Wordpress configuration on live server showing error - wordpress

I have made some configuration in wordpress themes and plugins. It worked fine in localhost. After that I just uploaded the files to wordpress(Plugins and themes). After that in search field when I tried to search something it showed an error like
Warning: include_once(wp-load.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/foledrname/public_html/clients/london/wp-content/plugins/wp-easybooking/widgets/ajaxProposeLocation.php on line 15.
In localhost all the things are working just perfect. So can someone kindly tell me whats the issue here?

it seems on page ajaxProposeLocation.php where you are loading wp-load.php with include statement its path is wrong
you should not include wp-load.php in wp plugin becoz Both the plugin directory and the wp-content directory can be moved around in the installation. ALL the WordPress files could be moved about in this manner, are you going to search around for them?
You’ve just doubled the load on that server. WordPress and the PHP processing of it all now have to get loaded twice for every page load.
may i ask why you are loading wp-load.php ?


Elementor Plugin on Wordpress keeps loading and I get a console error /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500

how are you?
My website was working well and now I'm unable to create or edit pages using elementor because the 'loading' keeps spinning and nothing happens.
I see a console error where I get /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500
How can I fix this? I don't know what caused it.
there are many reason for this. But the common one is WP memory limit issue.
To handle this, first you need to edit the wp-config.php file on your WordPress site. It is located in your WordPress site’s root folder, and you will need to use an FTP client or file manager in your web hosting control panel.
Next, you need to paste this code in wp-config.php file just before the line that says ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.’
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
This code tells WordPress to increase the PHP memory limit to 256MB.
Once you are done, you need to save your changes and upload your wp-config.php file back to your server.
I had this problem too, I just disabled plugins one by one and I found the problem!
one of my plugins caused this problem.

WordPress website down

I'm new to programming & I have learned how to create websites using WordPress technology. I have created a website www.popstudio.in and it was working fine before.
Recently when I try to access the website, I get the following error.
The popstudio.in page isn’t working
popstudio.in is currently unable to handle this request.
I have attached a screenshot, refer screenshot
This is WordPress based website.
I have renamed the plugins folder and still the website was down.
I have renamed the themes folder still the website was down.
Common Solutions for the 500 Internal Server Error.
The two most common causes of this error are a corrupted .htaccess file and exceeding your server’s PHP memory limit.
The .htaccess file in your WordPress directory can become corrupted after you install a plugin or make another change to your WordPress site. The fix is simple. All you need to do is create a new .htaccess file.
PHP memory limit issues often occur as the result of a poorly-coded plugin running on your site or a site that’s grown considerably over time and is using too many plugins. You’ll begin to exceed the PHP memory limits set by your hosting provider once either of these things happen. The result is a 500 internal server error.
Error 500 is a very generic error message. The information you're providing is not enough for someone here to help you.
The first place you want to look at is the log file. On an Apache server it is a file called error_log in the directory of your site.
You can check if your .htaccess file is properly configured.
Otherwise get in touch with your web host support!
Good luck
Have you tried to delete (after make a backup) the .htaccess file on the root path of the site? If it work, just resaved permalinks from the back-office after that.
Most of the 500 errors on WordPress are due to a problem with this file (corrupted, rights problem ...).
Go to wp-config.php and update it
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false);
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
Make sure that once you have found your issue, to return it back to 'false'. Just as a security 'best practice'.

Wordpress site not loading wordpress folders

I developed a wordpress site on my localhost and then hosted it later but after completing it, the site was just appearing without been styled. I had to debug from developer tools and noticed the entire wordpress folder is not been loaded. i have cross check the file path from my cpanel and every thing is intact but still not working. Only the index file is been loaded with an error message of:
failed to load resource::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
Any solution?
Does the error message tell you what resource failed to load? If it is code from a plugin or theme try deactivating that particular resource and see if everything else works.

syntax error, unexpected 'define' (T_STRING)

Don't know much coding, getting the captioned error when I try to visit my website / log in. Looking for a solution. Thanks in advance.
You have to open wp-config.php and look at Line 4 because there is a php syntax error in the code in that file. If you want further details on how to fix please post the code from wp-config.php
I had a similar problem. Different line number, but the same basic error message, which prevented the site from loading. There didn't seem to be anything wring with the code in wp-config.
I solved the issue by downloading a fresh copy of WordPress then using FTP to replace everything except the wp-config file and the wp-content folder. Your WordPress content lives in the wp-cntent folder so you don't want to replace that.
As soon as a replaced the other files. I refreshed the browser and the site loaded normally. I'm guessing somehow some crucial file became corrupted and that kept WordPress from loading.
The only WordPress file you should be editing is wp-config. All your other data will be in wp-content or the MySql database. Retain the wp-content folder and the wp-config.php file and replace everything else. It worked for me.

After Plugins Update Wordpress doesn't load everything from uploads folder

I'm having a huge problem with this site http://www.oktoberfest.it
After a massive plugins update (9 updates) this website is returning this error:
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error
on all images in the "uploads" folder and this error:
NetworkError: 404 Not Found
on js files from wp-includes folder. Even jQuery won't load.
Here what I have done so far:
Disabled All Plugins
Reset Plugins Folder Via FTP
Update Manually Wordpress to 3.5.1
Reset uploads folder permissions (from Aruba control panel)
Set uploads folder permissions to 777
Delete all unused plugins
Check Aruba log file and find that the "Option Indexes not allowed here" error shows up every page load
Check .htaccess file but it's ok
After the plugin update wordpress won't display any upgrade but It had to beacuse I was running on v.3.4.2.
If I try to paste a image link on the browser I receve the "Internal Server Error" page.
If I try to edit a post, all the images are marked as broken and if I try to load a new image it uploads it but can't show me any preview or the image itself.
If I try to start a plugin installation or a wordpress update the page stucks on the downloading, but the plugin or the system is updated.
Ok I've resolved! Aruba was telling me this error:
/web/htdocs/www.oktoberfest.it/home/wp-content/uploads/.htaccess: Option Indexes not allowed here
I've simply deleted the .htaccess file from the uploads folder and all gone ok! I don't know what's happened in this particular site because all my other sites have this file without problems.
the file was containing only this:
Options -Indexes
like other sites. It's a mistery. Thanks to everyone anyway!
