how to play video from blob uri in gstreamer - qt

i am doing a project in which i am trying to implement webrtc in qt webkit. I have managed to make the webcam on but i am not able to show any video. While debuging i saw i am getting the url of the stream from webcam as "blob:". almost similar to that in the chrome. But when i give it to gstreamer to play the stream it says No URI handler implemented for "blob". (url=blob:
Is there any way to play the blob uri using gstreamer. i am using a play bin for this. thanks in advance.

Not sure if dataurisrc can help. It might need some modifications though.


Flex 4.6 Mobile: Play a local video

I'm developing an application that needs to have a video but without having an internet connection.
I searched for a straight forward solution but I couldn't see a clear one.
Can I embed the video? (I couldn't, it isn't allowed?)
Is it still good to create a SWF with it inside and then embed it? or it lost its quality / performance?
Any other solution?
Thanks a lot!
UPDATE: please anyone! at least tell me if it's possible!
You definitely can play videos on your application. There are 2 possible ways :
1) Storing videos locally in device storage (SDCard)
2) Embed video to the application package (assets)

OpenRTSP Qt integration for video rendering

I was trying to use Qt for playing live video for which Qt provides a phonon class. However, the limitation with this is that it is not capable of decoding RTSP packets on windows (since phonon uses Directshow on windows platform).
In order to make it capable of doing this, I am planning to now integrate openRTSP with Qt. Within openRTSP where can I find a pointer / handle to the video buffer or frame buffer so that I can pass on this to my Qt widget for display.
Has anyone attempted this before?
Any pointers on the correct approach for doing this would be highly appreciated.
Take a look at GStreamer and GStreamer Qt bindings. They provide VideoWidget etc so it should provide you enough code examples how you should do this:

Base64 encoder library download assitance

I am referring to Send image from flash to for sending image captured by a webcam to an page. However I need to download base64 encoder to proceed. The link the user provided for downloading it seems to be broken. Can anyone tell me how I can download the base64 encoder?
This is the fastest Base64 implementation in Flash today: it's about order of magnitude faster then Adobe's libraries. It is written using so called Alchemy opcodes.
There was an interesting attempt at improving AS3-only Base64 algorithm here: . It would probably win in the long run because of maintenance. Adobe has decided to change the old "Alchemy opcodes" in the new player versions, and the author of the blooddy library is no longer actively working on it.
I believe Flash has inbuilt an base64 encoder and decoder. See
Also, the AS3Crypto library has Base64 utilities.
I don't know what is being done in the reference you gave, but between these 3 resources, you should get what you are looking for.

capture video and audio from webcam locally?

I'm writing a flex 4.5 application that's supposed to capture a video from a webcam and audio from microphone and save it in some video format (i don't care which format).
I use VideoDisplay to display the webcam. how can I fetch and play audio in real time ?
Is there a way to save the video locally without using a flash media server?
Flash/Flex does not have video encoding capabilities. You will need to send to a server for the encoding.
Sorry, I know this isn't good news. :\
You can check with the red5Recorder which is a player built using flex builder and configurable to any recorder like Red5 server or Flash FMS. You can check with the open source code to understand that.

Recording Audio From Web Page

I'm looking for a solution for capturing audio from a user's microphone and posting it (preferably as MP3) to a server. I need something that I can embed in a web page.
I've seen where Flash can do this, but I understand that this approach requires expensive server-side software from Adobe. I'm not aware of whether Silverlight may provide any capabilities to assist with this.
I'm curious what others have done. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can do it with Flash and either Red5 or haXeVideo or the server, both Open Source. Regarding offering a final MP3 to the user, you will need something else because these 2 tools only record to FLV format due to the licenses needed to encode MP3s. You can use something on the server such as FFMPEG for the transformation, but still, read the small print regarding MP3s.
Good luck
SilverLight 4 now has the ability to record audio. shows encoding PCM to WAV
Silverlight does not have this capability, currently (or in their upcoming 3.0 release). Flash would be the way to go.
