Fancybox for Wordpress - dynamically resize width based on content - wordpress

I'm using Fancybox for Wordpress to display a form.
Within the fancybox is a div with id "popup1", which contains the form.
When the user submits the form, #popup1 disappears, and #popup2 appears. div#popup2 just has a little "Thank you" message that is very short.
The height of the fancybox window automatically resizes to fit the height of the content when I switch from popup1 to popup2, but I want the WIDTH of fancybox window to shrink also. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance!

You have several handlers to flip from one pop-up to another like
Try adding the fancybox (v1.3.4) method $.fancybox.resize() after completing the animation like
$("#popup4-BA").slideDown("slow", function(){
... you may need to do this in every handler.
Some Notes:
you first pop-up has a fixed width so you may need to try removing it and set the css width property to auto.
since you are using fancybox v1.3.4 with inline content, you need to be aware of this BUG and workaround.


Ionic-Angular can't get list to scroll properly

I've been trying to programmatically scroll a list (accordion) in an Ionic-Angular app and I’ve been having no success at all.
I reproduced it in this stackblitz:
When you click on an item, it expands and I want it to align to the top of the screen (with the title visible). In this example, I am using scrollIntoView() to get it to the top but it disappears behind the toolbar.
I've tried many things to get it to align properly (including setting a "scroll-margin-top" as suggested on many posts) but this hasn't worked for me.
Also, I can't seem to be able to use the scrollBy() or scrollTo() method... they do nothing at all.
Can anybody help me figure this out and get this precise example to work? Thanks in advance!
The problem is in the property [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content> tag.
The property fullscreen of ion-content, according to the ionic documentation...
If true, the content will scroll behind the headers and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar to transparent.
In ionic when you use the option fullscreen as in <ion-content [fullscreen]="true"> it adds the following style to the ion-content tag:
--offset-top: 56px;
The goal of the [fullscreen]="true" is to create the effect of the content scrolling behind the header.
As a side effect, part of the <ion-content> is hidden behind the <ion-header>.
Fullscreen property and scrollIntoView()
According to w3schools...
The scrollIntoView() method scrolls the specified element into the visible area of the browser window.
So, in your code, when you call scrollIntoView() of a group it is working exactly as expected. The screen is scrolled until the top o the group is into the visible area of the browser. The problem is that the <ion-header> is covering part of the top of this visible area.
If you remove the [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content>tag the scroll will work as you expect.
But you will loose the effect created by the fullscreen property (content scrolling behing the header).
Fullscreen property of ion-content tag:

FullPageJS prevents touch scrolling on hamburger menu; how to integrate?

I have a website using the fantastic fullPageJS plugin, and it does what it does very, very well.
I have however, an issue on mobile devices, where the sliding hamburger menu does not scroll with touch controls when the menu height exceeds that of the ViewPort, as in this picture:
How do I force the side menu to accept touch-based scrolling?
You should make use of the fullpage.js option called normalScrollElements.
As detailed in fullpage.js docs:
normalScrollElements: (default null) If you want to avoid the auto scroll when scrolling over some elements, this is the option you need to use. (useful for maps, scrolling divs etc.) It requires a string with the Javascript selectors for those elements. (For example: normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2'). This option should not be applied to any section/slide element itself.
Additionally, you can call fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(false) when opening the modal. That will prevent fullpage.js to scroll up or down when using the mousewheel or trackpad.
You can set it back to the default value when closing the menu by using fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(true).
You should try to add overflow: scroll if you haven't already.

YUI3 Y.Panel - How to hide HTML contents while page is loading?

I have a Panel that I'm using as a modal dialog box, and as such the contents should be hidden from view while the page is loading. However, if I use CSS to set the div's display:none or visibility:hidden then the YUI show() & hide() methods don't work properly (eg, clicking the button to call up the modal dialog greys out the screen, but the referenced div does not appear). Can anyone point me towards the best way to do this?
Try adding yui3-widget-loading to the container div. When Y.Panel is instantiated, it will remove this class. You can then define .yui3-widget-loading { display:none; } so it is not visible during page load.

anchors and iframes?

I have an HTML document with an iframe in it. Now, if you click a certain button/link in the iframe, I want the parent document to scroll back to the top.
I'm not sure how to make that work. When I put an anchor at the top of the parent document, and have the button do something like window.parent.location = '#anchorname';, then the browser opens the iframe document itself, having the parent one vanish.
First of all, I suggest the usage of JQuery scrollTop (see here) to scroll on top. This is not enough, however, you need to call your function from the page in the iFrame, so, supposing that your function which scrolls your document is called 'foo', you can call your function from the page in the iFrame this way:;
Hope this helps.

jqModal iframe issue

I have a page (page1.aspx), inside that I have a iframe, Inside the iframe I am loading another page(page2.aspx). Inside that page(page2.aspx) I have a button. When I click on that button jqModal pops up. It comes up covering the iframe which is in page2.aspx. How can i make the jqModal div to allocate parent page(page1.aspx) full space.
Presumably you have to pass through the identifier for the parent page all the way through to the jqModal div and use that as the anchor point.
