CSV file data in wordpress - wordpress

I have a .csv file containing list of companies. I want to upload that .csv file so it will update the database, and in WordPress I want to see that data and edit it too.
I tried Custom Post type (ecpt plugin) and created the post type and created the meta-boxes each for one field, but I cannot show those values in the post fields. Can anyone tell me where I am wrong?

After you create a custom post type, you need to enter your data.
And you need to make sure your template is coded to display that data.
As far as uploading a CSV, unless ECPT has that capability, you'll to use something like phpmyadmin to import the CSV into the database.


Drupal 7 - do something in a taxonomy hook after the database has been updated

I would like to do something after a taxonomy item has been inserted or updated. I tried using hook_taxonomy_term_update and hook_taxonomy_term_insert. However, anything you put here will execute before the database is updated. How can I do something after the database has been updated?
Specifically, what I'm doing is updating a text file that lists all the taxonomy terms. I pull this information from the database, so the db needs to be up to date before I write to the text file.
what you could use is
another option is to use module hook_post_action

Turn Imported Netsuite CSV Files into Contact lists

I was wondering if it was possible to turn an imported CSV in Netsuite into a list of contacts, or leads/prospects that I could send emails to? Seems as of now, it is just an excel file in Netsuite. Is there a way I could turn that excel file into a contact group?
You mean the import tool under setup > Import/Export > Import CSV records? It's on the help docs.
Just mark the contacts with somehting on the comments or a custom field and then make a dynamic group with a search pointing to that reference.

form in wordpress that writes to many tables (with different columns)

Currently, I'm using tablepress to output different info using a table format. I want users to be able to add to existing information. I need a form in wordpress that saves user posts to these different tables. How should I go about this? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm soft on html.
If you want to insert in posts table using custom form, you can use wp_insert_post().
This function inserts posts (and pages) in the database. It sanitizes variables, does some checks, fills in missing variables like date/time, etc. It takes an object as its argument and returns the post ID of the created post (or 0 if there is an error).
Reference : http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_insert_post

How to import products to UberCart 3 using CSV data?

I am using D7 and UC3, and I try to import many products at a time using CSV data via Feeds module. The problem is that Feeds hasn't Product information fields (like SKU, price etc.) in target column, so that I can't upload all that necessary data. So, is there any way to access those fields from product information via Feeds (or otherwise). Thanks in advance!
That's the data I can't upload via Feeds:
download the zip file and extract to your module folder from below url:
for help go through:
Problem solved. Found a module for D7 that adds all the UberCart attributes in the list:

How can wordpress themes save and retrieve settings?

I'm programming a wordpress theme and need to make it save data, how should I have it do this? Is there a wordpress function or would I have to connect to the database on my own?
Are you just trying to store simple name -> value pairs?
You could check for $_POST data in your theme then use update_option($name,$value) to save the data.
update_option will create the row in the DB if it doesn't exist. And get_option($name) will retrieve it.
Or are you trying to store something more complex?
It depends on what kind of data you're trying to save, how you want it saved, and what you want to do with it later. Can you be more specific?
