- How to know when email sent or not sent? [duplicate] -

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How to confirm that mail has been delivered or not?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm programming in c#. Our website sends batch emails.
I have run into a problem where I have sent a batch of emails (about 200)
and roughly half were sent and half were not.
This also happened again where I sent 17 emails and only 10 were sent.
Basically a SQL call gets the rows and then loops through each one and sends each email using asp email component.
The company which I use to send the emails said they never received the request from our website to send the emails which didn't get sent.
So I want a way to allow me to know if an email was not sent. I have thought about the following. Whats the best way to do this?
My ideal is to get access to their email logs of emails that we send and then i can loop through and update our database saying that they were received. The current company wont allow this. Does anyone know of someone who could help?
I could create a logging table in sql when i send emails to the external smtp company but how do i actually know that they were received?
Any ideas would be appreciated.

What I had done used try catch for sending the mail. If mail is send it goes the try block easily.
Otherwise it goes in the catch block.
And I have created a log table for that.
Before sending the mail put it into your log table
And after failure or success update the log table
You can easily maintain the log weather the mail is being sent or not.
How to check MailMessage was delivered in .NET?
How Do Email Campaign Managers Report On Bounced Emails?
Email Delivery Message in to check whether the email sended?)


ELMAH: Restrict number of Emails

Is there anyway to restrict the number of ELMAH emails being sent with the same error? IE – check each ELMAH error, and if the same error has already been emailed in last x seconds, then don’t send another email. If not, is there a way to suspend the emails automatically if x emails have been received in x seconds/minutes.
Looking at the documentation there is the theErrorMail_Filtering which I could use to dismiss an email - just not sure how I would know there had been other emails fired previously.

Create records in AppMaker from email

I'm working on a Support Ticket system with AppMaker and was wondering if there was a way to create tickets from emails. For example, if I connected our support email to AppMaker and it captures the sender, subject and body of the email to create the new ticket record. I have been doing some research but can't seem to find what I'm looking for...
The best answer I found is described here:
Google gmail script that triggers on incoming email
However, this requires to setup incoming mails in a special label, and then scan that folder every few minutes to detect incoming tickets. Might work for you if you can live with the delays. I'd really prefer a incoming email trigger for gmail, but that does not seem to exist :(

wp e-commerce emails not working

I have seen many questions regarding emails not being sent but so far they haven't been helpful to me. I've been trying to test purchases on my site. After checkout, the order appears in the sales log as "order received". From what I understand when I change it from "order received" to "accepted payment", an email should be sent. Thing is, an email is never sent to the administrator or the customer. I have the store admin email filled out. The digital product is supposed to be sent in the email but the email is not being sent. Any help would be much appreciated.
The issue I check first dealing with WP emails is to see if the emails wordpress is sending out are being caught in spam, or just being blocked by your email provider, since the WP_Mail() function isn't verified by an email server.
Try WP-SMTP and do some testing.
I just had this issue and, for me, the solution was going into cPanel and changing my MX records. They were set up years ago to point to a different server and I found out that I could send but not receive emails. I deleted them and created a new MX record. That was my issue, may or may not be yours.

Sending Thousands of Email per day without being spam

I'm having a website developed with ASP.NET which is a online art competition that people can register and enroll with competition.
In my system there are lot of emails that sends on various stages of the process for a user.
As an example, one user gets:
Account confirmation email
Welcome email
Competition Instruction email
Password reset email
Payment confirmation email
Thank you email for completing the enrollment process.
Likewise I need to send various emails, so now the number of users registering per day is getting higher and higher.
So lets say there are more than 2000 - 5000. So there will be more than 10000 email sending from my email im using to send emails.
Anyway one email message only send for a one user. Meaning there is only one user email address in 'To:' field and no 'CC:','Bcc:' fields.
My question is is this considered as spamming ? I have a doubt that my email can be marked as spam. How i can avoid this? Is there any way to do it properly?
At least separate emails to registered users from registration/verification emails. Send them from different IP addresses.
Make sure that recipients want to receive you emails and they can easily opt-out at any moment (after initial opt-in) also WITHOUT log in to your service.
Managing your own mail server can be a pain. There's a lot to doing it right, and getting it wrong can mean landing on a blacklist. I recommend going with a service who has put in the time to ensure their e-mails get through.
You can find a rather exhaustive list of them here: Sendgrid vs Postmark vs Amazon SES and other email/SMTP API providers?
Also, if you're sending e-mails in the US, be sure to follow the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act.

Track if the email is marked as spam

I have an autoresponder that sends emails to millions of subscribers. I want to track if a person mark my emails as spam. is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
No, there isn't. After your mail has been sent to your receiver's SMTP server, there's no way to track it down anymore.
I know what you're thinking: how can some mail-clients track down wether an email has been read or not (e.g. in Outlook). They can do this by adding a little img-tag to their mails (html). When a user opens the mail, it'll open the path specified in the img's src-attribute. Since that's a script (like PHP or something), it can automatically sets a flag to 'seen' when a mail has been opened.
Of course, there are some other ways to track this down, but I think this is the most popular one.
However, this can't be done to check whether a mail has been rejected, deleted or moved to the spam-folder.
I would recommend as an example of sites to use for checking if your server/sending IP is blacklisted.
You can also sign up for feedback loop services with major or relevant email providers for your list(s) to be informed when messages are reported as spam. Feedback loops are probably the best mechanism for the information you are trying to gather.
Example of a feedback loop and how to subscribe to it:
I can't post more than 2 links but if you Google "feedback loop" and the name of the email provider you are likely to find what you need to sign up for their alerts.
Hope that helps.

