Install Wordpress Backup with New Fresh Database - wordpress

I had a website made in wordpress. The database is now corrupt, cannot be restored and I dont have a copy of the database either. However I have a copy of the website folder contents that I made when I installed wordpress. I want to use the same copied files to reinstall the website with a new(fresh) database so that I dont have to go through the whole process of psd to wordpress conversion and all. Is there a way out possible?

Delete (drop) all the the site's DB's tables through PhpMyAdmin or mysql CLI, then go to your site url and repeat the install process.
wp-cli has a nice builtin cli tool for doing this: wp db reset

Just wipe the database with the Reset Database Plugin


How to Restore Wordpress Site Backup in Subdomain?

I have backup of my old blog in zip format. Now I have another domain and I created it's subdomain. I want to restore that backup in that subdomain (another domain). I installed the WordPress through cPanel and uploaded the whole backup. Only the plugins get restored but not able to restore my post and pages.
Please help me out if anyone know the solution
I think you should create another database for the backup site. add users to that database so you can use it then check your wp-config.php for the right credentials.
Please use the "All-in-One WP Migration" plugin for backup and restore this is the best plugin for migration also for creating the backup, once migration will be done you just need to save once the permalink.

Need help to live WordPress website without database

I have downloaded all files & folders from c-panel root directory but somehow I have deleted/lost the database from my end. So is there any way to get all content from my backup or am I able to live back my website without the database as well?
No, It is not possible to run WordPress without the database.
What's more:
The only database supported by WordPress is MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater, or any version of MariaDB.
Why it is not possible?
Because as You can read in WordPress Documentation, It is using the database
for storing and retrieving the content of your blog, such as posts, comments, and so on.
Basing on that you downloaded files I think You will be able to restore only parts of your website on new installation.

Backing up a self-hosted Wordpress installation

I have a wordpress instance that runs on a VPS I own, so I have full (root) shell access.
Let's say I want to backup and restore my wordpress content so I can move it to another server.
What do I need to back up?
My guess is -
Backing up the full wordpress directory (since it contains plugins, configs, etc..)
Backing up the full mysql wordpress database
If you have access to the wp-admin site I recommend migrate with this plugin wp-clone, this is the one that I use. If you don't have then you do what you said:
Migrate the wp-content and the mysql database.
Install wordpress in the new server and change the wp-content and the new database with the old one.

Restore wordpress theme custom css from duplicator database backup

I accidentally overwrote my sites custom CSS found in the theme options.
After some research I found out that the custom CSS is stored in the database.
I have a backup of the database from the duplicator plugin, however the backed up code looks different from the one found in phpmyadmin.
Current database from phpMyAdmin:
Duplicator plugin backup database:
As you can see there are backslashes on the backup code.
Any ideas of how I might be able to restore just the custom CSS from the options in the backup database?
Since you have you local site you can:
create a new db locally with your db backup
Update wp-config for your site to point to this new db temporarily
login to wp-admin and get Appearance/Customise css code, then
Copy this css back to your live site
I recommend then exporting your live db back to local so the change is applied and you have the latest version to work with
Of course you could do a SQL command to replace the record but this seems like too much work for this.

How to setup existing Wordpress project on XAMPP

I'm starting some work on an existing wordpress project on Github. Basically, the entire Wordpress install is on Github. I cloned it to my local XAMPP installation. What's the best way to get everything configured? I know I have to make a config file and get WP talking to my MYSQL database. I did that, and while I got the wp-admin stuff working fine, the front-side stuff isn't showing up.
In the database you need to update the links so that they point to your local host.
The way I do that is that I make a backup of the sql database and then replace everything like:
And then restore it
In 2020 it's perfect plugin to do this. It's called Duplicator. You need to install it and after it you have 4 steps to configure your installation on which machine it will be running. It's really easy to use, see this link:
