Gruntjs: Loading config files based on target - gruntjs

I'd like to be able to run the same builds for different targets by passing in config information from a build file, e.g. grunt build:target1 and grunt build:target2...
I figured I could access the target within the grunt file
module.exports = function ( grunt ) {
var userConfig = require( **'./''build.config.js'** );
var taskConfig...
grunt.initConfig( grunt.util._.extend( userConfig, taskConfig ) );
But the target is only available within a task.
Is there another way of accomplishing something like this?

You can pass command line arguments to Grunt by passing them using two dashes, like
grunt --target=debug
Then retrieve this value in your Grunt config file by calling
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var target = grunt.option('target'),
userConfig = require('./' + target + "build.config.js");
You can choose whichever name you like, I chose target in my examples above.


Grunt relative file path globbing

Is it possible to use Globbing partially on a directory in a file path?
I have a grunt-contrib-less task set up, the file path for my task looks something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
However the version number in the relative path may sometime change, such as:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
Ideally I'd like to something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-*/css/main.css": "less/base.less",
Is there a way of doing this? With the above syntax it stops searching after the asterisk.
One potential solution to achieve this is to utilize grunts --options feature.
When running a grunt task via the command line it is possible to specify an additional options value.
In your scenario you could pass in the version number of the folder name that is going to change. (I.e. In your case the part that you tried to specify using the asterisk character (*) E.g. ''
Caveat: For this solution to be of any use it does require knowing what that value, (the version number), of the destination folder is upfront prior to running the task via the command line.
Example Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
themesFolder: {
namePart: '' // <-- If no option is passed via the CLI this name will be used.
less: {
production: {
options: {
// ...
files: {
// The destination path below utilizes a grunt template for the part
// of the folder name that will change. E.g. ''
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-<%= %>/css/main.css': 'less/base.less'
grunt.registerTask('saveFolderNameFromOption', 'Uses the option provided to configure name part.', function(n) {
var themesFolder = grunt.option('themesFolder');
if (themesFolder) {
// Store the option value so it can be referenced in the less task.
grunt.config('themesFolder.namePart', themesFolder);
grunt.registerTask('processLess', ['saveFolderNameFromOption', 'less:production']);
Running the ProcessLess task
Run the task via the command line as follows:
$ grunt processLess --themesFolder=
Note: The additional option that is specified. Namely: --themesFolder=
When using the above command the .css output will be directed to the following path:
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-': 'less/base.less'
Now, each time you run the task you modify the options accordingly.
Benefits: By providing the version number as an option via the CLI will avoid having to reconfigure your Gruntfile.js each time it is run.

how to pass file as argument to gulp task

I need some help regarding my gulp task.
I have gulp karma task and I want to pass karma config file as a argument to that task.
I am able to achieve this grunt. Like in grunt , we can use
and we can called grunt task as
grunt taskName --file=myFileName
So How Can I achieve same with gulp?
There's nothing in gulp to parse command line arguments for you.
You can use node's global process.argv directly if you feel like it.
I like to use the yargs module to handle arguments in my gulpfiles.
var args = require('yargs').argv;
var karmaFile = argv.file; // for the argument --file="myFileName"
Adding to #kombucha's answer, here's an example of how to use process.argv. If in your case you passed:
gulp taskName --file myFileName
(without the '=' ) then the below would retrieve the file value:
var filename, i = process.argv.indexOf("--file");
if(i>-1) {
filename = process.argv[i+1];
It should be simple enough to turn the above into a generic function for retrieving command-line values. I have used this before to good effect:
function getCLValue(name) {
var i = process.argv.indexOf(name);
return (i>-1) ? process.argv[i+1] : null;

Customize semantic-ui using Bower and Grunt

My project uses Bower to install deps and Grunt to build. My project tree looks like this
| |
| |-jquery
| |-semantic
| |-...
| |
| |-css // Compiled, concatenated and minified semantic-ui
| |-js // and other libs should be here
Is it possible to build custom semantic-ui (ie customize fonts, colors, remove unused components) using Grunt (or maybe using Gulp called from Grunt)?
Where to place semantic theme config and overrides files?
It's not difficulty to use grunt to build semantic-ui. I don't know about bower, but this is how I did it.
Install grunt-contrib-less.
Create a new directory somewhere in your project, e.g. '/less/semantic'. Copy 'site' directory from your semantic packagea, i.e. 'bower_components/semantic/src/site' to the new directory. All your overrides will be done here.
Create a config.json file in '/less/semantic' to configure what components you want to be included in your build. The file content will be something like this:
"elements": ["button", "divider"],
"collections": ["form"],
"modules": ["checkbox"]
Add following to your gruntFile.js file:
var fs = require('fs');
// Defines files property for less task
var getSemanticFiles = function() {
var files = {};
var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('less/semantic/config.json'));
var srcDir = 'bower_components/semantic/definitions/';
var outputDir = 'less/semantic/output/';
for (var type in config) {
config[type].forEach(function(ele) {
files[outputDir + type + '.' + ele + '.output'] = [srcDir + type + '/' + ele + '.less'];
return files;
Configure less task as following:
less: {
semantic: {
options: { compile: true }
files: getSemanticFiels()
dist: {
options: { compile: true }
files: { 'public/css/semantic.css': ['less/semantic/output/*'] }
Edit theme.config in 'bower_components/semantic/src', change #siteFoler to '../../../less/site/', and make any additional changes as needed per semantic document.
You run grunt less:semantic to compile all needed components, and then run less:dist to put them into a single css file.
Of course you can configure a watch task to automate the process. Then every time you make a change, the css will be automaticly re-built.
I am sure someone will build a grunt build to semantic one day, but for now, I just use this to call all the gulp commands using grunt. Just make sure you are calling the gulp build task and not the default gulp task. It has a watch task that will cause grunt to not finish the shell task.

Pass in param to 'Grunt watch' for directory

I use grunt to less>css, minification, and concatenation of my CSS and JS. I am wondering if it's possible to pass in a param when you type in "grunt watch" which would be the directory to watch. That way I can have multiple versions of a site running off the same gruntfile.
You can use node's process.argv to get the command line arguments.
The code below can be called with: grunt watch --dir myfolder
grunt.registerTask('watch', function() {
var args = process.argv;
var folder = args[args.indexOf('--dir') + 1];
console.log('watch folder: ', folder); // "watch folder: myfolder"

How do I process multiple files as templates with yeoman generator?

I'm working on a custom generator that I originally wrote with grunt-init. One difference I'm noticing is grunt-init automatically processes all the files in root as templates but with yeoman generator you have to do this using .template(). I'm familiar with how to process any individual file with .template() but is it possible to process an entire directory?
This issue is an annoying one. I came across this when I used yeoman for the first time. I think the below code snippet can help you.'scripts', 'scripts');// script is folder name
Looking at the Yeoman generator code, there doesn't seem to be a built in way to do this. The way I solved this was to copy some of the code from the built in generator code and modify it for my needs. I determine if a file is a template based on the _ prefix convention since I want to rename the files to exclude that prefix, but you could just treat every file as a template and it would work fine. This will copy all of the files in the directory, so what I also did is to exclude the .DS_STORE files that you find by default on OSX, but since that is a specific case I didn't include that here.
MyGenerator.prototype._processDirectory = function(source, destination) {
var root = this.isPathAbsolute(source) ? source : path.join(this.sourceRoot(), source);
var files = this.expandFiles('**', { dot: true, cwd: root });
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var f = files[i];
var src = path.join(root, f);
if(path.basename(f).indexOf('_') == 0){
var dest = path.join(destination, path.dirname(f), path.basename(f).replace(/^_/, ''));
this.template(src, dest);
var dest = path.join(destination, f);
this.copy(src, dest);
Yeoman uses mem-fs-editor, which has support for glob patterns. However the documentation is not very clear, and you may miss that point. Here is the documentation of copyTpl, that says it accepts the same options as copy. So since copy has suppport for glob patterns, copyTpl too.
At any point on your yeoman generator you can do:
const from = 'myFolder/**.js'
const to = 'project/'
this.props, {interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g}
Not that, if you are using a glob pattern the destination path should be a folder.
