send mail to subscriptors in Drupal - drupal

I am developing a wbesite with Drupal 6.
I need a subscription block to get emails of visitors. And a module to send some html emails sometime to all of them at a time or for some of them.
What module can I use?

Use this module, you can easily customize the template and it have many related modules like Simplenews Scheduler, Simplenews Content Selection, .. etc.

I am in favor of 3rd party services that integrate into Drupal for this.
This will take the load off your server and you will have better tools at your disposal for creating the emails.
Mailchimp is a popular one that integrates into Drupal nicely.


Should I use WordPress as backend for mobile app

I’m about to build an app that will look like a social network: people will be able to create accounts, like posts, save posts (But not create posts).
I’m searching the right platform to build my backend, I saw many options like Parse or Node.js but I did not see many people using WordPress as backend.
My question is why not use WordPress as my backend and develop custom plugins as I need? What is the pros and cons? Am I missing something that makes people not using WordPress?
You can use the WordPress as the backend of your app as per your requirement, As WordPress allows wp-JSON API & WooCommerce API as well.
Also you can integrate the JWT Authentication for WP REST API plugin if you want to implement the JWT authentication
Also you can customize as per your requirement so i suggest to use the wordpress as backend of your app
There are a lot of people using Parse Server for building social networks and it is a great fit. Take a look at the following app template. It shows how to build an Instagram app.

Moodle and Drupal 7 integration

I would like to display a list of available Moodle courses and available places for each of the corses on a Drupal site.
Is there a simple way of integrating Moodle and Drupal so that when a Max enrolled users is set in Moodle, the Drupal enrolment form witll display the number of available places, and disable the ability of users enrolling in to courses which have no places left?
There is authentication plugin available moodle-drupalservices for SSO between both systems
You can read more about it from module document
If you want to fetch detail of moodle courses in drupal then web service is the best way to achieve it, you just need to create web services client in drupal to consume moodle services
use core_course_get_courses web service function don't need to pass any value to it, it will fetch all available courses detail from moodle.
There is a module for moodle integration in drupal - Moodle Connector. There are some other related module to which enhance the integration further like Commerce Moodle, which let you sell the course & you get drupal commerce to handle your selling..great right?
But if you are working in D6, then you will have to check another module Moodleconnect, but it's still in DEV version, so may be you will have to work on it. will allow you to list courses using a Drupal View. This module doesn't (yet) allow you to display the places available, but if you still need this functionality I could probably add it relatively easily.

What is the use of Wordpress APIs?

I saw in wordpress some APIs being published for developers. What could a developer gain by using those APIs?
I think you've taken API to mean something similar to what Flickr and Vimeo do, which they are not. They are simply ways for you to access and ammend core functionality of the Wordpress platform, so as to bend it to do what ever it is you need it to do.
There are ways to pull data from your blog to a mobile devise, but that is a very different question.
Wordpress API are for those that want to develop a theme, or writing custom plugins for Wordpress.
Either way, you can use to integrate Wordpress in your exisiting php site, using the powerful backend as an administration tool and the using the API to retrieve the content and present it in your (already) website.

Drupal Feed Aggregator and Twitter integration

I am currently using the Drupal feed aggregator built-in module to aggregate a bunch of RSS feeds. I also have the Twitter module installed. I want to set things up so that all the new posts from the feed aggregator get sent out to twitter, but unfortunately the twitter module doesn't allow for that right now. Does any one know of another way to do this or a work around? I know I can create a custom module to do this but didn't want to go down that road unless I had to
My understanding of the Twitter module (it's been a while since I've used it) is that it will send out notifications to Twitter on new node creation or update. Would you be interested in the Feeds module as an alternative to the core aggregator in Drupal? That would create nodes from each feed item, instead of the Aggregator, which only creates database entries that expire. The Feeds module approach would create nodes, which would then theoretically automatically ping Twitter. See also which I think is a similar feature request.

Can I develop a Mobile website using Drupal?

I want to develop a website using Drupal that can be accessed on mobiles. Can I do that?
I found a page on google full of useful links
An overview of Mobile modules for Drupal
Then theres the mobile theme and modules
Adds the ability to choose a mobile theme in admin/build/themes/settings which is used for serving users on mobile devices.
The Browscap module provides a replacement for PHP's get_browser() function. get_browser() is difficult (or impossible) to configure for most users in shared webhosting situations, and requires attention to keep the underlying data (browscap.ini) up-to-date. This module avoids the configuration issue by storing the data in a database table, and the freshness issue by automatically retrieving the latest data on a weekly basis (if cron.php is run regularly).
Yes, sure. Drupal allows you full control on the HTML generated, so you just need to create a theme that is optimized for mobile users. You may be able to find some themes that already have support for this, you should search.
