Own domain for each category - wordpress

I'm running an existing Wordpress blog about a single topic with cleary distinguishable subtopics. Those subtopics generate enough interest and content that they could easily be a blog by themselves.
As I'm just running this one blog, each of this subtopics represents a category. For SEO reasons I now would like to run each category on its own domain. For better understanding:
www.category-a.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-a/
www.category-b.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-b/
www.category-c.com displays content of myblog.com/category/category-c/
The navigation and links within the blog to other posts in different categories should always end up in the correct domain.
Is there any plugin or any different way to accomplish a behaviour like this?
Thanks & Cheers!

Could you not just map the document root of each domain to myblog.com/category/category-a/


wordpress blogs in different pages

I have a page containing a set of images linked to other pages. How can I make each of the linked pages a separate blog?
To give you some more context, each image represents a challenge that I set myself up to and I would like to have a separate 'blog' for each challenge to document my progress. So far I have managed to link pages together and navigate from the page containing all the challenges to the page containing the details about 1 single challenge. However the latter page is not a blog so I cannot add new posts to the page. If I try to write a new blog post it gets added above the challenges(list) page
This is a link to the page that I am refering to.
Thanks in advance for your help
What you need to do is use categories for your posts - like Challenge One and Challenge Two - and then your posts will be automatically organized into category archives. Add a third category - called All Challenges - to all the posts and that category archive will list all posts in all three categories by chronology.
The URLs to the category archive pages will be something like this, depending on your category names and slugs, and how you set up your category base in Settings>>Permalinks.
Link those category archive URLs from your images on your main page that has a gallery of images for each challenge post category.
You can make up custom category templates for each category, so the layout and design can be different.
There are multiple ways you can achieve this in WordPress. Let me tell you the easiest one:-
Using Post Categories
Follow the steps below:
Step1: Break your challenges into different categories, for example Challenge 1, Challenge 2, and so on... You can easily do that by creating and choosing the right category while writing a post.
Step2: Go Settings->Premalinks in your WordPress dashboard and choose "Post Name".
Step3: Now you have to find the new links for your challenge images. You can find these links in Post->Categories tab within your dashboard. Once you are in the categories browse page within your WordPress dashboard, just hover over the category whose link you want and you will see a "View" tab which will take you to that particular category page. This category page will show only the posts that you have published under that particular category.
Step4: Once you have the category link with you just update it in the respective challenge image link.
I hope you will be able to resolve your issue with this.

Excluding a single category from Wordpress all posts results

I'm looking for a bit of help as I struggle to create a page that has a list of all of my clients' products. Currently I'm using this URL, which works great (with a caveat): http://tayloryourevent.com/?p=*
(note: on her site, both products and blogs are created as posts, but in separate categories)
As you can see, all the products show up nicely, but also included in the mix are blog posts, which I need to hide from that page.
My real problem is that I'm confused by the /?p=* and what that's doing. Since it's a page being created on the fly, I don't know where to look to get a glimpse behind the scenes.
2 questions:
Where is the /?p=* getting its theme from? Could I copy that theme and edit it to exclude the blog category?
Could I exclude the blog category with some kind of fancy URL work?
This plugin should be able to exclude blog categories: Simply Exclude

Wordpress run Classifieds? a good idea?

I'm building an inventory/classified for all my products onto a wordpress site. Is this a good idea?
The question i have is how to seperate them all.
I have about 50 product categories (which wont fit the menu).
I need to find a way to query and show the items for each category out as they onto an independant page.
For example. I have engines, tires, rim, hoods. I need a page to show all engines together and not the others.
Thanks it advance, I hope the question is clear
Wordpress is fine, i am working for a company, in which i used wordpress to create an auction. It had a ton of categories and products. I created a custom post to allow users to create items for the auction. Added categories which i used to filter through the products, ie: All, Arts & Entertainment, Sports, Dining, Golf, etc. I created pagination so it shows the products on multiple pages
Learn more about Custom post types here Custom Post Types
Hope this helps

WordPress: Isolating posts on a certain topic, to one section of a site

First, I've only programmed a lot of HTML, know a little PHP and am playing with Wordpress, experimenting and learning it the way I learn everything else, trial and error, heavy on the error.
The subject line isn't very clear I'm sure. I have a site set up for writing. The posts act as categories and to a Page menu for static submissions. All posts, in the theme show up on page 1, 2, etc. Great.
What I'm trying to figure out and want is this. I want a separate section of Posts just for one topic, in this case movie reviews. So the main section of the site is general posting. I want a separate section where users can post to their hearts content but have those movie posts REMAIN in one section and not be mixed in with the "general population." Ok, they click on the Movie Review link on the main page. This takes them to the Site Admin where they can write a review in TinyMCE and Publish it. IS there a way that these Posts can show up in a section of their own?
I've even installed a second WP site for this purpose. Wonderful, but now I have to transfer all registered users there and any new ones. That's insane. Plus, the user would have to log in twice, once for the original and once for the Movie WP. Also unacceptable.
If I'm on the wrong site to ask this question, let me know and my apologies. Otherwise, some guidance would keep me from my endless Google search.
You can use Categories to mimic this. So your movie reviews would be at mysite.com/category/movie-reviews/. You would then modify index.php to exclude the movie reviews category from the main page.
If you're comfortable with using php, you could instead use custom post types. This is a better solution, but would require more custom coding. The bottom of the Codex page I linked to has some excellent walkthroughs on using CPTs.

Best practice for multiple blogs using wordpress

I am a novice at Wordpress but I am very familiar with PHP and programming.
I have a somewhat complex website that I would like to program in Wordpress. I have ~40 static pages, ~5 different blog pages, a home page that display some static text and lists the newest posts in each of the different blogs.
My question is what is best practice when it comes to setting up multiple blogs? Should I set up different authors and query by author? Should I set up one author and multiple categories or tags and then query by those categories/tags?
I would like things as simple as possible. Right now on the dev site I have everything set up using categories. My worry is that the user might forget to select a category for his post (and then it would never show up).
If I switch to using multiple authors is there a way I can view all of the posts by one author? Similar to categories (/category/%categoryName%/).
You could segment it by author, but the support for that isn't as robust as you'd probably need. I would suggest using WordPress Multisite:
