Maximum first derivative in for values in a data frame R - r

Good day, I am looking for some help in processing my dataset. I have 14000 rows and 500 columns and I am trying to get the maximum value of the first derivative for individual rows in different column groups. I have my data saved as a data frame with the first column being the name of a variable. My data looks like this:
Species Spec400 Spec405 Spec410 Spec415
1 AfricanOilPalm_1_Lf_1 0.2400900 0.2318345 0.2329633 0.2432734
2 AfricanOilPalm_1_Lf_10 0.1783162 0.1808581 0.1844433 0.1960315
3 AfricanOilPalm_1_Lf_11 0.1699646 0.1722618 0.1615062 0.1766804
4 AfricanOilPalm_1_Lf_12 0.1685733 0.1743336 0.1669799 0.1818896
5 AfricanOilPalm_1_Lf_13 0.1747400 0.1772355 0.1735916 0.1800227
For each of the variables in the species column, I want to get the maximum derivative from Spec495 to Spec500 for example. This is what I did before I ran into errors.
x<-c(495,500,505,510,515,520,525,530,535,540,545,550)##get x values of reflectance(Spec495 to Spec500)<-hsp[,21:32]##get row values for the required columns
y<-as.numeric([1,])##convert to a vector, for just the first row of data
library(pspline) ##Using a spline so a derivative maybe calculated from a list of numeric values
I really wanted to avoid using a loop because of the time it takes, but this is the only way I know of thus far
for(j in 1:14900)
+ { y<-as.numeric([j,]) + a1d<-max(predict(sm.spline(x, y), x, 1))
+ write.table(a1d, file = "a1-d-appended.csv", sep = ",",
+ col.names = FALSE, append=TRUE) + }
This loop runs up until the 7861th value then get this error:
Error in smooth.Pspline(x = ux, y = tmp[, 1], w = tmp[, 2], method = method, :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 6)
I am sure there must be a way to avoid using a loop, maybe using the plyr package, but I can't figure out how to do so, nor which package would be best to get the value for maximum derivative.
Can anyone offer some insight or suggestions? Thanks in advance

First differences are the numerical analog of first derivatives when the x-dimension is evenly spaced. So something along the lines of:
which.max( diff ( predict(sm.spline(x, y))$ysmth) ) )
... will return the location of the maximum (positive) slope of the smoothed spline. If you wanted the maximal slope allowing it to be either negative or postive you would use abs() around the predict()$ysmth. If you are having difficulties with non-finite values then using an index of is.finite will clear both Inf and NaN difficulties:
predy <- predict(sm.spline(x, y))$ysmth
predx <- predict(sm.spline(x, y))$x predy ) <- !is.finite(pred)
plot(predx, predy, # NA values will not blow up R plotting function,
# ... just create discontinuities.
main ="First Derivative")


How do I remove outliers from my dataset? [duplicate]

I've got some multivariate data of beauty vs ages. The ages range from 20-40 at intervals of 2 (20, 22, 24....40), and for each record of data, they are given an age and a beauty rating from 1-5. When I do boxplots of this data (ages across the X-axis, beauty ratings across the Y-axis), there are some outliers plotted outside the whiskers of each box.
I want to remove these outliers from the data frame itself, but I'm not sure how R calculates outliers for its box plots. Below is an example of what my data might look like.
Nobody has posted the simplest answer:
x[!x %in% boxplot.stats(x)$out]
Also see this:
OK, you should apply something like this to your dataset. Do not replace & save or you'll destroy your data! And, btw, you should (almost) never remove outliers from your data:
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
To see it in action:
x <- rnorm(100)
x <- c(-10, x, 10)
y <- remove_outliers(x)
## png()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
And once again, you should never do this on your own, outliers are just meant to be! =)
EDIT: I added na.rm = TRUE as default.
EDIT2: Removed quantile function, added subscripting, hence made the function faster! =)
Use outline = FALSE as an option when you do the boxplot (read the help!).
> m <- c(rnorm(10),5,10)
> bp <- boxplot(m, outline = FALSE)
The boxplot function returns the values used to do the plotting (which is actually then done by bxp():
bstats <- boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
#need to "waste" this plot
bstats$out <- NULL
bstats$group <- NULL
bxp(bstats) # this will plot without any outlier points
I purposely did not answer the specific question because I consider it statistical malpractice to remove "outliers". I consider it acceptable practice to not plot them in a boxplot, but removing them just because they exceed some number of standard deviations or some number of inter-quartile widths is a systematic and unscientific mangling of the observational record.
I looked up for packages related to removing outliers, and found this package (surprisingly called "outliers"!):
if you go through it you see different ways of removing outliers and among them I found rm.outlier most convenient one to use and as it says in the link above:
"If the outlier is detected and confirmed by statistical tests, this function can remove it or replace by
sample mean or median" and also here is the usage part from the same source:
rm.outlier(x, fill = FALSE, median = FALSE, opposite = FALSE)
x a dataset, most frequently a vector. If argument is a dataframe, then outlier is
removed from each column by sapply. The same behavior is applied by apply
when the matrix is given.
fill If set to TRUE, the median or mean is placed instead of outlier. Otherwise, the
outlier(s) is/are simply removed.
median If set to TRUE, median is used instead of mean in outlier replacement.
opposite if set to TRUE, gives opposite value (if largest value has maximum difference
from the mean, it gives smallest and vice versa)
data_clean <- data[data$attribute >=x[1] & data$attribute<=x[2],]
I find this very easy to remove outliers. In the above example I am just extracting 2 percentile to 98 percentile of attribute values.
z <- df[df$x > quantile(df$x, .25) - 1.5*IQR(df$x) &
df$x < quantile(df$x, .75) + 1.5*IQR(df$x), ] #rows
accomplish this task quite easily?
Adding to #sefarkas' suggestion and using quantile as cut-offs, one could explore the following option:
newdata <- subset(mydata,!(mydata$var > quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[2] | mydata$var < quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[1]) )
This will remove the points points beyond the 99th quantile. Care should be taken like what aL3Xa was saying about keeping outliers. It should be removed only for getting an alternative conservative view of the data.
1 way to do that is <-[-boxplot.stats($my.column)$out, ]
my.high.value <- which($age > 200 |$age < 0) <-[-my.high.value, ]
Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.
Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.
An example is shown here:
This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset:
It is more difficult to remove outliers with grouped data because there is a risk of removing data points that are considered outliers in one group but not in others.
Because no dataset is provided I assume that there is a dependent variable "attractiveness", and two independent variables "age" and "gender". The boxplot shown in the original post above is then created with boxplot(dat$attractiveness ~ dat$gender + dat$age). To remove outliers you can use the following approach:
# Create a separate dataset for each group
group_data = split(dat, list(dat$age, dat$gender))
# Remove outliers from each dataset
group_data = lapply(group_data, function(x) {
# Extract outlier values from boxplot
outliers = boxplot.stats(x$attractiveness)$out
# Remove outliers from data
return(subset(x, !x$attractiveness %in% outliers))
# Combine datasets into a single dataset
dat =, group_data)
Try this. Feed your variable in the function and save the o/p in the variable which would contain removed outliers
new_variable<-variable[variable>mild_low & variable<mild_high]

Is there an inbuilt function to identify outliers in all columns of a dataframe? [duplicate]

I've got some multivariate data of beauty vs ages. The ages range from 20-40 at intervals of 2 (20, 22, 24....40), and for each record of data, they are given an age and a beauty rating from 1-5. When I do boxplots of this data (ages across the X-axis, beauty ratings across the Y-axis), there are some outliers plotted outside the whiskers of each box.
I want to remove these outliers from the data frame itself, but I'm not sure how R calculates outliers for its box plots. Below is an example of what my data might look like.
Nobody has posted the simplest answer:
x[!x %in% boxplot.stats(x)$out]
Also see this:
OK, you should apply something like this to your dataset. Do not replace & save or you'll destroy your data! And, btw, you should (almost) never remove outliers from your data:
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA
To see it in action:
x <- rnorm(100)
x <- c(-10, x, 10)
y <- remove_outliers(x)
## png()
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
And once again, you should never do this on your own, outliers are just meant to be! =)
EDIT: I added na.rm = TRUE as default.
EDIT2: Removed quantile function, added subscripting, hence made the function faster! =)
Use outline = FALSE as an option when you do the boxplot (read the help!).
> m <- c(rnorm(10),5,10)
> bp <- boxplot(m, outline = FALSE)
The boxplot function returns the values used to do the plotting (which is actually then done by bxp():
bstats <- boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray")
#need to "waste" this plot
bstats$out <- NULL
bstats$group <- NULL
bxp(bstats) # this will plot without any outlier points
I purposely did not answer the specific question because I consider it statistical malpractice to remove "outliers". I consider it acceptable practice to not plot them in a boxplot, but removing them just because they exceed some number of standard deviations or some number of inter-quartile widths is a systematic and unscientific mangling of the observational record.
I looked up for packages related to removing outliers, and found this package (surprisingly called "outliers"!):
if you go through it you see different ways of removing outliers and among them I found rm.outlier most convenient one to use and as it says in the link above:
"If the outlier is detected and confirmed by statistical tests, this function can remove it or replace by
sample mean or median" and also here is the usage part from the same source:
rm.outlier(x, fill = FALSE, median = FALSE, opposite = FALSE)
x a dataset, most frequently a vector. If argument is a dataframe, then outlier is
removed from each column by sapply. The same behavior is applied by apply
when the matrix is given.
fill If set to TRUE, the median or mean is placed instead of outlier. Otherwise, the
outlier(s) is/are simply removed.
median If set to TRUE, median is used instead of mean in outlier replacement.
opposite if set to TRUE, gives opposite value (if largest value has maximum difference
from the mean, it gives smallest and vice versa)
data_clean <- data[data$attribute >=x[1] & data$attribute<=x[2],]
I find this very easy to remove outliers. In the above example I am just extracting 2 percentile to 98 percentile of attribute values.
z <- df[df$x > quantile(df$x, .25) - 1.5*IQR(df$x) &
df$x < quantile(df$x, .75) + 1.5*IQR(df$x), ] #rows
accomplish this task quite easily?
Adding to #sefarkas' suggestion and using quantile as cut-offs, one could explore the following option:
newdata <- subset(mydata,!(mydata$var > quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[2] | mydata$var < quantile(mydata$var, probs=c(.01, .99))[1]) )
This will remove the points points beyond the 99th quantile. Care should be taken like what aL3Xa was saying about keeping outliers. It should be removed only for getting an alternative conservative view of the data.
1 way to do that is <-[-boxplot.stats($my.column)$out, ]
my.high.value <- which($age > 200 |$age < 0) <-[-my.high.value, ]
Outliers are quite similar to peaks, so a peak detector can be useful for identifying outliers. The method described here has quite good performance using z-scores. The animation part way down the page illustrates the method signaling on outliers, or peaks.
Peaks are not always the same as outliers, but they're similar frequently.
An example is shown here:
This dataset is read from a sensor via serial communications. Occasional serial communication errors, sensor error or both lead to repeated, clearly erroneous data points. There is no statistical value in these point. They are arguably not outliers, they are errors. The z-score peak detector was able to signal on spurious data points and generated a clean resulting dataset:
It is more difficult to remove outliers with grouped data because there is a risk of removing data points that are considered outliers in one group but not in others.
Because no dataset is provided I assume that there is a dependent variable "attractiveness", and two independent variables "age" and "gender". The boxplot shown in the original post above is then created with boxplot(dat$attractiveness ~ dat$gender + dat$age). To remove outliers you can use the following approach:
# Create a separate dataset for each group
group_data = split(dat, list(dat$age, dat$gender))
# Remove outliers from each dataset
group_data = lapply(group_data, function(x) {
# Extract outlier values from boxplot
outliers = boxplot.stats(x$attractiveness)$out
# Remove outliers from data
return(subset(x, !x$attractiveness %in% outliers))
# Combine datasets into a single dataset
dat =, group_data)
Try this. Feed your variable in the function and save the o/p in the variable which would contain removed outliers
new_variable<-variable[variable>mild_low & variable<mild_high]

R - Extract coefficients from a factor of lm object using conditions

I have fitted a lm with the following code:
Eq1_females = <- lm(earnings ~ event_time + factor(age) + factor(year) - 1, data=females)
Now, I would like to calculate a predicted value based on the factor coefficients, but this predicted value depends on certain conditions in the data. I therefore create a list of the coefficients and I now want to extract the factor coefficients if age = k and year = y, but it keeps returning 0 or NA. However, if I input a number (e.g. 34) instead of k, it does give the right value. I tried two different codes:
estimates <- coef(Eq1_females)
k = females$age[1]
estimates <- coef(Eq1_females)
k = females$age[1]
beta_age = estimates[grep("^factor\\(age\\)k", names(estimates))]
(note that in the end, I would like to loop over different rows of females$age)
What does work, is calculating
beta_age = estimates[grep("^factor\\(age\\)34", names(estimates))]
Could anyone tell me if there is a way of also getting the code to work with k in the beta_age formula?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Paste the right number to the regex pattern using paste0:
beta = estimates[grep(paste0("^factor\\(Petal.Width\\)", k), names(estimates))]
This returns:
In "^factor\\(age\\)k", it will treat k as the literal k. However, you are referring to variable k. By using paste(..., sep = "") or paste0(...) you can simply paste k to the base pattern.

How to solve prcomp.default(): cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance

I have a data set of 9 samples (rows) with 51608 variables (columns) and I keep getting the error whenever I try to scale it:
This works fine
pca = prcomp(pca_data)
pca = prcomp(pca_data, scale = T)
> Error in prcomp.default(pca_data, center = T, scale = T) :
cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance
Obviously it's a little hard to post a reproducible example. Any ideas what the deal could be?
Looking for constant columns:
sapply(1:ncol(pca_data), function(x){
length = unique(pca_data[, x]) %>% length
}) %>% table
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3892 4189 2124 1783 1622 2078 5179 30741
So no constant columns. Same with NA's - %>% sum
>[1] 0
This works fine:
pca_data = scale(pca_data)
But then afterwards both still give the exact same error:
pca = prcomp(pca_data)
pca = prcomp(pca_data, center = F, scale = F)
So why cant I manage to get a scaled pca on this data? Ok, lets make 100% sure that it's not constant.
pca_data = pca_data + rnorm(nrow(pca_data) * ncol(pca_data))
Same errors. Numierc data?
sapply( 1:nrow(pca_data), function(row){
sapply(1:ncol(pca_data), function(column){
!is.numeric(pca_data[row, column])
} ) %>% sum
Still the same errors. I'm out of ideas.
Edit: more and a hack at least to solve it.
Later, still having a hard time clustering this data eg:
Error in hclust(d, method = "ward.D") :
NaN dissimilarity value in intermediate results.
Trimming values under a certain cuttoff eg < 1 to zero had no effect. What finally worked was trimming all columns that had more than x zeros in the column. Worked for # zeros <= 6, but 7+ gave errors. No idea if this means that this is a problem in general or if this just happened to catch a problematic column. Still would be happy to hear if anyone has any ideas why because this should work just fine as long as no variable is all zeros (or constant in another way).
I don't think you're looking for zero variance columns correctly. Let's try with some dummy data. First, an acceptable matrix: of 10x100:
mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000, 0), nrow = 10)
And one with a zero-variance column. Let's call it oopsmat.
const <- rep(0.1,100)
oopsmat <- cbind(const, mat)
The first few elements of oopsmat look like this:
[1,] 0.1 0.75048899 0.5997527 -0.151815650 0.01002536 0.6736613 -0.225324647 -0.64374844 -0.7879052
[2,] 0.1 0.09143491 -0.8732389 -1.844355560 0.23682805 0.4353462 -0.148243210 0.61859245 0.5691021
[3,] 0.1 -0.80649512 1.3929716 -1.438738923 -0.09881381 0.2504555 -0.857300053 -0.98528008 0.9816383
[4,] 0.1 0.49174471 -0.8110623 -0.941413109 -0.70916436 1.3332522 0.003040624 0.29067871 -0.3752594
[5,] 0.1 1.20068447 -0.9811222 0.928731706 -1.97469637 -1.1374734 0.661594937 2.96029102 0.6040814
Let's try scaled and unscaled PCAs on oopsmat:
PCs <- prcomp(oopsmat) #works
PCs <- prcomp(oopsmat, scale. = T) #not forgetting the dot
#Error in prcomp.default(oopsmat, scale. = T) :
#cannot rescale a constant/zero column to unit variance
Because you can't divide by the standard deviation if it's infinity. To identify the zero-variance column, we can use which as follows to get the variable name.
which(apply(oopsmat, 2, var)==0)
And to remove zero variance columns from the dataset, you can use the same apply expression, setting variance not equal to zero.
oopsmat[ , which(apply(oopsmat, 2, var) != 0)]
Hope that helps make things clearer!
In addition to Joe's answer, just check that the classes of the columns in your dataframe are numerics.
If there are integers, then you'll get variances of 0, causing the scaling to fail.
So if,
is an integer64, for example, then do the following
my_df$some_column <- as.numeric(my_df$some_column)
Hope this helps someone.
The error is because one of the column has constant values.
Calculate standard deviation of all the numeric cols to find the zero variance variables.
If the standard deviation is zero, you can remove the variable and compute pca

How to get N values along with pearson correlation?

I am using the code below to calculate the correlation map between two datasets.this code worked fine and I got the results which look like:![enter image description here]![enter image description here][1].
I would like also to get another map displaying how many pairs were used in calculation of each pixel so I get map of N a long with map of correlation.
as per Paul Hiemstra this function gave cor and N:
cor_withN = function(...) {
cor_obj = cor.test(...)
print(sprintf("N = %s", cor_obj$parameter + 2))
return(data.frame(cor = cor_obj$estimate, N = cor_obj$parameter + 2))
cor_withN(runif(100), runif(100))
[1] "N = 100"
cor N
cor 0.1718225 100
when I simply replaced cor by cor_withN I got this error:
Error in cor.test.default(...) : not enough finite observations
How can I imply this function in my code to get two maps of correlation and N values ?
1. Error
Error in cor.test.default(...) : not enough finite observations
According to corr.test source ( this error can appear in two cases:
You are using Pearson's correlation and have less than 3 finite pairs of observations.
You are using Kendall's or Spearman's correlation and have less than 2 pairs.
Indeed, cor.test(c(1,2), c(2,3)) causes exactly the same error, while cor(c(1,2), c(2,3)) gives an answer.
Note, that cor.test uses complete.cases(x,y) for calculations. So, look into your data - probably there are not enough pairs somewhere.
2. Function
cor returns numeric value, your function corr_withN returns data.frame. So, it doesn't look like you can simply replace one by another.
As I understand you need just a matrix of size 1440x720 which will be plotted over the map. In this case you can just use cor for the first plot, and simple function returning the number of pairs used to calculate correlation for the second. The function itself can be as simple as:
cor_withN <- function(...) {
UPDATE: After comment
If cor_withN must return NA when there are less than 3 pairs it should be modified:
cor_withN <- function(...) {
res <- try(cor.test(...)$parameter+2, silent=TRUE)
ifelse(class(res)=="try-error", NA, res)
This function tries to compute correlation and, if it fails, returns NA or number of pairs otherwise.
