working good locally but not accessible on web.
What are next steps to make website online?

That should be it. If you can access it locally with http://localhost:180, then IIS is listening on the port and should be serving requests. If you are not able to access it remotely via, I would suspect that a firewall somewhere is preventing connections over this non-standard port.


remote access to iis website by ip addess

I developed an mvc website and deployed it to my local IIS with success. I can access to the website by localhost:8080/site
I wanted to access the website from remote pc, I binded my website to the ip of my pc (windows 10) (the external ip with the routeur), I added a rule to the inbound calls for the port of the website with the windows firewall manager but I can't access the website remotely by the address http://ip-adress:port/website, I get timeout error.
How can I access this website
We made a VS Extension called Conveyor, you can get it from the extensions dialog or it tunnels through firewalls to allow access to your website from outside, even if incoming calls are blocked by your ISP, as mentioned in the comments.

How to access my sites on IIS 7.5 from outside my network on Windows Server 2008

I'm new to Windows Server 2008 and IIS, so please be patient.
I want to access my sites from outside my network.
I can browse my sites from the localhost, it's working.
I've added a binding to my site, Type: http, Host Name:, port: 80.
I have a static IP from my ISP, and my router is forwarding http requests to my server.
If I remove the Host Name and access directly using my network IP address, I get my site, but I want to provide a host name to the site because I'm going to add another web sites.
I've added to the DNS with my IP address.
What should I do next?
I found the answer to what I was looking for, I should've done this:
create virtual application under default website on IIS,now I can access the website using STATIC_IP_ADDRESS/ .

unaccessible IP address using IIS 7

Recenly a network card was intalled on the server so that I can have a new IP address for my application.
Whend deploying the application on the server using IIS (using the "add site" feature) and then test the site , the site works perfectly fine from withtin the server
but when I try to access it from outside the server I get the message saying that the site is not reachable
any reason why this is happening ?
Sounds like a firewall issue. First make sure the windows firewall isn't blocking IIS. Also make sure your IT team has setup that IP address as an external server.
A few other questions about your server
1) What type of services are you hosting and is it on the standard ports? (Exhaustive list of ports on Wikipedia)
2) What version of IIS are you using?
3) Do you have a firewall/load balancer/etc between your server and the web?

Setting up IIS 7 webserver - have static ip and port forwarding, what could be wrong?

I am trying to set up a simple website on an IIS 7 server on my home machine. It is going to have light traffic and will only be up for a little while so I don't want to go the commercial hosting route. I am having trouble accessing the site from outside of my local network. So far my setup is:
IIS 7 with the default iis7 page (this is sort of my control/test page)
Static IP
port forwarding on port 1108 from my extermal ip:1108 to my static internal ip:1108
Any idea what could be wrong? My friends who are trying to connect say that they are not getting a "could not connect to server" error on their end.
If this is a standard iis install it is running on port 80 and not 1108.
Also check if "windows firewall" is enabled on your network connection. If the firewall is on it should allow http traffic (under 'allowed programs and features') Application Accessible to other machines

I have application..its runnning on my localhost.. i need one more machine to access that application.. but when in tht link i type my IP address instead of localhost.. it showing cannot find server.. can you plz tell me steps what i need to do in orderr to access appplication to other machine.. as such there is no UAT server as of now...
First off, make sure your firewall allows access through port 80.
Then, check if your IIS allows access from outside IP's.
I can help more if you provide this:
Your OS (XP, Windows 7, etc)
the local link to your app. Is there a port number needed to access the app?
LaterEdit: Ok, then you need to do this:
Now, your app will be served by IIS on port 80 (default). Check your firewall to allow traffic through this port.
If you IIS is set for another port, then use that one.
Checking the port in IIS:
I'm going to assume that you are running the application from Visual studio which allows the localhost to run.
In order for your application to be available to other machines on the network, you have to ensure that IIS is installed on your development machine and then a website is set up for that application as well.
The application existing in IIS is what will make it accessible across your network.
