Backing up a self-hosted Wordpress installation - wordpress

I have a wordpress instance that runs on a VPS I own, so I have full (root) shell access.
Let's say I want to backup and restore my wordpress content so I can move it to another server.
What do I need to back up?
My guess is -
Backing up the full wordpress directory (since it contains plugins, configs, etc..)
Backing up the full mysql wordpress database

If you have access to the wp-admin site I recommend migrate with this plugin wp-clone, this is the one that I use. If you don't have then you do what you said:
Migrate the wp-content and the mysql database.
Install wordpress in the new server and change the wp-content and the new database with the old one.


Need to transfer site currently on Siteground

my client wants to keep using their hosting that they currently have their site on, where I was given cpanel and ftp logins. I made the Wordpress site on a temporary domain on Siteground. How do I go about transferring the site to their hosting?
there are many plugins to transfer your website and database to different hosting. The good one also rename all URL's in your database to ones of your new hosting.
I suppose the easiest one is Akeeba backup for Wordpress Akeeba Backup for WordPress
download the plugin, install it in your Wordpress and activate it
In your Wordpress menu you will have Akeeba backup entry click it and create new backup (for bigger websites I recommend split the backup file into smaller parts in plugin settings)
upload all parts of your newly created backup (you will find it in wp-content/plugins/akeebabackupwp/app/backups/) into the new server root through FTP
download Akeeba Kickstart Kickstart (Standalone) (this files will uncompress your backup on the server) so copy both files in downloaded zip into server root
visit in your browser your new hosting domain and add /kickstart.php ( follow onscreen instruction to complete recovery
in case you are stuck here documentation for Akeeba Backup Akeeba Backup for WordPress
and for akeeba-kickstart

Duplicate WordPress site onto a staging site on a subdomain

I'm trying to set up a staging site for an existing WordPress site.
I've backed up the existing public_html folder through filezilla and it's about 25GB.
I've set up the subdomain on cpanel and also a new staging database.
I'm following these instructions -
But the Duplicator plugin doesn't work on my wordpress site - I've even paid for the pro version but it fails at the Scanning part and never even gets to the Build part. I've been through the Help for Duplicator and they can't work it out either.
So ... my question is ... can I do this through cpanel and avoid the whole Wordpress dashboard completely. Can I just copy the files from the cpanel File Manager and put them into the Staging subdomain?
Or is there another way to do what I'm trying to do?
Thanks so much
The free version of the Duplicator plugin doesn't allow you to create a package more than 500MB, you will have to do it on two parts by migrating only the database by the plugin and zip the files on cPanel and move the manually or using FTP.
You can zip the files and upload them to the new domain and export the database and open notepad++ for example and start replacing the old URL with the new one then import the edited database to the new domain

Is exporting your wordpress website and adding it to this filezilla server the same as creating a local copy of your website

I wanted to find out if I download/export my wordpress website and upload it to my filezilla server, is that the same thing as creating a local copy? Also is that what MAMP is used for?
No it is not. You also have to create database for the local copy and set the database connections in wp-config.php. WordPress stores file in wp-content folder and used database for storing page data, post data, comments, etc.
You should first understand about how to Install WordPress - Click here.
MAMP is used to run WordPress in Local PC. There is also XAMPP which is similar to MAMP. If you are WordPress developer you can use either XAMPP or MAMP to create WordPress Websites.

wordpress database not showing in PhpMyAdmin

I am new to wordpress and have bought udesign theme from themeforest. from my Plesk I have installed WP and then from the dashboard of WP tried to upload the theme, but failed. hence went directly to dedicated server and hosted on the root folder.
Theme started reflecting on the dashboard and I have started customization. Once site completes I need to move the site to production server. When I check PhpMyAdmin from the plesk, it shows there is no DB table. how do I copy/move the site without DB?
Can i manage site without PhpMyAdmin? like copying the entire assets to new server and it starts working automatically?
Please help me to find DB or Let me know how to work with the themes to make sure everything in right place.
Many Thanks,
If you’ve ever had the need to find the name of your WordPress database, then there’s an easy way to do that – simply look for it in your wp-config.php file located in the root folder of your WordPress install.
Accessing Your WP-Config.php File
If you are doing something where you need the name of your database, then I’m assuming you have access to your server.
Simply go to the main folder of your WordPress install and locate the file called wp-config.php.
Edit file and find name in:
define('db_name','your database here');

Install Wordpress Backup with New Fresh Database

I had a website made in wordpress. The database is now corrupt, cannot be restored and I dont have a copy of the database either. However I have a copy of the website folder contents that I made when I installed wordpress. I want to use the same copied files to reinstall the website with a new(fresh) database so that I dont have to go through the whole process of psd to wordpress conversion and all. Is there a way out possible?
Delete (drop) all the the site's DB's tables through PhpMyAdmin or mysql CLI, then go to your site url and repeat the install process.
wp-cli has a nice builtin cli tool for doing this: wp db reset
Just wipe the database with the Reset Database Plugin
