Datagrid integrate in Album module zf2 - datagrid

How i can use datagrid in my Album module which is my basic module in my module section , Is it possible then how we use what to write in controller and in view for showing Album in datagrid please follow a stepetive process? Thank you...

You can download the Datagrid module for the zf2 from the following links:
ZfcDatagrid or
And here is the installation process for it: datagrid installation.
The screenshot is here: ZfcDatagrid screenshots.
And you can find the more tutorials here.
As here you have not post the code so I can help you by giving the links only.
Best of luck.


how can i make a datagrid value searchable using dexterity in plone?

I have a custom content type built with dexterity and I have a datagrid on it. What I want to do is make the fields in the datagrid searchable with plone search engine. Please provide some sample if possible. im a noob.
Have you tried this?
For best results I think you shold read the section "Registering a custom field converter".
In addition you may find interesting reading this similar SO question:
Extending SearchableText using collective.dexteritytextindexer
It's really well written and contains link to code examples in github.

Drupal form - Popup

I would like to show some forms in my Drupal Website in a popup or accordion. I have tried popup module but it shows only for viewing nodes and not adding/editing. How can I do that?
Thanks for your help
This can be done with, but you need to do some programming in order to apply it (i.e. it can't be just configured via admin interface).
maybe this module help you Modal forms
In my personal opinion Popups API is a very good module.You could show the necessary contents that suites your purpose .It is quite easy to use.I think you just need to read the documentation.If you really change this module there are other modules available like Modal forms,Modal Frame API,colorbox, Chaos tool suite etc.You can find a lot of modules needed for your purpose. The following links might help you:

Feeding an XML document in Sitefinity 5

I have an XML document in my "Feeds" folder of the root App_Data folder in Sitefinity v5. How can I get this to feed on my page? Do you know of any online tutorials?
I have tried using the Feeds settings, Javascript in a block, and other techniques. Or how do I convert my XML into an RSS so Sitefinity can better read?
If you can provide any help or insight, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
is this a document you produced for internal use within the sitefinity application? I think the easiest way to go would be to create a simple user control (.ascx) that binds the xml to a repeater or similar control then register that user control as a widget as shown here:
then you can simply drop this widget onto any page.
If I've misunderstood your question please let me know more about what you're trying to accomplish and I'll try to help!

How to change page code in Drupal?

I need to change page (Add button, for example). Where can I find its code? I tried to search in but there are too many of them.
EDIT: Sorry, the question is closed. After day of struggle I gave up. Drupal is not for me.
You can consider creating a template file for that page. Try using page--admin--modules.tpl.php.
Check this out:
/user templates are found in the user module. You can find 4 user templates there.
To know which one to override you can use the Devel Themer module.
It provides you a checkbox at the bottom of the page and when enabled it shows the candidate preprocess functions and template files for particular regions. (As described on the module page, only enable the module is needed because it can mess up the lay-out of some pages.)

Using of a data tree in Drupal?

I'd like to create a page on wich one I'll set a data view and/or a datagrid to display some hierarchical information on it. Also, I'd like to have a contextuel menu (right click) on it.
It's my first time I use Drupal. Previously, I was using the toolkit Dojo for creating this menu tree. However, I saw that Dojo is not really supported by Drupal.
Could you help me? Waht is the best solution to create such menu tree/datagrid on Durpal?
Thanks you very much,
You have to make changes in the theme of your drupal site for data view and/or a datagrid display
For contextual menu visit:
