Meeting WCAG AAA criteria - worth mentioning? - accessibility

I have been asked to critique a site... while doing the colour contrast accessibility test, I found out that a few things don't meet the WCAG AAA criteria. Is this something I should bring up? Or will I look like a total fool? It is an educational website...

I would agree that the prime criterion comes from the stake holder. If they have a level they want to achieve then I'd document the AAA issues in an appendix and address the levels they care about directly.
I would caveat that many clients do not have a clear view of what the levels mean and what the impact may be. For example there are some criteria that are AA/AAA because we could not define automatable tests for them. This was a compromise to the reality of high volume publishers where only automation is feasible.
Thus as an educational institution they me be subject to requirements that aren't fully captured in WCAG. Yes the 503 refresh largely makes WCAG the de facto rubric for assessment but the institution may have internal support requirements, e.g. note taking assistance, that would require some of these AA/AAA criteria be met.
So yes the organizations goals determine what you bring up and recommend mitigations for, but the broader goals may raise some issues importance for them.

Taken from:
Achievable with impact
1.2.8 – Media Alternative (Pre-recorded)
1.4.6 – Contrast (Enhanced)
1.4.7 – Low or no Background Audio
1.4.8 – Visual Presentation
1.4.9 – Images of Text (No Exception)
2.2.3 – No Timing
2.3.2 – Three flashes
2.4.8 – Location
2.4.9 – Link Purpose (Link Only)
3.2.5 – Change on Request
3.3.5 – Help
3.3.6 – Error Prevention (All)
May not be realistic
1.2.7 – Extended Audio Description (Pre-recorded)
2.1.3 – Keyboard (No Exception)
2.2.4 – Interruptions
2.2.5 – Re-authenticating
2.4.10 – Section headings
3.1.3 – Unusual Words
3.1.4 – Abbreviations
3.1.5 – Reading Level
3.1.6 – Pronunciation
Unlikely to be possible
1.2.6 – Sign Language (Pre-recorded)
1.2.9 – Audio Only (Live)


Is it necessary for a WCAG compliance and accessibility review to be familiar with the website's right-to-left language?

I want to contract a WCAG compliance and accessibility review on a Persian-language website. Several consultants indicate that they have no experience with right-to-left languages. They also tell me that this isn't necessary to conduct a thorough accessibility review of a right-to-left, Persian-language website.
One consultant has responded, saying that he is not comfortable to do this review. He believes he might miss important accessibility concerns because of the language barrier.
I'm not familiar enough with WCAG to know if experience with right-to-left languages in general, and Persian in particular, is an impediment to conducting a thorough accessibility review. Nor do I seem to be able to find a WCAG and accessibility professional that can help me audit a right-to-left, Persian-language website.
Can anybody shed light on the necessity for experience with Persian and/or right-to-left languages in order to do a thoroughgoing WCAG compliance and accessibility review?
It is essential to understand the website's language to do a good review. Of course, the best option is that the accessibility consultant understands the language. Perhaps, including a professional translator in the project could be a possible solution if you can't find any accessibility consultants familiar with Persian.
Some WCAG criteria that the consultant needs to understand the language to evaluate them:
1.1.1 Non-text content: ALT texts need to be evaluated
All criteria under the 1.2 principle (audio, subtitles, etc.)
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context): the purpose of the link can be determined
2.4.6 Headings and Labels: evaluates that headings and labels describe the topic or purpose
Other criteria like 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics that evaluates that sensory characteristics are not being used as instructions for understanding or operating content
Regarding what you ask about reading order it is also very important. As in WCAG reading order is mentioned in the criteria and techniques. For example, 2.4.3: Focus Order takes into account the reading order.

Contrast ratio requirements for WCAG level AA

I'm working on a website design that needs to meet WCAG 2.0 AA requirements - and I'm not sure how to interpret the contrast ratio requirements:
"1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum): The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except for the following"
Given that most (if not all) operating systems as well as browsers nowadays have contrast enhancement features built-in, what's the rationale for this requirement?
Given that most (if not all) operating systems as well as browsers nowadays have contrast enhancement features built-in, what's the rationale for this requirement?!
People can not always choose which operating system they use, for instance when using an interactive kiosk (public terminal), or won't be able to install such plugins (university computers, mobile phone, ...)
WCAG defines minimum and enhanced contrast ratios. Those are still insufficient for people with important disabilities like glaucoma, LHON, ... Those requirements have to be seen as "minimal" (or enhanced), not "optimal".
Certain people (like elderly people) won't know every shortcut to activate a given accessibility feature.
It should not be necessary for a user who requires enhanced accessibility features to install plugins or alter settings for them to use your website/service. By meeting the WCAG guidelines on contrast (and other things) you can improve the experience for those users in a vanilla browser and operating system.
There are many contrast checkers online which help with this, I use this one. This SO question explains what the different ratings mean very well.
I like to think that when it comes to accessibility it is worth investing time in doing it properly so that more people can use your site or service. Not making your site/service accessible when it is relatively easy to do so is locking these users out. They will shop elsewhere rather than battle with browser/OS settings in order to get your website usable for them.
If it requires user customization of your site just to make it usable, that is a fail on your part.
A side benefit is that for people with nominal eye site, your site will be easier to read and look at for long periods of time if foreground items contrast well with the background. Which is something you probably want, right?

copyright of R's packages

I have a personal business and I want to get a Doctoral degree at a University, in the near future.
I want to know licence about R packages and their copyrights (intellectual property restrictions).
For example, one Professor makes R's packages and I want to use it to make my conduct research for my dissertation. and for business.
Would you tell me license that about the copyrights of R's packages? I can use that packages under free and unlimited?
I have been seeking about this problem but I cannot find answer.
My english is not good but I want to know about this problem,
And you can understand my simple question I think, beside my low english skill...
Could you tell me about R's packages copyright and thats reason?
There are 3 related, but different, concepts in your question:
Usage - free and unlimited vs paid or limited
Copyright - do they allow you to use their code and/or limit reproduction? A similar concept is License which is much more common and relevant that copyright in the context of R libraries.
Citation - should you cite the package in your paper and how to cite it
The vast majority of R packages (a.k.a. "libraries") offer free and unlimited usage. A small minority of libraries are wrappers of "freemium" or paid services, which I will mention later below.
It is more of a matter of proper citation than copyright. You should cite your libraries in your dissertation or thesis paper and other published work.
Citing packages is quite common. You can find a variety of resources on the Internet and you can look at published papers as good examples (via Google Scholar, your library, etc).
Often times the packages' documentation tells you how they'd like you to cite their library, which you can view in a viewer or on the command like (e.g. citation(package = "milleR").
For example:
citation(package = "caret")
To cite package ‘caret’ in publications use:
Max Kuhn. Contributions from Jed Wing, Steve Weston, Andre Williams, Chris Keefer, Allan Engelhardt, Tony Cooper, Zachary Mayer, Brenton Kenkel,
the R Core Team, Michael Benesty, Reynald Lescarbeau, Andrew Ziem, Luca Scrucca, Yuan Tang, Can Candan and Tyler Hunt. (2018). caret:
Classification and Regression Training. R package version 6.0-79.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {caret: Classification and Regression Training},
author = {Max Kuhn. Contributions from Jed Wing and Steve Weston and Andre Williams and Chris Keefer and Allan Engelhardt and Tony Cooper and Zachary Mayer and Brenton Kenkel and the R Core Team and Michael Benesty and Reynald Lescarbeau and Andrew Ziem and Luca Scrucca and Yuan Tang and Can Candan and Tyler Hunt.},
year = {2018},
note = {R package version 6.0-79},
url = {},
ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from the package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see ‘help("citation")’.
While it might technically possible to copyright libraries, R is an "open" community in that the language is not only open source, but the vast majority of libraries and tools fall under some sort of open philosophy license like Apache, GNU, MIT, etc. The exceptions are rare and the companies behind any copyrighted packages with any special usage restrictions will probably make it quite clear.
I actually tried to find an example of a truly copyrighted R package. I was going to use one by Revolution Analytics, but from what I can see even theirs is just under Apache 2.0 license. An example from #jordan is one called highcharter which says:
The libraries are available under different licenses depending on
whether it is intended for commercial/government use, or for a
personal or non-profit project.
That would be a case where you'd have to have an appropriate license for the version of the software in question. Though even that package itself isn't technically copyrighted (they use licenses rather than copyrights to limit usage).
As a licensed user you could still probably use and cite the package, but that can be limited or eliminated by the specific license type/wording.
Further, note that just because something is copyrighted doesn't necessarily mean that you can't use it (within the prescribed scope of use) and cite it.
In summary, yes you can use 99.99% of R packages as you said - free and unlimited. The exceptions are extremely rare and even in those very rare cases you can usually still use and cite the libraries as long as you obey the license.
Packages that provide access to external API's, like Google Maps (gmaps) may sell access to their API's by volume. For instance, Google offers free API access for light usage, but for large numbers and frequent requests you must open a billing account.
This goes beyond just copyright or even citation requirements. In order to determine whether you can use the software for your purpose you need to get the license, read the restrictions, and determine whether you are willing to accept them.
For example, some open source projects are licensed with "copy-left" rules. A copyleft license requires that any derivative software MUST also be open source. This may or may not be a problem depending on your business model.
Additionally, you need to be aware of the rules that your University places on work you create related to your schooling. The contract at many schools states that any work you produce as part of your program is the property of the University. If you look up these rules in advance you may be able to negotiate with the University and get a written contract releasing you from the generic school policies. Some schools do not attempt to own your University project work.

accessibility -- WCAG 2 and law restrictions

I just found out that there's some countries(UK, CANADA and some more) that actually have a LAW about the web-site accessibility. I was shocked, because one thing when there's some RECOMMENDATIONS and another thing is a LAW, witch means anyone can sue you for not being 'standard'.
I'm interesting in your professional opinion about why is it bad to use LAW based on WCAG 2.0 recommendations to make web-site accessible to disabled people. If you may, please provide a good examples with proper comments. There's not so many people who're fluent in WCAG 2.0 standards.
I found at wikipedia criticism about wcag here what it says:
Criticism of WAI guidelines
There has been criticism of the W3C process, claiming that it does not
sufficiently put the user at the heart of the process.[2] There was a
formal objection to WCAG's original claim that WCAG 2.0 will address
requirements for people with learning disabilities and cognitive
limitations headed by Lisa Seeman and signed by 40 organisations and
people.[3] In articles such as "WCAG 2.0: The new W3C guidelines
evaluated",[4] "To Hell with WCAG 2.0"[5] and "Testability Costs Too
Much",[6] the WAI has been criticised for allowing WCAG 1.0 to get
increasingly out of step with today's technologies and techniques for
creating and consuming web content, for the slow pace of development
of WCAG 2.0, for making the new guidelines difficult to navigate and
understand, and other argued failings.
*I may be wrong, but I think CODE should not be restricted by any law at all. It's a godamn CODE ffs
I think governments should encourage web-site owners(businesses!) to make they sites accessible, but not restrict them to some wcag for example.
I think there is a basic misunderstanding about how the law aspect works, it isn't based on WCAG.
In the UK, most of the EU, Canada and Australia there is no mention of WCAG2 or any particular standard for website accessibility in the law itself.
The law in the UK and in other countries like Australia says (and consider this an extreme paraphrase) that any product or service you provide should not discriminate against people with disabilities.
Whether you rely on a website to be accessible is up to you, you just have to provide your product/service in an accessible way somehow, you could do it on the phone and in a physical place.
NB: Most countries have "advisory notes" that do talk about WCAG, but see those as a means of making things accessible, not the core legal requirment.
Given that the website is generally the easiest way to provide something accessibly, WCAG2 is the most recognised set of guidelines and if you use that and make a "reasonable effort", any legal complaints will be easier to deal with.
Taking the book example (from the comments elsewhere), a paper book may not be accessible to someone who is blind, but the publisher is obliged to either make the digital copy available as an ebook (which can be read out by a computer or other device) or make the content available to services that create audio versions. They don't loose out on sales, and it is not a hardship to provide an accessible version.
There are lots of ways to make products and services available and thanks to the web being created as accessible-by-default, it is a very good channel for that.
Also, WCAG does not say "you have to do it this way or you are not standard", it says things like "All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose". It doesn't define the code you use (although there are obvious ways to acheive that), the guidelines are written so there there a multiple ways of acheiving the aim.
Some people complain about that and think it should be clearer and easier to implement!
Bottom line: If you are paid to make a website, making it accessible is part of a professional job.
Accessibility is not just "code", accessibility is about discrimination.
And fortunately, there are laws to sue people, not for not being standard, but for removing access to people with disabilities.

Is website accessibility mandated in some countries? What are the consequences of not being accessible?

Is it mandatory in some countries to make all websites accessible?
If so, what would happen if someone in country with this mandate does not make a website accessible?
Can the government remove or block the IP if the site is not accessible?
How could the government know if any website is not accessible? Do they check every single website?
Does only the people/company who make the inaccessible site get any notice from the government?
Why are there so many accessibility guidelines -- WACG 1, WCAG 2.0, DDA, Section 508, etc.? If the whole world follows W3C for XHTML and CSS, then why have some countries made their own guidelines?
Is it mandatory in some countries to make all websites accessible?
Yes, particularly the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia.
This is in order to comply with legislation that prevents discrimination against disabled people. While this is, or can be, seen as a burden I find it helps to think of it as widening your audience, consumer or user-base.
If so, what would happen if someone in country with this mandate does not make a website accessible?
Being a legal requirement means that a court is/will be able to impose sanctions, depending on their interpretation of the local laws, that might involve enforced compliance with the laws, a financial penalty (fines, etc) or some other punishment until compliance is established.
Can the government remove or block the IP if the site is not accessible?
That depends on which government and the specifics written into the laws. It seems unlikely that they would block the website because of non-compliance with accessibility legislation. It seems far more likely, though I am biased because of where I live (the United Kingdom), that reparations would be sought through the judicial system.
How could the government know if any website is not accessible? Do they check every single website?
In the United Kingdom it seems that complaints would be brought by disabled users that are prevented from successfully using/accessing the site or service. These complaints would likely be taken to the court system, see above.
It is even more likely that the user would inform the owner of the website directly, before bringing a complaint to court, in order to give you/the owners a chance to apologise (never underestimate the power of a sincere apology) and enhance the site.
[Do] only the people/company who make the inaccessible site get any notice from the government?
I would imagine, and this is why this isn't necessarily a great place to ask the question, that the owners would be notified. It is, however, quite likely that, as the site developer, you would quickly receive complaints from the owner of the site since you made it/designed it. But the legal burden of responsibility is likely to depend upon the contract under which you were employed/contracted.
If you feel that accessibility would add an undue burden upon yourself, it's always worth specifying to the client the costs of adding compliance with accessibility requirements, and telling them of the specific laws under which they are requirements.
But, for this, you need to speak to a lawyer.
Why are there so many accessibility guidelines -- WACG 1, WCAG 2.0, DDA, Section 508, etc.? If the whole world follows W3C for XHTML and CSS, then why have some countries made their own guidelines?
Because all laws are set locally, or, in some cases, internationally via treaties. The W3C can make suggestions and guidelines, but it is not, thankfully for IE, illegal not to comply with CSS2.1. It is, however, illegal not to comply with the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) in the United Kingdom.
All the above is not the advice of a qualified legal representative, or counsel. For specific advice consult a lawyer who practices the law in the country/region in which your client is based, or in which your website/product will accessible.
This would imply a lawyer from the United Kingdom for a British local government website, for a German authority website it would, of course, imply the services of a lawyer from Germany.
Is it only mandatory to make site accessible for Govt. own website and for stock exchange listed corporate sites. or for all type of sites?
I can't speak as to the exact requirements, since I'm not a lawyer. However a quick Google turns up the following web-page that seems to address this question:
To paraphrase the linked page:
The DDA makes it unlawful for a service provider to discriminate against a disabled person by refusing to provide any service that it provides to members of the general public.
I read this to mean that all websites that provide a service to the public are required to be accessible under the terms of the DDA. This would include Government websites, but also home-shopping websites (from, for example, Sainsbury's, Asda, Tesco's, etc) and the Royal Mail or cinema ticket-reservation sites.
From 01/10/1999 service providers must take reasonable steps to change any practice that makes it unreasonably difficult for disabled people to make use of its services
The key term here, I think, is 'reasonable steps.' I presume, from this, that if the website/service generates an income of £10000 per annum, and the cost of compliance with accessibility would be in excess of £10000 then you could argue that it exceeded any reasonable effort/cost to become compliant.
However, this is the reason that progressive enhancement is popular in Javascript and CSS. If the service, at its most basic, is accessible then Javascript and CSS can be used to make it prettier and shinier (whatever that means to you), but it should degrade back to a functional UI when JS or CSS are disabled. In this situation the site is compliant, but a disabled person might not have the same shiny, moving buttons.
Accessibility means that they must be able to access the service/site without unreasonable difficulty. It does not mean that the site has to look/behave exactly the same.
A direct quote from the linked page:
2.13 - 2.17 (p11-13): “What services are affected by the Disability Discrimination Act? An airline company provides a flight reservation and booking service to the public on its website. This is a provision of a service and is subject to the act.”
In addition to above answers:
The W3C has a page listing relevant laws in different countries, including links to the relevant laws (often in the language of that country though):
As I said, it's very hard to answer in general. I guess you will be getting a list of answers specific to countries - maybe a good idea to make it Community Wiki.
For Germany, according to Wikipedia and other sources:
Newly built web sites of federal administrative bodies in Germany have to be accessible by law since 2006. The accessibility guidelines are defined in a directive named BITV (german text here). BITV follows the WCAG 1.0 Guidelines very closely.
Similar laws exist for the country's sixteen states ("Länder").
The creation of accessible web sites is encouraged by a number of government and EU initiatives and private initiatives like the BIENE Award (German only).
To my knowledge, no plans to enforce accessibility in non-government websites exist at this time.
As to why countries implement their own guidelines, among other things, language certainly is an issue: To put guidelines into a law, you need the guidelines in your native language, double-checked by lawyers.
There is an ISO standard, ISO 23026 for reccomended practices for website engineering and website lifecycle management and this does not vary for country specific guidelines. This std includes clauses for website accessibility as well. This standard touches upon guidelines for website accessibility, usability and security, etc.
Why are there so many accessibility guidelines -- WACG 1, WCAG 2.0, DDA, Section 508, etc.?
Just on this point (and assuming “DDA” refers to the UK’s Disability Discrimination Act), the Act doesn’t contain any guidelines on web accessibility in particular.
It makes a legal requirement for companies to provide equivalent service to disabled and non-disabled customers, and that requirement applies to websites just like any other service.
But the Act doesn’t count as another set of guidelines in itself.
I believe Section 508 was based on, and is almost identical to, WCAG 1.
That just leaves WCAG 1 and 2, both of which are from the W3C, and version 2 now supersedes version 1. So there’s actually just one set of guidelines, unless you’ve got any more examples.
