Moodle and Drupal 7 integration - drupal

I would like to display a list of available Moodle courses and available places for each of the corses on a Drupal site.
Is there a simple way of integrating Moodle and Drupal so that when a Max enrolled users is set in Moodle, the Drupal enrolment form witll display the number of available places, and disable the ability of users enrolling in to courses which have no places left?

There is authentication plugin available moodle-drupalservices for SSO between both systems
You can read more about it from module document
If you want to fetch detail of moodle courses in drupal then web service is the best way to achieve it, you just need to create web services client in drupal to consume moodle services
use core_course_get_courses web service function don't need to pass any value to it, it will fetch all available courses detail from moodle.

There is a module for moodle integration in drupal - Moodle Connector. There are some other related module to which enhance the integration further like Commerce Moodle, which let you sell the course & you get drupal commerce to handle your selling..great right?
But if you are working in D6, then you will have to check another module Moodleconnect, but it's still in DEV version, so may be you will have to work on it. will allow you to list courses using a Drupal View. This module doesn't (yet) allow you to display the places available, but if you still need this functionality I could probably add it relatively easily.


Dynamic linking to Wordpress database

I intend to use WP to setup a freelancers website (similar to oDesk) to connect service providers with service seekers in a WEB 2.0 dynamic environment. This site requires multiple forms to enter and retrieve information using database and show them in filtered or non-filtered views in separate pages.
Please advise if there are available plugins to expedite developing this site, or otherwise any guidance would be appreciated. I specifically would like to know how to connect forms to database and then how to retrieve this information from the DB.
You are likely going to have to create your own custom WordPress theme, using various custom PHP pages to connect your web forms to your database. I think your project is well beyond the scope of a simple WP plugin.
If this was my project, I'd ditch WordPress and go for something custom built in Rails. WordPress is a good enough CMS, but it isn't really a good fit for what you are looking to accomplish.

Site search for a silverstripe site without installing Sphinx

Silverstripe has a full text search facility built in. Its great, but it does not search related models, so a site search for a string that matches a records tags or article->author->name type relations will not be found.
The more advanced search modules rely on java and need to be installed. That isn't possible on our clients server and probably most regular hosting accounts (shared or VPS)
What is a good way to implement site search for a site with interrelated data in the form of many_many or has_many relations in silverstripe without a private server?
Something similar has been answered here silverstripe dataobject searchable
It goes through customising the built in site search for DataObjects.
currently going with google CSE for a silverstripe project:
happy with this for now; just note that charges will apply if you want to remove the ads.

send mail to subscriptors in Drupal

I am developing a wbesite with Drupal 6.
I need a subscription block to get emails of visitors. And a module to send some html emails sometime to all of them at a time or for some of them.
What module can I use?
Use this module, you can easily customize the template and it have many related modules like Simplenews Scheduler, Simplenews Content Selection, .. etc.
I am in favor of 3rd party services that integrate into Drupal for this.
This will take the load off your server and you will have better tools at your disposal for creating the emails.
Mailchimp is a popular one that integrates into Drupal nicely.

Is it possible to share users between a Drupal 6.x and Open Atrium database, based on organic groups or CiviCRM smart groups?

I use Drupal with CiviCRM for our nonprofit's public site and CRM database, and Open Atrium for the intranet. My goal is to either sync or share specific users from the public site to the intranet, to allow single sign-on.
However, only users who are part of a specific CiviCRM smart group (volunteers) should be shared/synced. I could use the module to sync CiviCRM groups with Drupal organic groups if that would make this task easier.
Any thoughts?
Usually, the Domain Access module is used for synching users and whatnot, but your requirement that only certain users be synched throws a wrench into that setup.
Therefore, I'd recommend that you either:
Sort through that module's documentation to see if it provides any hooks so that you can filter down the user list, and if not...
Just look at how that module does its heavy lifting and write a custom module to do the same but only with a limited set of users.
Actually, you can use Account Sync for this. (where only a sub-set of users is required.)
Just create a sync role and assign account sync permissions to that role only.
Use a server key to encrypt this as you would for XML-RPC.
If Single Sign-On is your goal, Bakery provides single sign-on between multiple Drupal sites (including and other sites in the * network, something of a recommendation).
Worth checking out - while it does involve some additional setup / config, it doesn't mess with Drupal so much as some other options.
It does require that your sites are on the same base domain, and that they are on the same protocol (can't mix with
See Bakery documentation for further info.

Wordpress or Drupal Users Report Module

I have to build a site that receives some custom report from my users and store them in a database. The users are able to view their reports and the department administrator comments on it. I was creating this myself using PHP although it was good but it's full of security holes and I get lost after a while when my code grows bigger.
I think if there is a module for drupal or wordpess that can benefit from grouping my users into separate groups that would be much easier.
Does anyone know if there is such plugin or would you recommend me some keywords to search with.
Thanx in advance
Sounds like Drupal would be a good fit for this. There would be (at least) two roles (one for regular users and one for administrators), and there would be a 'report' content type. Regular users would be able to upload reports and view their own reports and administrators would be able to comment on reports.
Drupal + CCK (and possibly the FileField module if users are uploading document files) would be able to handle all of this pretty easily.
Drupal with the CCK & FileField modules would work great (as Mike mentioned). Two roles would suffice (admin & regular user).
As for security, make sure to use the latest versions in Drupal 6 & stay on top of when those 2 modules get updated although Drupal makes it super easy for you through site notification. Along the lines of security, you'd want to 'hide' the login box from the homepage & use for your users to login.
