Excluding a single category from Wordpress all posts results - wordpress

I'm looking for a bit of help as I struggle to create a page that has a list of all of my clients' products. Currently I'm using this URL, which works great (with a caveat): http://tayloryourevent.com/?p=*
(note: on her site, both products and blogs are created as posts, but in separate categories)
As you can see, all the products show up nicely, but also included in the mix are blog posts, which I need to hide from that page.
My real problem is that I'm confused by the /?p=* and what that's doing. Since it's a page being created on the fly, I don't know where to look to get a glimpse behind the scenes.
2 questions:
Where is the /?p=* getting its theme from? Could I copy that theme and edit it to exclude the blog category?
Could I exclude the blog category with some kind of fancy URL work?

This plugin should be able to exclude blog categories: Simply Exclude


wordpress website- implement search sort and filter

i am using avada fusion theme in my wordpress site, different plugins work fine if i need to search posts and pages, but i need to search/sort/filter in a page where i have created 100+ containers/items as a list(like slides or templates).
how can i get it done?
And also what would be a good approach if my list is going to be long i.e 400+ in near future?
re: i have different graphical and text included items in a page with same templates, and i need to search, sort, filter from that list in that page.
I do not see any option to tag or id each template/containers in page which would make search/sort easy.
thank you in advance

Wordpress run Classifieds? a good idea?

I'm building an inventory/classified for all my products onto a wordpress site. Is this a good idea?
The question i have is how to seperate them all.
I have about 50 product categories (which wont fit the menu).
I need to find a way to query and show the items for each category out as they onto an independant page.
For example. I have engines, tires, rim, hoods. I need a page to show all engines together and not the others.
Thanks it advance, I hope the question is clear
Wordpress is fine, i am working for a company, in which i used wordpress to create an auction. It had a ton of categories and products. I created a custom post to allow users to create items for the auction. Added categories which i used to filter through the products, ie: All, Arts & Entertainment, Sports, Dining, Golf, etc. I created pagination so it shows the products on multiple pages
Learn more about Custom post types here Custom Post Types
Hope this helps

Custom post-type child category archive

Having a bit of a headache with WordPress at the moment after days of searching for an answer. I have a custom post-type on a new site called videos, and I want series of videos on the site. I decided to use standard categories for organising these videos into the series.
So, my structure goes:
Videos (post-type) -> Series (Category) -> The Making Of (child-category).
In terms of the hierarchy I have no idea which template would allow me to show all the posts from the child category? I've tried so many variations and none seem to work. And yes, I've been looking at the template hierarchy.
Maybe I'm just missing the obvious, but does anyone know what template is needed to show this child-category? I'd hate to have to make a page each time there's a new series to show.
So, I've changed over to a custom taxonomy as suggested in the comment below. And I've managed to get the list of posts from my making-of category showing up in a list. This uses the taxonomy-$term.php template.
This shows in the url mysite.com/series/making-of/.
But, I'm struggling to find a way to display all of the different categories from the post-type on a single page. I thought it would use just the taxonomy.php file but that doesn't seem to work.
I thought the url would have been mysite.com/series/

Category Listing Page with posts filtered to selected tag on Wordpress Blog

I'm working on a Wordpress 3.4 project. I have categories and then several tags, and also one custom taxonomy as types.
Wordpress is fantastic as far as it handles all the taxonomy page, but I'm unable to figure out how to have pages where I have categories listing page (with pagination) specifically filtered to a selected tag or custom taxonomy.
So basically I want Categories, but then again, I also need to have a categories page with all posts filtered to specific tag, and then with pagination.
I have tried to figure out how to do that, but unable to find the exact doc or help. The issue is also with the URL, as how it will be formed?
Any idea how to fix that one, or any plugin to get this things done?
I think these two codex pages will help you along your way.
You can use WP_Query to query posts based on tags and categories/custom taxonomies and much more.
If you look at the template hierarchy you'll see you can use special template files for tags and taxonomies too. Just remember to flush your permalinks if you're not seeing these templates being used if you create one.

Own domain for each category

I'm running an existing Wordpress blog about a single topic with cleary distinguishable subtopics. Those subtopics generate enough interest and content that they could easily be a blog by themselves.
As I'm just running this one blog, each of this subtopics represents a category. For SEO reasons I now would like to run each category on its own domain. For better understanding:
www.category-a.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-a/
www.category-b.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-b/
www.category-c.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-c/
The navigation and links within the blog to other posts in different categories should always end up in the correct domain.
Is there any plugin or any different way to accomplish a behaviour like this?
Thanks & Cheers!
Could you not just map the document root of each domain to myblog.com/category/category-a/
