Displaying User Relationships Module Blocks - drupal

I'm unable to display any of the User Relationships' auto-created blocks in any of my sidebars. I have tried enabling all modules and permissions I can think of, with no success. The block I'm most interested in is the block that would allow users to be invited to an existing relationship (e.g. Friend), but as I say this nor any of the other blocks display. Other Drupal blocks and custom blocks display just fine. The blocks do show up in the blocks listing, and I've tried different ways of configuring them. Any help, or even confirmation that someone has been able to do this with the latest stable versions of Drupal and the User Relationships module, would be appreciated. Thank you.

Sorry to trouble you, but I think I found the problem: me! I had the incorrect notion (actually hope) that the "add someone to a relationship" block would display without allowing users access to the overall user list. It turns out that the block does display if a user can select another user from the list of users. I'm sure I'm missing something, but this seems to me like a weakness of the User Relationships module. Would anyone know if the Friendslist module works similarly? Thanks again.


Implement adding content only by some pople. Rails

I am working on dictionary-like web page and I want to implement adding/changing phrases only by few people (my client - which is some small organisation wants to be able to do this by himself). The page does not have any login/registration mechanism etc. (for regular users at least) so I do not want It to have any login button. I wondered if making admin model ( few admins made in seeds for example) and adding login button that is invisible - I thought of using CSS opacity for this one. Is this a good solution ? Is there any other good practice in these sitations? Please dont be afraid to post suggestions. Additionally this is a serious page (my first job as freelancer), so I wonder if my solution is... acceptable? Thanks in advance for any answers!
This quite a standard thing in the web. Most of the websites consists of two parts, customer facing part (sometimes called frontend) and admin panel (called backend). In your case you don't need any login to access frontend part, but you need one for backend part.
Creating hidden button is not needed at all. There simply should be no button at all. If you want to log in as an admin, you simply navigate to http://my-website-url.com/admin.
I wouldn't bother with roles et unless your client specified clearly that he needs them.
Even though this is simple I would still suggest adding a role to a user model. After all he may want to have some user functionality later on. The simplest way to do this would be to use devise and add a role enum column.
Check out the article below and look under the "Enum" section.

Implementing a "Like" button and showing users who clicked it

Our website is powered by Drupal 7 and we are looking for a way to implement a "I am Interested" button/link on a particular node for registered users. The problem here is that we'd also like to be able to display all the usernames who have clicked this button/link.
The idea here is to provide our viewers with a simple way to be able to indicate interest in a particular topic, and essentially giving them an outlet to communicate to other users who have shown the same interest.
I've tried a number of different modules that other sources have suggested: "Flags, Dlike, LikeBtn, Rate Widget, etc." and unfortunately they don't seem to ultimately do what I'm looking for. I want to believe that there is some combination of modules that can perform these actions, so I would greatly appreciate any guidance that can be provided.
I do apologize for my ignorance in this type of development. Looking forward to growing into this community.
You can achieve that with the Flag module (which you tried), and the Views module to display a list of users that have clicked the flag for a particular node.
Looks like this answer would help you out with the Views config to list users that have flagged a node (or poked a user in the example).

Different registration forms for different types of users

This is my first time building a site with Drupal (7). I have plenty experience with LAMP, HTML/CSS and javascript, but I want to make sure I am doing things the 'Drupal way' before I start hacking together a custom solution unnecessarily. I've searched forums and modules, but have come up empty.
The site I am building will have different tiers of users: students, teachers, and parents. The difference between these users is:
The information collected during registration, and
The pages the user's have access to.
I think at least part of the solution lies with creating roles for each type of user, but it seems Drupal only has one registration page for all users. How would I create a different registration form for each type of user? What is the 'usual' way of assigning roles to users automatically?
I know this is late the game here but I thought I might refer people to the "Rules" module... Instead of thinking about this from the "user-specific" registration form perspective, think of it instead from the perspective that you still have only 1 form but with additional / optional inputs, whereby subsequent actions (rules) are then enacted upon depending on the values of said additional / optional fields.
You might also check this out, too:
how do i make diffrent registration form in drupal?
I'm just updating my answer as I see it didn't apply for D7.
I've just begun developing a D7 site with a similar request.
There seems to be a module which should fit perfectly, although I still have to try it:
Good luck with it.

Drupal reserve checkbox module?

I have a drupal site I'm working on here: selkirk.treethink.net
I have CCK and Views modules installed, so on the frontend you see the Request Work page created using CCK. On the backend admins and students can view all the work post through that form with the Views module.
I need to add a checkbox that the person submitting the work can't see but students can see in the page that lists the work through "Views". This checkbox will need to only be able to be checked once as it will reserve the job for that student. But the same student that checked it needs to be able to uncheck it...And only that student (or an admin)
In other words: Just a little box that sits on the "Views" page that a student can check and then no one else can uncheck it afterwards except the student that checked it or an admin.
Is there a module that can do this?
Thanks, Wade
My first thought when reading your question was Flag module. There is already a thread in the issue queue about exactly your question: http://drupal.org/node/624746. What it comes down to, is that flag can do most of the job, but you would have to write some code yourself (or possibly use the Rules module) to register which user flagged the node.
Another option would be to use the Workflow module and create an 'assigned' state. I have not done much with workflow myself so I can't really tell you which option is better.
The Field Permissions module lets you specify create, view, and edit permissions for CCK fields. I don't think it will do everything you want, but it's a start.

How can I allow a role of users to access a content type in Drupal6?

I want to allow only one type of user to access a certain content type. It's simple and I've done it before, but today I can't figure it out.
Generally this requires an access control module like Node Access. Using a module like that, you can completely hide certain kinds of content from users who aren't allowed to view them.
If you mean "read" access, you'll indeed need some form of access control module, as Eaton suggested. OG, for instance, is one access control module although quite often people don't think of it that way due to its other features.
If you mean edit/delete access, OTOH, you have these by node type vs role at admin/user/permissions.
And, of course, if you only want to hide nodes from non-admins, you can just unpublish them: only admins will see them.
