Cannot retrieve data from multiple tables - symfony

I have written the following query builder statement but it always returns null except when i remove "andWhere" clause. Any ideas?
$userQuery = $usersRepo->createQueryBuilder('u', 'ud')
->from('Test\Bundle\Entity\UserDetails', 'ud')
->where('u.userdetailsid =')
->andWhere('ud.passwordtoken = :tokenid')
->setParameter('tokenid', $em->createQueryBuilder()->expr()->literal($tokenid))
$test = $userQuery->execute();


How to add a count number to an array of data : Doctrine

In fact, after returning a result of data from the database using Doctrine,
I'm trying to add the row count number, without calling another query request.
This is my function:
public function search(QueryBuilder $qb, string $search)
$qb = $qb->addSelect('COUNT(n) as count');
$search = $this->escape($search);
$qb->expr()->like('n.title', $qb->expr()->literal('%'.$search.'%'))
This is my DQL:
SELECT n, COUNT(n) as count FROM CoreBundle\Entity\News n LEFT JOIN n.category c WHERE n.title LIKE '%re%'
And I need to return as a result a all my data with a count key that refer to the number of rows.
The problem that I'm getting only the first row with id = 1, and it seems that the count number is correct.
So the result should by something like that:
['count' => 2 , [Newsn1,Newsn2]
Don't tell me to use array_count because I need to get the count of rows in the database, and I have a setMaxResults function, so I will not get a real number of rows.
I don't know the configuration of your table, I just can imagine. So, here's my try:
For getting counts for all titles in your table:
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles FROM newses GROUP BY title
# DQL. assuming you are using a Repository method:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('n');
->select("COUNT( AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(n.title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles")
->leftJoin('n.category', 'c')
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
For getting counts for a particular title:
SELECT COUNT(id) AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles FROM newses WHERE n.title LIKE '%news%' GROUP BY title
# NewsRepository.php
public function getTitlesCount($title)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('n');
->select("COUNT( AS count, GROUP_CONCAT(n.title SEPARATOR ', ') AS titles")
->leftJoin('n.category', 'c')
->where('n.title LIKE :title')
->setParameter('title', "%{$title}%")
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();

count total rows returned by query in doctrine 2 zf2

$countQuery = $qb->select(',,d.numbers')
->from('Application\Entity\quests', 'q');
->leftJoin('q.dots', 'd');
$query1 = $countQuery->getQuery()->getResult();
now how would i get the total number of results returned
**i don't want to write 2 queries** bcz it will increase the execution time than
i have tried
$countQuery = $qb->select('count( as total_results,,d.numbers')
->from('Application\Entity\quests', 'q');
->leftJoin('q.dots', 'd');
$query1 = $countQuery->getQuery()->getResult();
but its not working
The getResult() method returns an array of results. To count total results returned by getResult() method simply count it with PHP function count.
$countQuery = $qb
->from('Application\Entity\quests', 'q')
->leftJoin('q.dots', 'd');
$query1 = $countQuery->getQuery()->getResult();
$totalResults = count($query1);
If you want to paginate your query then in case of counting total rows you need to execute two queries. One for paginated results and other to count all rows in the database.

Where and how to use NULLIF(X,Y) function of SQLITE?

I know that NULLIF(X,Y) function of SQLITE work equivalent to:
X = Y
and IFNULL(X,Y) function work equivalent to:
IFNULL(X,Y) function of SQLITE is used for replacing the NULL values of X to the Y but I can't understand the use of NULLIF(X,Y) function of SQLITE.
Please explain with examples, so it is more useful.
The IFNULL function is used when the database contains NULL values, but you want to handle those values as something else; for example:
SELECT Name, IFNULL(Age, 'unknown') AS Age FROM People
The NULLIF function is used when the database contains special values that are not NULL, but that you want to handle as NULL.
This is useful especially for aggregate functions. For example, to get the number of employees that get bonuses, use:
This is the same as:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Bonus != 0
In practice, NULLIF is not used as often as IFNULL.
I use NULLIF() when UPDATing or INSERTing rows containing NULLable fieds.
Basically with PHP :
$value1 = 'foo';
$value2 = '';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) '
. "VALUES(NULLIF('$value1', ''), NULLIF('$value2', ''))";
// => INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES(NULLIF('foo', ''), NULLIF('', ''))
// => INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES('foo', NULL)
It saves me doing things like :
$value1forSQL = ($value1 === '' || $value1 === NULL) ? 'NULL' : "'$value1'";
$sql = ...
. "VALUES($value1forSQL, ...)";

Doctrine2 Join count on same table returning empty array

->select('m, COUNT(pm) AS newResponses')
->from('entities:PrivateMessage', 'm')
->where('m.employeeId = :employeeId AND m.responseTo = 0')
->innerJoin('entity:PrivateMessage', 'pm', 'WITH', 'pm.responseTo = AND pm.employeeRead = 0')
->setParameter('employeeId', $employeeId)
->orderBy('', 'DESC');
Let's assume there are two messages with employeeId = 1 and responseTo = 0. One of those messages also has two responses (therefore two other records with responseTo = messageId). The other has none. The result I would expect from this query is two arrays with the entity object as index 0, and the count as index numResponses (value of 2 for the first row, 0 for the second). What I'm getting back is an empty array on $messageQuery->getQuery()->getResult();
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may be happening? Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
Actually, I seem to have fixed it by switching to a leftJoin.

symfony2 doctrine select IFNULL

Ok i have this code:
IFNULL(, AS effectiveID,
IFNULL(s2.status, s1.status) AS effectiveStatus,
IFNULL(s2.user_id, s1.user_id) as effectiveUser,
IFNULL(s2.likes_count, s1.likes_count) as effectiveLikesCount
FROM statuses AS s1
LEFT JOIN statuses AS s2 ON = s1.shared_from_id
WHERE s1.user_id = 4310
And i need to rewrite it to querybuilder. Something like that?
$fields = array('IFNULL(, AS effectiveID','IFNULL(s2.status, s1.status) AS effectiveStatus', 'IFNULL(s2.user_id, s1.user_id) as effectiveUser','IFNULL(s2.likes_count, s1.likes_count) as effectiveLikesCount');
->where('s1.user = :user')
->andWhere('s1.admin_status = false')
->andWhere('s1.typ_statusu != :group')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->setParameter('group', 'group')
->leftJoin('WallBundle:Status','s2', 'WITH', '')
->innerJoin('s1.user', 'u')
->orderBy('s1.time', 'DESC')
This error is
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 7: Error: Expected known function, got 'IFNULL'
Use COALESCE instead of IFNULL like this
$fields = array('COALESCE(, AS effectiveID','COALESCE(s2.status, s1.status) AS effectiveStatus', 'COALESCE(s2.user_id, s1.user_id) as effectiveUser','COALESCE(s2.likes_count, s1.likes_count) as effectiveLikesCount');
COALESCE return the first value not null in the list, so if A is null and B not null, then COALESCE(A,B) will return B.
There is a Doctrine extension that adds this among others.
This is the DQL file from IFNULL.
This chapter explains how you use them.
