How to get the domain name from an ipaddress - networking

I want to resolve a IP address to a domain name but I don't get the desired result.
I want to retrieve the real web name something like this "" from the ip address "" but what I get is ""
I tried using whois and the traceroute commands in linux.

There is no unique relation beetween an ip and a domain name.
What you get with traceroute is a computer name.
But one computer may host dozens of domains.

you can use nslookup command in linux.
using nslookup <ip address> you can resolve the domain name of the IP address.
this is the link to a similar post. This is exactly what you are searching for.


Erlang: get ip address from hostname

In my local network exists pcs, where have a hostname as example "testhost". How can I from given hostname get a IP-address ?
I tried:
I need a function which give me IP-Address from hostname.
According to it seems you should be able to use getaddr like:
inet:getaddr("", inet)

Numeric IP address of a website

I am trying to get the IP address which loads a certain website. For example; - I tried but that shows 404 page, the IP address is given by
How does this thing work? and how to get the actual IP address?
You can simply try ping command if you are on Windows.
Let me know if it doesn't work

Issues in finding IP addres in my computer and in an online

Its a small and simple question, But still i didn't get in an online.
I just trying to find out my IP address of my computer.
So with help of online, I just follow . so it shows like this "".
And when i run IPCONFIG in my command prompt, it shows ip address and default gateway.
But it is totally different these ip address[which is got from online and from cmd prompt].
So i just confused,
what is the ip address from "this website <> and
what is the ip address from cmd prompt.
When i refer in online, there are 2 types of ip address[public and private].
I just confused with these ip addresses. Can anyone please help me to explain me about this?
Thanks in advance.
Public IP address is that one which allows that people can access to your web site/app from anywhere on Internet. Private IP is that one which belongs to your Internet local network (your home or another LAN).

Getting Device Hostname

I have a unix machine on a network and I'm looking to get the device hostname for devices on that network. How do I go about doing this? I've tried nmap, arpscan, host, and nslookup but they all seem to want to do a DNS reverse lookup. I don't have a DNS server on the network.
When I say hostname I'm referring to the device name set by the user. So for example host on my machine returns joshcloud.
I'll give you the same answer I gave here: How to get hostname from IP(Linux)?. Basically you're going to need to either add DNS entries or connect to each host individually and ask for names.
nbtscan for Windows devices. avahi for things that suppor zeroconf.
Otherwise check out the other answer.

Looking for a list of aliases

I have an IP address and I want to know all aliases within my organization that point to this IP. Is it possible?
For example I know the alias "TESTBOX" points to
How can by just knowing the IP come up with the "TESTBOX" ?
Short answer: You can't.
You can try a reverse lookup on the IP address, but that will only show you the address that has been specifically allocated in the reverse DNS to that IP address.
Remember, aliases might exist only as an entry on a single machine's hosts file. They might also exist in a DNS server on the other side of the planet. However, if you're only interested in local DNS aliases, and your DNS servers allow zone transfers, then you can try listing every entry in every domain (eg. with host -l and searching the results for the IP address in question.
