Unable to compile an existing project because Compass can't find it - css

I just installed the foundation in my application base directory by executing the following command:
compass create myprojectname -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
Now I have open the sass/_settings.scss file and I have un-comment the 66th line that is the following:
$include-html-classes: true;
finaly, I try to compile my foundation project in order to include the html classes by executing the following command:
compass compile
but I am getting the following result in my command prompt:
Nothing to compile. If you're trying to starta new project, you have left off the directory argument.
Run "compass -h" to get help.
also, based on this page : http://foundation.zurb.com/old-docs/f3/compass.php I try to compile my scss code by using the command:
compass watch
but again I am getting the same message as with compile argument next to compass.
Note: I am executing the above commands in the same directory I run the first command for the foundation project creationg.
Note: I am very new user on compass, sass, foundation framework. Actually, today is the first time I am using them, so I am not expirienced user. Please be kind with me :)
Is there anybody to help me with that ?

When you use compass create [directory_name], Compass creates your project within ./[directory_name] relative from your current directory (running compass create without the directory name would have created the project in the current directory). In order to compile or watch a Compass project, you need to do either of the following things:
Tell Compass where your project is via compass compile [path_to_config.rb]
Change to the directory where config.rb is found and run compass compile
Alternately, you could move your config.rb to where you want to run your command. Just make sure you edit the paths to directories configured within said file.


Sass not compiling in textmate

I'm trying to use SASS for the first time with textmate. I seem to have installed it correctly by following the instructions on the git page - https://github.com/MarioRicalde/SCSS.tmbundle
but I can't find any information on how I can now use it.
When I make a .sass file the new Sass syntax is highlighted but when I save it is not compiled. Am I missing something?
Make sure to open up Terminal and in the command line, navigate to your project folder and run this command:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Name your working file style.scss, and it will compile and generate and update the style.css file that you reference in your document head.
Also make sure you have installed the Sass gem within your project directory :)
gem install sass
The bundle is only for installing syntax highlighting in Textmate. Sass is a precompiler for CSS, so it generates CSS from what you write in Sass. This is done through the sass --watch command above in the command line.
Read more on how to use and install Sass.

Foundation 4 sass --watch issue

Brand spanking new to foundation 4,
I've installed all dependancies, compass, sass, and zurb-foundation.
ran compass create testproject -r zurb-foundation --using foundation --syntax sass
... worked fine.
ran sass --watch sass:css in the testproject directory and I keep getting errors like so...
error /Users/figmints/Sites/testssss/sass/app.sass (Line 5: File to import not found or unreadable: normalize.
Load paths:
In the config.rb, the first line is require 'zurb-foundation'
Isn't this supposed to make the file normalize.scss visible to the project so that I do not have to copy each file located in my gems folder?
Could anyone direct me towards my mistake, please?
As far as I know, there's no sass watch. What you need to do is:
Navigate to your project's root folder (which is where your Compass project's config.rb should be) through your terminal
Type compass watch and hit Enter
See the magic happen (if you have nicely configured your config.rb, that is)
A Compass project should be watched by Compass. The watch function is why—IMO—Compass is so nice: it does something Sass naturally doesn't do.
Have you tried compiling using compass watch in your testproject root directory, instead of compiling with Sass? Because you created your project with Compass, so you should use Compass to compile.

Configuring Compass on Windows

I'm on Windows, and I have SASS running successfully in my project. Now, I want to include compass so I can take advantage of the pre-written mixins, etc.
First I simply tried this statement from within my working sass file: #import "compass/css3/transform";
Naturally, this didn't work since I didn't have compass installed, so I navigated to my Ruby directory and successfully installed the compass gem within c:/ruby193/bin. I can now successfully create compass projects within c:/ruby193/bin, but that doesn't do me much good.
I need run compass commands within my site, which lives here: c:/inetpub/mysite. When I try to do so, however, I get compass is not recognized as internal or external command
How can I get compass to work where I want it?
EDIT: a large part of my problem was that Ruby was installed without adding itself to the Windows Path environment variables, so I could only run SASS and Compass commands from within the C:/Ruby193/bin directory. This caused problems for me since, as a result, I thought that was where I needed to install compass. Anyhow, after figuring that out, I still haven't been able to get compass to work, but am planning on uninstaling SASS, Compass, and Ruby and giving this thing another try from scratch. I marked Stooboo's answer as correct since it was the best and most accurate, especially given the information he had to work with. Thanks!
here's how I do it
(One time)
install ruby http://rubyinstaller.org/
install compass, in a command window enter
gem install compass
to add compass to an MVC project, navigate to project folder and in a command window enter
compass create
you will get the default config.rb ... but here is my usual one
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "content/css"
sass_dir = "content/sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "scripts"
to install bootstrap (for more info see https://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass)
require 'bootstrap-sass'
to your config.rb
enter (in your command window)
gem install bootstrap-sass
(I had to do a (in your command window)
gem update
after this but you may not need to)
enter (in your command window)
compass install bootstrap
(then ... every time you open the solution in Visual Studio)
navigate to project folder
in a command window enter
compass watch
(this will monitor project for saves and re-compile the scss files)
Hope that helps
To install Compass, you should open your Windows console with Win+R, cmd and run:
gem update --system
gem update
gem install compass
Don't forget to remove all the stuff that you littered you Ruby installation with.
Use this command in order to add GEM to the Windows Path environment variables:
set PATH=C:\Ruby200-x64\bin;%PATH%
In the Ruby command you should write:
gem update --system
(this block of code updates all the gems in the Ruby)
Then you install sass like it:
gem install sass
(You said that you already has sass, so you don't need to write this code again.)
Then, you write this line:
gem install compass
(Now, you will have compass in your machine)
To know the version that was installed, you can write:
compass --version
To create a new project in your desktop machine, you can write this line of code:
compass create desktop/my-project
(This will create a compass folder in the desktop of your machine called my-project. I hope this is helpful.

Can't compile file using Compass

I have tried both ways to compile a project using compass (i.e. via the gui app, and the command line.)
I get this error in both instances. "Nothing to compile. If you're trying to start a new project, you have left off the directory argument.
Run "compass -h" to get help."
Where do you add the directory argument?
I suspect the way to get this working is just switch to your directory for your project and then run
compass init
This will then create you a "working" config.rb, and a directory called sass, and a directory stylesheets
and a couple of start scss files.
If you do not want them, or want to use different directories, you can of course now edit your freshly created and working config.rb, and change your directories (and then delete the old automatically created ones)
Anyway having done that(or not) you should then be able to run
compass watch
and all should be good , i.e. your scss files get compiled to css files
Or then run your gui tool
More information to be found in the compass documentation here

Eclipse plugin to automatically compile Sass files [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently using the Aptana plugin for Eclipse, which is giving me great syntax highlighting, and allows me to manually click to compile a *.scss file into a *.css file. What I would really like to be able to do is get it to automatically compile every time I save, but I cannot figure out how to do this.
I know you can use sass --watch on the command line, but I don't want to have to set this up manually every time I open eclipse, or create a new project.
Has anyone found a good way of achieving this? Is there must be a way of hooking into Aptana's Sass bundle and running it's compile command everytime I save? The accepted answer to this question suggests using a "Program Builder" - but is this really the best solution? If so does anyone have any tips/links to tutorials?
Update: I wrote up a blog post about how to use an ant script as a builder, but I'm still looking for a better way.
After lot of tries, I've found that the best solution in Eclipse is to define a simple Builder using the --update sass feature:
From the Project menu select "Properties" and choose the "Builders" section.
Create a new Builder and select "Program" as configuration type.
Choose a name for your launch configuration (SASS?!).
Insert the path of your sass installation into the Location field.
Use ${project_loc} as working directory.
In the Arguments text box insert the configuration parameters you want sass to use and, at the end, specify the --update parameter followed by your sass files directory source followed by ":" and the destination folder for the compiled css files. In my configuration "resources" is the source folder containing the .scss files and "web" is the destination directory containing the compiled .css files. The --update command will check for modifications in the source folder and all sub-folders. Screenshot
In the "Build Options" tab just check all options under the "Run the builder:" section. You can also "Specify working set of relevant resources" to launch the builder only when files contained in selected folders are saved. Screenshot
Click ok to save your launching configuration.
Now try to modify a .scss file in your source directory and then save it, you'll see the sass CLI output in your console window.
The sass CLI will automatically check for modified resources inside the source folder (resources in my configuration) and compile them into the destination folder (web in my configuration). Also, all .sass files that #import the modified resources will be compiled.
there is a watch switch for the sass comiler.
which rebuild the output (css) file everytime the source (scss,sass) change.
Quoting from : http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#using_sass
Using Sass
Sass can be used in three ways: as a command-line tool, as a
standalone Ruby module, and as a plugin for any Rack-enabled
framework, including Ruby on Rails and Merb. The first step for all of
these is to install the Sass gem:
gem install sass If you’re using Windows, you may need to install Ruby
To run Sass from the command line, just use
sass input.scss output.css You can also tell Sass to watch the file
and update the CSS every time the Sass file changes:
sass --watch input.scss:output.css If you have a directory with many Sass files,
you can also tell Sass to watch the entire directory:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets Use sass --help for full
Using Sass in Ruby code is very simple. After installing the Sass gem,
you can use it by running require "sass" and using Sass::Engine like
engine = Sass::Engine.new("#main {background-color: #0000ff}", :syntax
=> :scss) engine.render #=> "#main { background-color: #0000ff; }\n"
There is much easier solution. Just follow the instructions to install SASS from:
and you will notice that first you will have to install Ruby. After that, just go to the folder where your SCSS/CSS files are located, start CMD and run this DOS command:
>cd <path-to-your-css-files>
>sass --watch .
Then all you need to do is to link your SCSS files to be recognized by Eclipse as native CSS files. Follow this solution:
Hope this helps.
Note: I might have missed one or two steps. This is as per what I remembered after I completed the installation. If you face any problem, just post a comment, and I will try to help you.
