Implementing a "Like" button and showing users who clicked it - drupal

Our website is powered by Drupal 7 and we are looking for a way to implement a "I am Interested" button/link on a particular node for registered users. The problem here is that we'd also like to be able to display all the usernames who have clicked this button/link.
The idea here is to provide our viewers with a simple way to be able to indicate interest in a particular topic, and essentially giving them an outlet to communicate to other users who have shown the same interest.
I've tried a number of different modules that other sources have suggested: "Flags, Dlike, LikeBtn, Rate Widget, etc." and unfortunately they don't seem to ultimately do what I'm looking for. I want to believe that there is some combination of modules that can perform these actions, so I would greatly appreciate any guidance that can be provided.
I do apologize for my ignorance in this type of development. Looking forward to growing into this community.

You can achieve that with the Flag module (which you tried), and the Views module to display a list of users that have clicked the flag for a particular node.
Looks like this answer would help you out with the Views config to list users that have flagged a node (or poked a user in the example).


Pattern ideas for multi-step pages in Meteor.js

I'm creating a multi-step process (4 steps to be exact) that is initiated from a link on the home page. For example I am clicking a link that says "Create a Job Post" and that takes me to step 1 of creating that post. The way I'm handling it with FlowRouter is creating 4 separate routes like this "/job/create/step-1", "job/create/step2", etc.
Then I create 4 templates one for each step of the process and then I linked them together using "Back" and "Continue" buttons to move forward or backwards in the steps process in case the user needs to edit and all that good stuff.
The way i'm approaching it works, and i'm not aware of any pitfalls of doing it this way if any; but it does seem like there's a cleaner more logical way to do this.
I was wondering if anyone had any patterns to offer, or advice on how something like this could be handled in meteor. I suppose you could compare it to how some blogs have a "Next" and "Previous" button to grab the previous post record and to grab the next post record without knowing what those posts are. I like the dynamic way of doing this, but I also should reason with myself that in this particular use case I only have 4 steps and all the pages are known and won't change.
I hope this makes sense. Thanks to anyone that takes the time. I'm looking more for ideas and existing patterns than anything else, but if you have some code to share in making your point that's cool too.

Drupal 7 - show view without a specific node id

I like to set a contextual filter with a NID that shouldn't show up in the result list when entered. However i can't find a way in drupal views. Is contextual filters the right approach?
Use-Case: Within a node, at the end of content there is a view loaded with more related topics to this node (they all share the same category). But, I don't like to see the current node within this view result.
How can I achieve this?
I am glad for every help. Thanks in advance!
Have the same problem years ago, and as far as I remember I've used Relevant Content. But for Drupal 7 there is only a dev version, so here is a comparison list of similar modules.
Also, check out this great answer - I guess it's exactly what you are looking for.

How do I reduce over 1000 links programatically in a jump menu?

Ok, so maybe my search syntax is wrong here, this could have very well been covered in stackoverflow but i've been unable to find anything after hours of searching. Be warned, I am a novice developer when it comes to this type of stuff and would appreciate any guidance, help or pointers to accomplish the goal. I'm open to suggestions of any type! :)
So, I have a site
On this site we have a popular feature called a "jump menu" which allows a user to quickly navigate directly to the page which contains the anime series they would like to see an episode in. Essentially we have every series on the site (over 1000) broken down in an a-z list. When a user hovers over a letter, the menu will drop down and display all series that begin with that letter. A user can then go to the series they'd like to view and click on it to go directly to the page.
The issue with this is SEO. We are being penalized due to the number of links on the page. What we need to accomplish is the same (or better) functionality while reducing the links loaded in the page. If we could come up with a way to create the menu and have the link itself not be served until its clicked on I believe that would resolve the issue.
What is the best strategy for doing this? I am no expert by any means, but I was thinking that putting all the links in mySQL and then calling the link as its clicked would be ok, but a friend cautioned me that it would cause a performance hit. I have also reviewed material which indicates you can do the same thing using an array to store the links and then call them as they are needed using PHP. I grasp the concept of doing that but could use a stub type example to get me started.
The site is built on Wordpress with a completely custom template / theme.
Someone has commented that the topic wasn't researched. Unfortunately I've spent lots of time researching it, the problem is that I think I'm using the wrong terminology to describe what I need to find. If anyone would care to give me the terminology or a good place to conduct further research (even a few keywords!) I will be MORE than happy to go do that.
Thank you for any help or tips to information I can learn from!
Try using ajax so that the links are not visible in the actual source code and while clicking the a,b,c links it will call a separate php file and display the output from the db on the fly. I hope this will resolve your issue. Thanks

Daily question in my drupal website

I am new to drupal so may be my question will be very dumb.
I want to show daily questions on my website which is build using drupal. The question is of multiple choice and the options should be displayed by default. The visitor will simply click on the ans and press submit to ans. It seems to be like a poll but i dont want to show the summary on submission instead i want to show the correct ans.
Thanks in advance :)
The Quiz module provides, well, quizzes and supports multi-choice questions. After a quiz has been fully answered, it provides various display option. It may suits your need if you use single-question quizzes.
For the quiz to be daily, you may have to add some code or use additional module to handle automatic creation, publication and de-publication of your daily quizzes.
I don't know of any module that will do this out of the box, but the built-in, core module "poll" will do something terribly close.
To get the exact functionality you desire, you could simply override the template files for poll to make it so that it does not display the results upon submission. Then you could make a comment on the poll that contains the correct answer. (You can do this without allowing others the ability to comment.) This would effectively meet the given requirements.
Anyway I know its not a perfect solution, but it would give you the described requirements without too much work.

Displaying User Relationships Module Blocks

I'm unable to display any of the User Relationships' auto-created blocks in any of my sidebars. I have tried enabling all modules and permissions I can think of, with no success. The block I'm most interested in is the block that would allow users to be invited to an existing relationship (e.g. Friend), but as I say this nor any of the other blocks display. Other Drupal blocks and custom blocks display just fine. The blocks do show up in the blocks listing, and I've tried different ways of configuring them. Any help, or even confirmation that someone has been able to do this with the latest stable versions of Drupal and the User Relationships module, would be appreciated. Thank you.
Sorry to trouble you, but I think I found the problem: me! I had the incorrect notion (actually hope) that the "add someone to a relationship" block would display without allowing users access to the overall user list. It turns out that the block does display if a user can select another user from the list of users. I'm sure I'm missing something, but this seems to me like a weakness of the User Relationships module. Would anyone know if the Friendslist module works similarly? Thanks again.
