I have a dexterity content type (container) where I have two custom fields for a contract start date and end date.
When creating the type I’d like the end date to be used also for the Plone “expiration date”.
How do I copy the Date over to the Expiration Date field?
I think you have 2 approaches to solve this: the first is to use the standard expires field directly instead of your custom end date field; you could have an issue if you want to override the label/description of it, as you will have no way (AFAIK) to change them only for your domain.
the second one could be to override the standard expires field and make its getter method return the value of your custom end date field.
check the following documentation:
Plone and Dexterity: Working with computed fields
Plone Developer Documentation: Behaviors
Medatada definitions inside plone.app.dexterity
Google Forms I need Pre-filled current Date & current Time Entry in date and time fields of my google form. How to do it
My solution is to make the Date field optional. The default is to assume the todays date which is what you get from the timestamp field. In case it needs to be anything else you can enter it manually.
A simple code-free solution is to make separate sections in your form and use the feature that routes users to different sections based on responses. The first section asks whether the form is for the current date/time. If yes, you use the timestamp as the date and time and route the user to the main section with your questions. If not, route them to a section to set the date and time, and then after that route them to the main section.
2023 Solution
-Google Forms has updated how dates are passed through URL parameters.
Instead of passing each component of a date as a separate param, you now pass them using the same syntax as all other fields using the YYYY-MM-DD format for your date value.
Here is an example URL:
I have a behavior that defines two fields: year and week (of the year).
This behavior is reused for several content types, and only in one of them I need to make sure that this fields are not repeated in any other instance of the same content type, i.e. two objects of this content type can not share the same year and week (is fine to share the same year or the same week).
As this restriction is only meant for this specific content type I tried with an zope.interface.invariant but for some reason I can not get access to the fields defined in the behavior.
A simplified version of the Content type would be:
class IMyContentType(form.Schema)
title = schema.TextLine(title="My title",
description="My description",
def check_year_and_week(data):
How can I get the value (if any) from within check_year_and_week invariant?
You can't. Invariants have access to values for other fields in the same interface, but not fields from other interfaces.
You can use a widget manager validator instead: http://developer.plone.org/reference_manuals/active/schema-driven-forms/customising-form-behaviour/validation.html#widget-manager-validators
Or do the validation in your form's action handler: http://developer.plone.org/reference_manuals/active/schema-driven-forms/customising-form-behaviour/validation.html#validating-in-action-handlers
A behavior is nothing but an adapter; if you're not getting the fields on the invariant you probably need adapt your content type before trying to access the extra fields.
Context: Content type Person has reference (multiple values) to a content type Work, using entity reference.
Need: To display the title of each person node which references a given work, separated by a comma.
Done: A view with a back reference, the right nodes are fetched. (Views 7.x-3.7)
Problem: Cannot display the value separated by a comma. Note: I usually do it with the "Simple separator" display type which is under "Display all values in the same row" in the MULTIPLE FIELD SETTINGS field group. However, this field group is not available in my context.
I have found the module Views Merge Rows - works very nice. If it does not support Features module for some reason, I can take some of its code code in order to use hook_views_pre_render myself.
I was able to work around this problem by using token_formatters. The basic steps (after token formatters is installed):
No relationship to referenced entity in views (not needed)
Add the entity reference field to the view
Change formatter to "tokenized text"
For 'Text to output' use a token (I'm using [node:field-name])
For 'link destination' use a token ('m using [entity:url:path] for a relative link)
Set multiple field setting as desired
You need a custom views Format here because you are talking about the whole views-row not a multiple results field. You can use the "Unformatted list" and add a comma to be added with CSS or JS.
What kind of Relationship do you use? Can you export your whole views in an external editor and provide a link?
I had a similar issue, where I was using the Entity Reference relationship of "Referencing Entity" instead of "Referenced Entity". (The reference was on the child and the View started at the parent level).
When you run a Drupal System Message on the row (dsm), it returns all the nid responses appropriately, but as different result rows instead of as a single object; however, since the NID field (like many others) has no option for display multiple results, it would only grab the first result.
I ended up having to do an Entity Query from a Views PHP field with the current row's NID as one of the Field Conditions. That seemed to do the trick, rather than trying to load a View inside of a View with views_field_view.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', '[your_content_type]')
->propertyCondition('status', 1)
->fieldCondition('[your_field_machine_name]', '[field_column_to_check]', $row->nid)
->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)); // Run the query as user 1.
$result = $query->execute();
I had a very similar problem: no "Multiple Field Settings" were available in the field configuration of a multi-value entity reference from my content type to User.
Solved it by removing the entity reference and instead using the multi-value "User ID" field of my content type directly. The "Multiple Field Settings" form area was available now and I selected "Display all values in the same row" there as you do normally. Now this would only display numeric user IDs separated by comma (not desired). But in the field configuration there was also a setting "Format:", which I set to "Label". This would display user names instead.
So I guess by creating a custom formatter you would be able to display your associated "Work" entities in a similar way.
I'm writing a simple content type with Dexterity to manage customers, beside the usuals fields, eg name, company, phone...
I've also added a Datetime field to store when the first meeting with
customers has been held, lets call it 'firstmeeting', which I defined
in my interface ICustomers as:
firstmeeting = schema.Datetime(
title=_(u"First Meeting"),
Now, I notice that when I saved a new Customer document the firstmeeting
field has been filled with the current date even if I don't set any date
in the form, which is not what I want because no meeting with the
customer has been held yet. So I'd like to know how to set a None value
for this field so nothing will be displayed.
I've been trying to use a custom class has explained by Martin Aspeli in
but I don't know how to check the user input and set None value if nothing
was typed in.
Have you tried default=None?
I found out what was happening in my code.
Actually the problem was in the template view.pt where I used toLocalizedTime() function,
which was converting the None value to the current date, so I added a tal:condition to print the date value.
<span id="form-widgets-firstmeeting" class="datetime-widget datetime-field"
tal:content="python:context.toLocalizedTime(context.firstmeeting)" />
I am trying do one of the following in the "Create Event" form in Plone 4, when creating events which happened in the past:
i. Set the default start/end dates in the "Start Date" and "End Date" drop-downs to a larger range of values (I cannot create events before 2001 or after 2016).
ii. Allow users to input start/end dates for events as text (rather than select from a drop-down).
I can't seem to find what is controlling this form anywhere... after hours of googling!
The start and end fields are standard Archetypes DateTimeField fields, using the default CalendarWidget widgets.
The CalendarWidget reuses some fairly old and crufty calendar macros from Plone, and these read the range of selectable years from the site properties. You can change these in the ZMI, find the portal_properties tool, then the site_properties property sheet within that. The two properties to look for are:
The starting year to show in the calendar widget. Default is 2001.
The number of future years, after the current year, to show in the calendar widget. Default is empty, and the widget then falls back to 5 years.
Also see the site properties documentation; you can also use a GenericSetup profile to set these.
These values apply to all usage of the calendar macros. You can also set this for just the event type, by setting the starting_year, ending_year and/or future_years properties on the CalendarWidget for the startDate and endDate fields. If you set an ending_year the future_years property is ignored.
Monkey-patch style altering of the event schema:
from Products.Archetypes.content import event
ATEventSchema['startDate'].widget.starting_year = 1999
ATEventSchema['startDate'].widget.ending_year = 2020
ATEventSchema['endDate'].widget.starting_year = 1999
ATEventSchema['endDate'].widget.ending_year = 2020
If the starting_year and ending_year are not defined on the definition level of the calendarwidget (inside the definition of the ATEvent schema implementation) then some assumptions about the year range is made inside
Modify the related code inside the date_components_support.py script.