auto adjust div height with the content and managing responsive - css

I want to adjust the height of a div with it's content. if I use something like min-height: 100px; when the screen will be smaller (in a mobile device) the div will be too much big for the screen. How can I do this ?
Any help will be very appreciated.. Thank you
EDIT : my content is a background-image

You can set the height to be 100% instead of a pixel value. There are some nuances with this approach regarding cross-browser support.
This is a good answer to fix the issues with percent heights.
You can also use responsive styles via media queries on the viewport height and width. This is a good tutorial for that as well.

When coding responsive designs my advice is to try using percentage values, besides meta tags or media queries. For example min-height: 10%;

Try to use viewport meta tag
Read more here -->
Using the viewport meta tag to control layout on mobile browsers

You can apply this style to your 'div'.


Image vs Div with Background-Image

Im trying to build some fancy item grid by using bootstrap and flex. Therefore the item image always has to extend to 100% width of available space by keeping the 1:1 ratio.
I got it to work by using the css background image. But I struggle to make it look the same by using an img-tag. Im running out of ideas, hope you can help me.
In your CSS just specify the width: 100% on your image and don't touch the height (or set it to auto which is the default).
The parent of your image should also have a position:absolute or position:relative in order for the width to work properly
Demo :
I think the images are pushing the width of the boxes to the max-width so kind of overriding the flexbox settings. With the background images you basically don't have any content inside them so flexbox can calculate the widths and not worry about content. The images are set to 100% but it thinks you want 100% of the max-width therefore the grid doesn't fit anymore.
If you set width: 33%; on the .flex-item and remove the min and max the grids will look the same.

Resize image responsive - have a div and inside I have dynamics images

I have a div with 1184x308px and inside I have dynamics images logo (vertical and horizontal). How can I do to the image fill the div without stretch?
If your image is not big enough to fill the space as it seems you want then you cannot just simply have css styles with width: 100% height: auto; without stretching it. One option you could use to serve the right image at the right screen size is using srcset but it is not too well supported and you will probably want to use picturefill
To use srcset on it's own you would use this:
<img src="small.jpg" srcset="medium.jpg 1000w, large.jpg 2000w" alt="dynamics">
It can be a bit tricky but a quick google on srcset should help you out or this is good info on it.

Making Flexible Height Containers for Responsive Design

I'm trying to make my site responsive and I'm having trouble creating containers divs where their height responds to the content within them. I've tried setting height to 100% but it's not working for.
Most of the content blocks are flowing below each other as I resize my browser but the containers aren't expanding to fit around them.
Does anyone know do I have anything fundamentaly wrong in how the page is built that is preventing me from acheiving this?
You need to clear your floats. One example is .mission-statement. When you have multiple divs floating inside a div, the container collapses on itself. In your case, it's only partially collapsing because you have a min-height set.
You do this easily by doing something like this:
.mission-statement:after {
clear: both;
display: table;
content: '';
To affect all divs you can change .mission-statement:after to div:after
Images will automatically have a height of 100% of the image relative to the width and the percent tag is percent of the browser window. What you may want is a width tag that might be max-width=*px and let the height be determined by the image itself.
Instead of letting me write you an answer I will refer to a really good thread about this. The solution anyway is something called clearfix.
css - What is clearfix?

Why does my layout get cut off when I resize my browser?

If you go to and resize the browser to make it smaller and then scroll horizontally to the right, you will see that the background now covers the part of the page outside the wdith of the visible screen.
Why is this happening?
Any help would be most appreciated!
Add this.
#navbar{ min-width: 1100px; }
same to .footer, .wrapper, and .footerbottom
The problem is because the #nav element has a hard width of 1100px and a width:100% background on another element is only 100% of the width of the viewable area.
Changing the min-width on the <body> to
body {
min-width: 1100px;
will set your minimum page width to be the length of your longest element and therefore the CSS background will extend as it will be 100% of 1100px wide.
For future projects I'd recommend reading responsive web design - one aspect being to design a site will adapt to the available width/height of a device, through a combination of non-fixed dimensions on elements and/or CSS Media queries.
I just debugged your code and found out the issue. The issue is you are using overflow:hidden property. It is causing problem. like in class (.masthead) you apply this. Just remove it. then it is visible.

How do I prevent my div layers from overlapping when the browser is resized?

I've just spent the last few weeks learning how to properly design a layout. I basically thought I had everything perfect with my website layout and was ready to go about transferring the coding to Wordpress... and then I accidentally resized my web browser and discovered that all of my div layers were overlapping each other.
Here's what it looks like:
Basically it looks as though it's mainly my center content div that is being squeezed out, as well as my header image and navigation witch are in the same top div. My footer is also squeezed down as well. I've searched the internet for a solution to this problem and can't seem to find a thing.
How do I fix it so that my divs stay in place when the browser is resized?
as Walter said your CSS would be helpful. But, the main problem is that the content in the div is overflowing to other divs because the the content's div cannot contain all the content.
In your css, try setting the div's overflow property to either auto (shows scrolls bars) or hidden (to just hide the content if it goes outside's the div)
Express your widths and font-sizes in ems.
Here's a good calculator:
Percentages will work, too.
Check the css in stackoverflow, and try resizing the zoom level in your browser here - you'll see everything resizes nicely at any zoom level.
I figured it out. Turns out that the width of my center content margin was dictated by margins instead of just a direct width (ie. 500px). So whenever the page was resized, the margins on the sides of the browser tried to stay as they were, thus making the entire column smaller. I just had to get rid of the margins and specify where I wanted the column to sit on the page and just justify a width for it.
you can also try the min-width. i am assuming the center div is fluid and sidebars are fixed-width.
Can you post some of your CSS?
The simplest way is to give all of your columns relatively sane width settings so that the size of the browser window doesn't affect the size of your layout. Getting fluid-width column(s) to behave is more complex and depends more on the specifics of your layout.
Check out the min-width property. Another option is applying another stylesheet when the viewport width is below x pixels with CSS3 Media Queries like so:
#media all and (max-width: 30em) {
/* Alternative narrow styles */
or so:
<link media="all and (max-width: 30em)"
rel="stylesheet" href="narrow.css" />
CSS3 Media Queries are still not widely supported, so you might want to look into a solution that applies the "narrow" style sheet with JavaScript through the window.onresize event. I'd recommend jQuery for such a solution.
I Had the same problem if you have a width and height in your DIV Container it wont change except the width unless you put a min-width. The problem I had was when I would make the browser window the divs would like go to the next line
so what I did was in the container I set a height and width. Before I didn't set a height I let the divs determine the heights.
