How to use Sqlite with LiveCode - sqlite

I am New to Sqlite and LiveCode.I need to do some tasks with liveCode and SqlLite.Can anyone let me know what is suitable version of Sqlite for the LiveCode and from where i can download it as i am not finding anything sufficient information on the web regarding it.Thanks

There is a sqlite driver included in LiveCode. Just read up on the revDB functions and commands. This tutorial will probably help you out:
The current version distributed with LiveCode is 3.7.4

In LiveCode 6 do the following
go to menu Help
choose Example Stacks and Resources
open the Examples folder
double click on SQLite Sampler.rev . The stack SQLite Sampler.rev contains explanations and code snippets.
Adapt the example code snippets to your needs.
For example the following snippet taken from that stack connects to a database AppReg3.db. The database is created if it does not exist yet.
gConID holds the connection identifier to refer to the database in later scripts.
# Connect button script
on mouseUp
global gConID
put revOpenDatabase("sqlite","AppReg3.db",,,,,,) into tConID
if tConID is "" then
answer warning "Problem creating or accessing database!"
answer information "AppReg Connected! Your connection ID is: " & tConID
put tConID into gConID
end if
end mouseUp
The following creates a table Users
on mouseUp
global gConID
if gConID is "" then
answer information "No Database is Connected to, please go back 1 step and connect to the Database!"
exit mouseUp
end if
put "CREATE TABLE users(userID integer primary key, name text,email text,emailList boolean)" into tSQL
put revExecuteSQL(gConID,tSQL) into tTmp
handleRevDBerror tTmp
if the result is not empty then
answer warning the result
exit mouseUp
end if
answer information "Number of Tables Added: " & tTmp
end mouseUp


Emergency unlocking of resources in database

We are having problem on a live production system.
One of the nodes stopped working properly (because of problems with network file system on which is it hosted) and that happened while the channel staging process was in progress.
Because of that really bad timing, the staging process remained unfinished and all locked resources remained that way which prevented editing products or catalogs on live system.
1st solution we have tried is restarting servers node by node, that didn't help.
2nd solution we tried executing SQLs mentioned in this support article:
The exact SQLs we have executed are below, first one is for deleting from RESOURCELOCK table:
isresource ,
domaininformation resourcedomain,
basiccredentials ,
domaininformation userdomain,
resourcelock ,
(isresource.domainid = resourcedomain.domainid)
AND (isresource.resourceownerid = process.uuid)
AND (resourcelock.lockid = isresource.uuid)
AND (process.userid = basiccredentials.basicprofileid(+))
AND (basiccredentials.domainid = userdomain.domainid(+))
AND (isresource_av.ownerid(+) = isresource.uuid)
AND (isresource.resourceownerid is not null)
AND ( = 'locknestinglevel')
AND ( = 'StagingProcess')
And another one for ISRESOURCE table:
UPDATE isresource
RESOURCEOWNERID='QigK85q6scAAAAF9Pf9fHEwf'; //UUID of StagingProcess
Now this has somewhat helped as it allowed for single products to be staged, but here are still two problems remaining:
Products can't be manually locked on live system for editing, when lock icon is clicked the page refreshes but it looks like it is still unlocked, but records are created for each product which is clicked on in ISRESOURCE table altough they are incomplete (the is no RESOURCEOWNERID, lock creation date, or lock expiration date), this can be seen below:
Also processes are tried to be created for product locking but they are all failing or running without end date as can be seen here:
Now for the second problem:
The channel staging cannot be started and it fails with message:
ERROR - Could not lock resources for process 'StagingProcess': Error finding resource lock with lockid: .0kK_SlyFFUAAAFlhGJujvESnull
That resource is MARKETING_Promotion resource:
Both problems started occuring after running above mentioned SQLs and it seems they are related, any advice on how to resolve this situation would be helpfull.
The first SQL that I posted shouldn't have been run:
The fix was to restore deleted resource locks and just set the lock fields in ISRESOURCE table to null with the second SQL:
UPDATE isresource
RESOURCEOWNERID='QigK85q6scAAAAF9Pf9fHEwf'; //UUID of StagingProcess

Azure Cosmos DB Entity Insert and Data Explorer Error

Just this morning when trying to view the Data Explorer UI for an Azure Cosmos DB table the window is totally blank and I see no rows (the table should not be empty). The only connection to this table is a Python script that pushes in simple rows with only a few variables however this has also stopped working just this morning.
I am still able to connect to the table service properly and I've even been able to create a new table through my Python script. However, as soon as I call table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('traps', task) ('traps' is the name of my table and task is the row I'm trying to push up) I receive back an HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid.
For reference, my connection in Python is as follows where Account_Name = my personal account name and Account_Key = my personal account key.
table_service = TableService(connection_string="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=Account_Name;AccountKey=Account_Key;TableEndpoint=;")
for i in list(range(0,len(times))):
task = {'PartitionKey': '1', 'RowKey': '{}'.format(tags[i]),'Date_Time' : '{}'.format(times[i]), 'Location' : '{}'.format(locations[i])}
table_service.insert_or_replace_entity('traps', task)
In reference to the HTTP Error 400 I discovered that I was trying to push a \n at the end of each of the tags string (i.e. tags[0] = 'ab123\n'). Stripping out the \n has resolved the HTTP 400 error but I am now receiving The specified resource does not exist. message when I attempt to upload which makes more sense as at why my Data Explorer is blank. I have tried uploading to a new table but its the same thing.
Second Update
Silly mistake on resource not found error was that my table is called "Traps" not "traps". Data appears to be uploading correctly now on the API side. However, the table is still not displaying at all in the data explorer page of the Azure portal. If anyone has insight on this it would be appreciated because the explorer is super helpful while we are still in development.
Third Update
I am able to connect to the table/database through Python and query data effectively. It all seems to be in there and up to date. The only thing I'm left unsure about is why the Data Explorer is not displaying properly. Aside from that, my recommendation is to obviously check your capital letters (my usual mistake haha) and DO NOT try to push up line feeds (\n) in the task/payload.
Want to provide an official update and response to your issue. This issue is being Hotfixed with an ETA rolled out by Monday (09/24/2018).

HTTP status code: 404 Received error: Code: 47, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Unknown identifier: TableauSQL.cnt, e.what() = DB::Exception

I connected to clickhouse with tableau.
A query like this
select * from table_name limit 1
returns fields of the table, even though it should return raws.
If I try
select subs_key from table name limit 1
And click preview results
preview results
I get the error from above(except cnt is replaced with subs_key or whatever field I try to select)
How can I actually view table data?
There is a connection to the db, but no table is shown in available schemas.
I managed to connect and get data from an oracle and mysql database, but while I am connected to click house, I can't see any data.
Don't quote me on this but I believe tableau has not official support for clickhouse, at least I could not find anything to contradict this, tons of people asking for it but nothing concrete.
There might some sort of beta integration that's not yet stable, hence you problem, but this is just blind guessing.
What I can recommend, if you really need a UI and can't just use the cl client is using tabix:
Its fully open source for now and should be pretty easy and straight forward to learn, there might be the odd bits of Russian here and there, but I believe its getting debugged and translated at quite a good pace.
I get the same error message when I use DBeaver.
SQL Error [47]: ClickHouse exception, Code: 47, e.displayText() =
DB::Exception: Unknown identifier: default_type, e.what() = DB::Exception
If it's not a coincidence, then it's a JDBC driver bug.

How to use #GetDocField in IBM Lotus Domino for a database different than the current

I need to "compute when compose" a field in a document so Client+Formula are the only options I have here.
I am using a #DbLookup("" :"NoCache";"server" :"db" ;"View" ; "key" ; fieldName); command that looks into a different server/database and comes back with a UNID of a specific document. The UNID is valid for the server/db database, not the current one. How can I use this UNID to fetch/set a value on the remote document.
In IBM documentation I only found #GetDocField(UNID,fieldName) and #SetDocField(UNID, fieldName, value) that are for the local DB only!!!
How can one actually meaningfully use this UNID since it represents a document on a remote database. I searched for 40 minutes for an answer!
This is not possible using formula language.
In LotusScript you can use
Dim db as New NotesDatabase( "server" , "db" )
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Set doc = db.getDocumentByUnid( uuid )
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue( "fieldname" , value )
if you really are not able to use lotusscript in the context you have (normally there IS an option to use LotusScript wherever / whenever you need it, you probably only try to use the wrong context / event / whatever), then the possibility would be to write a litte LotusScript- Agent with the above code and hand the uuid to it via notes.ini- Parameter, profile- document or whatever fits best for you.
My reputation is too low to comment, so I have to resort to posting an answer to add a thought. Have you tried #UpdateFormulaContext?
UNID := #DbLookup(...[ReturnDocumentUniqueID]);
#SetDocField(#DocumentUniqueID; ...);
#UpdateFormulaContext definitely allows you to reset the 'current' document (from the IBM Domino Designer Help):
tempDate := #GetDocField(#DocumentUniqueID;"CreatedDate");
"You can use #UpdateFormulaContext to extract values from or set values in external documents. You can even access document- and database-specific information using functions such as #DbName, #DbTitle, #Created, #DocumentUniqueID, #GetDocField, #GetField, #GetProfileDocument."
Worth a punt.

How to create database for a Semantic Logging Application Block with SqlDatabaseSink

How to set up the SQL Server database for Semantic logging.
Does the table for logging information needs to be created earlier?
If yes, what is the schema to be used.
I have the following code :
var listener = new ObservableEventListener();
string connectionString = #"Data Source=nibc2025;Initial Catalog=TreeDataBase;Integrated Security=True;User Id=sa;Password=nous#123";
listener.EnableEvents(AuditingEventSource.Log, EventLevel.LogAlways, Keywords.All);
databaseSubscription = listener.LogToSqlDatabase
Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, 500
// The following one line of code is not part of this function.
// It is just added here to show this is how I log my information.
// Inside LogInformation method I call the 'Write' method
AuditingEventSource.Log.LogInformation("sgsgg", "sgsg");
Well, Since this thread gets the most hits on Google regarding Semantic Logging onto SQL DB or even SLAB ...
The scripts to create the DB lies here
And to create the EventSource and Fire the Blocks, information are given here, for a shortcut and quick fix solution
OK. I got it. the script was in the packages folder. I had overlooked that.
