Compiling code + ydn with Closure Compiler - google-closure-compiler

I'm trying to take advantage of Google Closure Compiler minification by writing a database script of my own and compiling it with the pre-compiled ydn. To get a basic first version working I'm trying to rewrite the todo list demo from the project. Unfortunately, I don't understand how to keep namespaces for ydn functions preserved in the compiled output file.
Here's what I've written so far:
When the code compiles in advanced mode, the "ydn.db.Storage" from "db = new ydn.db.Storage(dbName, Schema)" gets munged into "ydn.db.c$" making it unusable. The goog.exportSymbol at the bottom of the file doesn't seem to save the function names either.
Does anyone know how to rewrite this with Google Closure Compiler? Should this be compiled directly with the ydn source code instead?

The goog.exportSymbol at the bottom of the file doesn't seem to save the function names either.
It should.
should be
goog.exportSymbol('ydn.db.Storage', ydn.db.Storage);


How to add correctly use Meteor package in a angular2-meteor project?

I am writing an angular2-meteor program.
When I am using urigo:angular2-meteor package, I add reference path like this:
/// <reference path="../typings/angular2-meteor.d.ts" />
The question is: can I use other normal meteor packages in a angular2-meteor project? Or I can only use some packages written for angular2-meteor specifically.
For example, if I want to use yuukan:streamy, how can I use it correctly? Right now, I have one line code
Streamy.broadcast('hello', {data: 'world!'});
When I compile it, it shows: Cannot find name 'Streamy'.
you can use all the libraries from meteor.
you will have 2 choices.
find the streamy definition file (streamy.d.ts) if it exists. This will give you autocompletion and compile errors if you misuse streamy functions.
If you dont find a definition file than just add declare var Streamy at the top of the file you want to use it. The library is already there if you add it via atmosphere. But typescript does not know about it. By declaring the variable you tell typescript that this exists and it wont complain when compiling.

Use SQLite with biicode

So far I have been able to succesfully use boost, cereal and gtest using biicode but I am having troubles with sqlite. I am trying to use it doing the following:
#include <sqlite3.h>
So I edited my biicode.conf to include those lines, including the alising for the header:
sqlite.h: sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3/sqlite3.h
But when I try to call bii cpp:build it does the following
WARN: Removing unused reference to "sqlite/sqlite: 9" from myuser/test "requirements"
Then I ended up with the expected:
database_impl.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `sqlite3_exec'
Surprisingly, the compilation succedd even though sqlite3.h is obviously not included but that's maybe because the call to sqlite is from a template function.
I have looked at the example but CMakeList.txt does not seem to add any additional includes directories. For example for boost I had to add:
bii_find_boost(COMPONENTS chrono system filesystem log thread REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(${BII_BLOCK_TARGET} INTERFACE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${BII_BLOCK_TARGET} INTERFACE ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
But the two examples I found here and here don't seem to add anything to the includes directories, not even a link folder. I suppose sqlite has to be compiled with your sources so how do I make biicode add those files to my projects automatically ?
There're several problems. You just wrote in [includes] section sqlite.h instead of sqlite3.h and you should only write the prefix, sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3, later instead of the full dependency name.
Then, you can solve it so:
sqlite/sqlite: 9
sqlite3.h: sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3
Or, you could try the SQLite version uploaded into fenix user:
fenix/sqlite: 0
sqlite3.h: fenix/sqlite
Don't worry about a "WARN" message that says biicode is ignoring sqlite3.c file because it's harcoded into the block CMakeLists.txt to catch this file ;)
Note: you should write your external #includes's with double quotes instead of <>, because the last ones are referred to system headers and biicode could be using some system deps and you don't realize it.

QAbstractItemModel testing using modeltest

I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to use modeltest to test models based on QAbstractItemModel. I don't know how to interpret debug messages that are displayed.
Also I'm having trouble configuring modeltest project to work with my app in QtCreator. Including the .pri/.pro doesn't work. I get an error saying "No rule to mage target ..". After fixing paths in modeltest/ file it starts to compile. But i get this wierd assertion
ASSERT: "QTest::testLogger" in file c:\ndk_buildrepos\qt-desktop\src\testlib\qtestlog.cpp, line 232
Any ideas why this happens ?
My modeltest folder is located inside my project. I added following line at the end of my *.pro file
The modeltest.pri file contains the following
SOURCES += modeltest/modeltest.cpp modeltest/dynamictreemodel.cpp
HEADERS += modeltest/modeltest.h modeltest/dynamictreemodel.h
I modified my code to use modeltest this way
model = new TasksModel(this);
new ModelTest(model, this);
TasksModel is my implementation of QAbstractItemModel model.
ui->treeView is the widget that displays data.
No other modifications where made while integrating modeltest with my app.
Qt version is 4.7.
This will sound a little overgeeky - but it is, in fact, what the ModelChecker dev intended for you to do ;) When you hit one of the asserts, go to the point in the code where it is hit and read the comments which are written along with it. The entire thing is extremely heavily commented, and describes what is breaking and likely reasons why. This is by far easiest to do if you run your app through a GUI debugger, such as that included in for example KDevelop, Qt Creator or Visual Studio.
The reason you are getting this error is because you aren't actually using the ModelTest inside a proper QTestLib test case. If you take a look at /tests/auto/modeltest (where you presumably got the modeltest class in the first place), you can see how to properly construct a test case using the ModelTest.

Flex/AIR: call JSFL

I've written a JSFL file to publish some fla's, and now I'd like to call that script from a flex / AIR application.
So the user should browse to the JSFL-file and select it. After selecting the JSFL-file should run and do whatever is described in the JSFL. If I run the JSFL, no problems occur and everything goes fine. However, I can't seem to call the file from my flex/AIR application.
I've tried writing a flash AS3.0 file and call the JSFL from there but that doesn't work either.
The function I use is MMExecute but still nothing ... Searched for it quite some time now and I'd really like to do this. Anyway, here's some code...
jsflpath =;
MMExecute('fl.runScript("'+filePath+'" );');
George is exactly right. With AIR 2.0+, you could use NativeApplication to launch the script file directly in Flash.
More on NativeApplication here:

System::IO::Directory::GetFiles in c++

I am having trouble in storing the files in a string array from a directory in c++, using System::IO::Directory::GetFiles in c++
Also would like to know if we could copy an entire folder to a new destination/ in c++ like given in for c#
You can store the file names from a directory in a managed array like this:
System::String ^path = "c:\\";
cli::array<System::String ^>^ a = System::IO::Directory::GetFiles(path);
As for how would you copy an entire folder... Simply recurse from a given root directory creating each directory and copying the files to the new location. If you are asking for code for this, then please say so, but at least try to figure it out for yourself first (i.e. show me what you have so far).
Check out the file listing program in Boost::FileSystem: They iterate over all files, printing the paths, but it's trivial to store them instead.
Assuming you're on Win32, you're looking for the FindFirstFile and FindNextFile APIs.
C/C++ does not define a standard way to do this, though Boost::Filesystem provides a method if you need cross platform support.
