After Plugins Update Wordpress doesn't load everything from uploads folder - wordpress

I'm having a huge problem with this site
After a massive plugins update (9 updates) this website is returning this error:
NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error
on all images in the "uploads" folder and this error:
NetworkError: 404 Not Found
on js files from wp-includes folder. Even jQuery won't load.
Here what I have done so far:
Disabled All Plugins
Reset Plugins Folder Via FTP
Update Manually Wordpress to 3.5.1
Reset uploads folder permissions (from Aruba control panel)
Set uploads folder permissions to 777
Delete all unused plugins
Check Aruba log file and find that the "Option Indexes not allowed here" error shows up every page load
Check .htaccess file but it's ok
After the plugin update wordpress won't display any upgrade but It had to beacuse I was running on v.3.4.2.
If I try to paste a image link on the browser I receve the "Internal Server Error" page.
If I try to edit a post, all the images are marked as broken and if I try to load a new image it uploads it but can't show me any preview or the image itself.
If I try to start a plugin installation or a wordpress update the page stucks on the downloading, but the plugin or the system is updated.

Ok I've resolved! Aruba was telling me this error:
/web/htdocs/ Option Indexes not allowed here
I've simply deleted the .htaccess file from the uploads folder and all gone ok! I don't know what's happened in this particular site because all my other sites have this file without problems.
the file was containing only this:
Options -Indexes
like other sites. It's a mistery. Thanks to everyone anyway!


I can't complete the update of WordPress from the admin panel

I can't update my WordPress from the admin panel=>Update (the admin panel is locked in the middle).
WordPress itself is trying to update to "WordPress 5.9".
What I tried
Stop all plugins and update WordPress.
Set the permissions of "upgrade" and "plugins" directories under the WordPress directory and wp-content to 777 or 704, and stop all plugins.
To enable debug.log, I added the following to wp-config.php and tried to update, but no debug.log appears under wp-content.
Added statement=>define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
Update with browser cache cleared
Checked PHP execution time in wp-config.php=>set_time_limit(600) and it was specified as 10 minutes, so it seems to be fine.
What I want to ask you
Even if I do all of the above things in parallel, I can't update WordPress (the process stops in the middle).
Can you tell me if there is any other reason why WordPress can't be updated? Thank you for your time.
I would just do a manual update at that point.
Download the current/or version you need and once you’ve downloaded it, extract the zip file to your computer. Then, open the folder that contains all of the WordPress files and delete the following items:
The wp-config-sample.php file.
The wp-config.php file (you might not see this file – just make sure to delete it if it’s there). The wp-content folder.
Once you’ve deleted those items, upload the remaining files/folders to your server via FTP. When prompted about duplicate files by your FTP client, tell it to overwrite all files:

Can't Upload Images or Plugins via Wordpress Admin

I have a website that I just transferred from one server to another. I did this by copying all the files via FTP from the old server to my computer and then to the new server. I changed the URL in Settings to the new url and I downloaded a copy of the database. I then uploaded the database to the new server and changed all the database info in the wp-config file. Afterwards I used Velvet Blues Update URLs to make sure all the URLs have been changed in the database.
After doing all the the website is working fine. I could update my plugins and my WordPress core files that needed updated.
The problem is now I can't upload a plugin from my computer or any media files like images. When uploading an image, I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads/2017/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I checked and this directory is already on the server. In FTP I changed the folder permissions to all be set to 775.
I then tried to change the folder structure for media files to not be broken into month/date folders and I get this message:
“image.jpg” has failed to upload.
Unable to create directory uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
I know this directory exists and is set to 775. To double check I also change the wp-content directory to the same permissions.
What am I doing wrong here? Why can't I upload images and plugins via the WordPress backend?
I actually think I figured this out. I went into Settings -> Media and noticed there was a box that says Store Uploads to This Folder and had a folder for the old website. I deleted the information that was in that box and updated the settings and now it works!
I had this exact issue today. After much troubleshooting, I solved this images not uploading issue -- specifically, when I clicked the upload button, no dialog window appeared. As a new WordPress installation, the dashboard was displaying asking if this was going to be a business or personal site. When I clicked I DON'T NEED ANY HELP, then I saw the normal dashboard with WooCommerce module displayed and I was able to upload media files and images from my hard drive.
I'm posting in case this answer can help someone else having this very weird problem. Also, it is possible that a plugin like OpinMonster might be what generated that "business or personal" message.

Wordpress Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe

I am running wordpress on my own managed server so I have complete access to the box. The issue I'm having is that users can upload images to my image library but any uploaded are not loading due to 403 errors.
When I go directly to one of the images I get the message "Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe"
I have set the permissions on the .htaccess file and all files to 775 but it made no difference.
I also tried nuking the file and uploading a new .htaccess from a fresh wordpress download in case it was corrupted but it made no difference.
The strange thing is the images do display in one context, when you use the wordpress image editor.
Not sure what to do about this, I'm a drupal developer and only have a passing familiarity with wordpress.
Example working legacy image:
Example broken recent image:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It turned out the problem was that for some reason when the 2017 directory was created inside the uploads folder it was created with the wrong permissions, very odd, I've fixed the permissions and all is well now.

wordpress control panel login problems

I have a blog that was built with word press. when I want to login into control panel it redirect me to this page:
One time I Uninstalled word press files and then uploaded again. after that it worked correctly. but this problem has arisen again.
Have a read of this codex guide:
have a look in your error logs at your hosts backend.
logout or logout with
disable all plugins
clear cookies/cache
exit browser
just for troubleshooting purposes try:
- switching to the default theme by renaming your current theme's folder in wp-content/themes using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.
resetting the plugins folder by using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.
renaming or deleting the .htaccess file after making a backup of this file
Check your .htaccess and wp-config.php if they are correct

Wordpress configuration on live server showing error

I have made some configuration in wordpress themes and plugins. It worked fine in localhost. After that I just uploaded the files to wordpress(Plugins and themes). After that in search field when I tried to search something it showed an error like
Warning: include_once(wp-load.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/foledrname/public_html/clients/london/wp-content/plugins/wp-easybooking/widgets/ajaxProposeLocation.php on line 15.
In localhost all the things are working just perfect. So can someone kindly tell me whats the issue here?
it seems on page ajaxProposeLocation.php where you are loading wp-load.php with include statement its path is wrong
you should not include wp-load.php in wp plugin becoz Both the plugin directory and the wp-content directory can be moved around in the installation. ALL the WordPress files could be moved about in this manner, are you going to search around for them?
You’ve just doubled the load on that server. WordPress and the PHP processing of it all now have to get loaded twice for every page load.
may i ask why you are loading wp-load.php ?
