Firebase with loading indicator - firebase

How can I add a loading indication when using this?
new Firebase('url/data').on('child_change',function() {
// do somthing here, which may take x time per operation

How about this: add the loading indicator to the DOM beforehand, then use the value event to hide it when the location is finished loading, something like (jQuery for brevity):
var $load = $('<div class="loading">Loading...</div>').appendTo('body')
, db = new Firebase('url/data')
db.on('value', function () {
value will fire again when the data changes, so make sure the event is something like "remove this class" rather than "toggle this class".
Read about the different events: Firebase docs.


fullCalendar (v5) callback/handler anytime view is rendered?

What is the way to catch anytime a view is rendered?
Not only when switching views, but also when clicking today / prev / next?
I need to clear an array of unique event titles after (or before) each render is complete.
So, similar to eventAllRender which was removed starting v4.
Currently using .click event for all buttons, which does the trick, but I was hoping there was something really linked to the actual rendering.
$('.fc-button').click( () => {
console.log("do something")
Called after the calendar’s date range has been initially set or
changed in some way and the DOM has been updated.
datesSet: function(info) {
// ...

openui5 1.38 attach event scrollbar

from the last version update (from openui5 1.36.12 to openui5 1.38.4) the following code is not working anymore:
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table();
myTable ._oVSb.attachScroll(function() {
I'm using the "attachScroll" event in order to color the table rows with a specific logic.
Since last openui5 version update I get this error in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachScroll' of undefined
I've tried to debug the problem and it seems that the object _oVSb has be removed from sap.ui.table.Table.
My final goal is to paint the rows with different colors based on the content ... is there any other way to reach this feature?
Even i want this event some how came to this thread. i tried #Dopedev solution it was not working then i changed bit in that as below
$("#<tablid>-vsb").scroll(function() {
console.log("Table is scrolled")
instead of getting the tbody get the table-id-vsb and attach the scroll function
You can still get scroll event for your table using .scroll() of jQuery.
onAfterRendering: function(){
//Register handler for scroll event
// your stuff
I know that one of the earlier posts was already marked as the 'right' answer, but it did not work for me, so I thought I would post my working solution, as it might be helpful to others. The following code will work to effectively 'attach' to the vertical scroll event of a table in 1.38:
onAfterRendering: function() {
if (this.firstTime) { //You only want to override this once
var oTable = this.getView().byId("<YOUR_ID_HERE>");
//Get a reference to whatever your custom handler is
var oHandler = this.handleScroll;
//Store a reference to the default handler method
var oVScroll = oTable.onvscroll;
oTable.origVScrollHandler = oVScroll;
oTable.onvscroll = function(i) {
//Call the 'default' UI5 handler
//Call your handler function, or whatever else you want to do
this.firstTime = false;
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("myTable");
After rendering:
sap.ui.getCore().byId("myTable-vsb").attachScroll(function() {

Can a Meteor method call get invoked via Collection.findOne

In my Meteor code. Can I define a method "or a function" on the server and call it on collectionName.findOne({id: 'someId'}).methodName; on the client?
Being new to Meteor, I don't know if this is possible and if so, what would the syntax look like? Thanks
This code is just a brain dump.
doWork1: function (args) {
//do work
return something;
MyCol = new Mongo.Collection('myCol');
MyCol.insert({item: "envelopes", qty : 100, myFunc: doWork1});
//client{item: 'envelops'}).myFunc;
Blaze Sahlzen comments made me think and add the following.
The reasons why I thought to give a mongo collection a try is this:
Stage one: the user fills up a form and click a button, the input values need to be used as arguments for a method which when successfully returns, the form gets modified to show different input fields for the user to fill up again and click the SAME button.
Stage two: same as stage one but with different input fields again.
Stage n: same as stage n-1 but with different input fields again.
I need to store all input values and group them by their stage identifier.
Each method may add/remove different kind of input controls for the next stage.
Since the SAME button will be used thus I don't have different buttons for different methods, so I came up with my original question "brain dump code". You are welcome to reinvent or change it and offer yours. :) Thanks again.
edited 2
A practical example could look like this:
var stageOne = {};
//for each DOM input
stageOne[inputName][i]= [inputValue][i];
myCol.insert({'stageOne': stageOne});
//then an observer for stageOne
But I just can't get my head around how to "link" each stage with the correct method to call without having to use a long if or switch conditional statement.
Alright, if I understand what you mean, I don't think you need observeChanges. The following solution might be a bit extensive, so bear with me.
Firstly you need a session variable to control on the client side which form values need to be shown. You could introduce this variable in your
Then you have your input fields
<label id="label1">{{label1}}</label>
<input id="field1" type="text"/>
<label id="label1">{{label2}}</label>
<input id="field2" type="text"/>
<label id="label1">{{label3}}</label>
<input id="field3" type="text"/>
<button id="form-submit" type="submit"/>
I can imagine that you want to switch up the names of their labels to reflect the change in forms as you go to different stages. As a result you can write helpers as such:
'label1': function(){
var myStage = Session.get('stage');
if (myStage == 1){return '<label-title-for-stage-1>';
} else if (myStage == 2){return '<label-title-for-stage-2>';}
} else if .... etc.
Any changes to the session variable 'stage' will force the helper to reload, making it ideal to update form titles as you go through your stages.
You can then write an event for the button click event as such:
'submit #form-submit': function(){
var options = {
stage: Session.get('stage'),
values: [
{ value: $('#field1').val(), name:$("#label1").text() },
{ value: $('#field2').val(), name:$("#label1").text() },
{ value: $('#field3').val(), name:$("#label3").text() }]
}'storeValues', options, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
This will essentially combine the filled fields into one object and call upon a server method, waiting for a callback from the server that tells the client which stage to move to.
Now, on the server side you can insert the values for this particular user in your collection and see if a particular stage has filled up and return whether the client can move on to the next stage.
'storeValues': function(options){
for (var i = 0; i < options.values.length; i++){
stage: options.stage
if (options.values.length > 'amount-per-stage'){
return options.stage + 1;
} else {
return options.stage;
This way you store the data that gets entered in each form, while moving up one stage each time if all fields have been entered.
What you could do is use observeChanges:
var query = MyCol.find({item: 'envelops'});
var handle = query.observeChanges({
added: function () {
changed: function () {
var somethingHappened = function(){
// do something
Query contains your collection, and the handle function automatically checks whether any changes are being made to that collection, triggering the somethingHappened function if there are.
Inside somethingHappened you can place the behaviour that you would normally place in your method.
You can use observeChanges both client side and server side, but in this case you only need it on the server side.

Anguilla - Updating a field's value from a popup?

I have a modal popup that appears whenever an editor tries to save a component with some values (a date field in the past in this case).
In this popup I show the editor a few options (very similar to the default "Open Shared Item" dialog) and an OK/Cancel button combo. On Cancel I fire the "cancel" event and the editor goes back to the editing screen, all good here. On "OK" I want to change the value of the field to match whatever the editor selected, then save.
I tried to use an approach with FieldBuilder and the sample Boris mentioned on this other topic but I can't get to the field from my popup dialog.
Any suggestions on how I can go and modify the xml of the item (could be also a page) from a modal popup?
EDIT: Code used in getControlForFieldName
function getControlForFieldName(name) {
var fieldBuilder = $display.getView().properties.controls.fieldBuilder;
var fieldsContainer =;
var fieldsNode = fieldsContainer.getElement();
var fieldContainer = $dom.getFirstElementChild(fieldsNode);
while (fieldContainer) {
var labelNode = $dom.getFirstElementChild(fieldContainer);
var fieldNode = $dom.getNextElementSibling(labelNode);
var control = fieldNode.control;
if (control.getFieldName() == name) {
return control;
fieldContainer = $dom.getNextElementSibling(fieldContainer);
After Frank's advice, and some help from Jaime & Frank offline, I got it to work as follows:
The popup is called from a Command Extension (Save & Close in my case)
The command.js specifies an event handler that gets called on "submit" (== OK was pressed)
$evt.addEventHandler(p.dialogPopup, "submit",
In my popup I am passing the selected item (it's a keyword ID) to the event handler:
this.fireEvent("submit", { id: select.options[select.selectedIndex].value });
and now back in the event handler _onPopupSubmit(e) I just read, load this keyword, get properties like ID & Title, and update the metadata of the item using item.setMetadata("new metadata with updated values").
Simple :)
Your code runs in a popup, so any references you make to global variables will be taken from the popup window.
So when you get the fieldBuilder:
var fieldBuilder = $display.getView().properties.controls.fieldBuilder;
$display is a reference to a global variable. So this actually looks for the FieldBuilder in the popup window (which doesn't have one).
To get the FieldBuilder of the Component window, you can get it from the opener:
var fieldBuilder = opener.$display.getView().properties.controls.fieldBuilder;
You might want to consider actually passing the updated value to either a callback function or with a (custom) event though, since that makes your popup less dependent on opener. trick.

How to access properties of a Tridion component like schema name based on which it is created in aspx page?

I am customizing the ribbon tool bar by adding a button to it in TRIDION 2011 SP1 version.
When I click on the button it will open an aspx page.Inside that aspx page I need to access the name of the schema used to create that component before creating the component itself(I mean to say while creating the component itself).
Please provide me a way to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
You should pass it to your popup. The URI of the Schema is available on the Component model object within the CME - so your button command can access it and pass it to the popup (in the URL, for example).
var schemaId = $display.getView().getItem().getSchemaId();
If you have the component (as an object), you can get it's schema id as Peter indicated. If you only have the component id, you can load the component and through that get to the schema.
When you need to load any item, you have to be aware that it's not a synchronous call in the UI API, so you should use delegate methods for that. For example something like this:
Example.prototype._loadItemInformation = function Example$_loadItemInformation(itemId, reload) {
var item = $models.getItem(itemId);
if (item) {
var self = this;
function Example$_loadItemInformation$_onItemLoaded() {
$evt.removeEventHandler(item, "load", Example$_loadItemInformation$_onItemLoaded);
// proceed with the actions on the loaded item here
if (item.isLoaded(true) && !reload) {
else {
$evt.addEventHandler(item, "load", Example$_loadItemInformation$_onItemLoaded);
//$evt.addEventHandler(item, "loadfailed", Example$_loadItemInformation$_onItemLoadFailed);
item.load(reload, $const.OpenMode.VIEW);
Also be aware the item could fail loading, you should actually also register an event handler for loadfailed (as my example code neglects to do).
