Generating an email with a QR code - qr-code

I am trying to generate QR codes for each of my customers. Each QR code would create an email to me. I've researched and I am pretty sure that I understand how to best create emails with a specific subject and body filled in.
Create the mailto code/script/line that would create the email.
Create a tinyurl out of the script, to create a more reliable QR code.
Make a QR code out of it with any standard website. I used
This is all fine, but I want the QR codes to mask the sender's email address. I do not want to get an email from a personal email account that the customer has on their phone. I want to replace their email address with the company address that the specific customer works for.
Is this possible? Thank you for any help you can give.

By definition, mailto uses whatever mail client is configured in the user's browser, and sends from their own email address. (From the spec: "Originator fields like From ... when present in the URI, MUST be ignored.")
If you have a web server somewhere, a better solution would be to avoid mailto entirely. Instead, have the QR code direct the user to a page on your server. The server script for that page (written in, say, PHP) would send you the email. Then, it would also serve up a confirmation message to the user.


Use a QR code to enter a password/username combination on a website

I'd very much like a qr code that does the following thing when being scanned, e.g. with a camera on the new IOS 11:
Go to a specific website
Enter login information on that website, including username and password. It should not press the actual login button.
As far as I understand scanning a QR code basically mimics the keyboard, as such I'd assume this to be possible. However, the websites I use to generate a QR code can only generate one for a website, and I am not able to find anyone who have tried this problem before.
I thought that a potential way to do this would be to keep everything in the URL string and then redirect it to a script that automatically parses information into the login boxes, depending on the URL string. However, to be frank I am fairly lost on this.
Any and all help is appreciated.
QR codes do not mimic the keyboard. They contain data. When you scan a QR code, it may have a URL in it, such as Your phone then automatically opens this URL in your web browser. Therefore, it is not possible to embed username and password data into a QR code which can be used on any website.
Also, this would create a huge security risk as anyone could scan the QR code and get your login details!
As pointed out by the comments, it is technically possible to put the username and password in the url, or even to embed an OAuth token, but this would be like sticking your front door keys to your front door.
You can do exactly this way....
That will read the id from DB and get user and password and redirect to another page with username and password in result page. So we do not need to pass credentials over url.
But it should be separate QR codes anyway...
Without any security risk you can do it.
In your QR, you need to mention a ID related to your user AUTH.
NOTE: It will work on scenarios like Wi-fi cards etc...since it will be personal/unique to buyer.

Postal Address validation in python

I just wanted to ask if your are writing a program in python and ask the user to input an email address, how can you validate it and make sure it is true?
address= input ("Please ente your postal address: ")
And then I would also need to repeat the question if the address is not true.
Beyond the basic format validation, this is usually done by sending an email to the provided address with a secret code and asking the user to enter the secret code in your program. For web apps the secret code is usually embedded in a link so the user does not have to type the code.
This doesn't exactly warranties that the email address "is true" because the email address can be temporary, but that's as close as you can get without hiring a private detective that looks into the private life of your user...
To check if the email address's domain name is valid (i.e., the part after #), you could use nslookup on *nix systems, call it in a Python subprocess.
You could also check the string you get against the official email Regex.
Put together; those two methods will tell you if the email is syntactically correct and with a valid domain. Which is often not enough...
To do full email validation, you're forced to use an external API that offers this service. A lot of email verifiers will pop up if you google for it.
Of course, the most robust way to go, and the only one that guarantees the email is valid AND is owned by the user, is to send a verification email with a link inside for your user to verify its email.

QR-encode email with recipient, subject and body?

I need to QR-encode an e-mail message with custom recipient, subject and body, so most mobile QR-Code scanner apps will automatically create an e-mail with the encoded recipient, subject and body. Of course this will depend from the features of the mobile QR-Scan app. But isn't there an international standard for such a purpose?
A Qr-code can contain many different types of information:
Contact information
Calendar event
E-mail address
Phone number
Geo location.
Wifi network
(from here)
The E-mail adress does'nt allow us to store body message.
The only information that could work is the URL, using the mailto scheme:
For example, encode
This generates the following QR-Code.
It doesn't open the mail app on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S2), but asks to add the email Adress to your contacts.
What you could probably do is to direct to one of your server, that will then redirect to the mailto URI. (I'm not sure that you can redirect to mailto , cf Django: how to redirect to mailto), howewer, you could create a big link on the page that mails to your adress.
The mailto: scheme is a pretty good choice, since it lets you specify a subject and body:
It's not guaranteed that the scanner, or e-mail client, supports or honors it of course.
See also the old DoCoMo MATMSG format. Barcode Scanner supports this on Android for example, and has space for an email body. send password on Email Address

I have searched about how to do password recovery in case user forgot password but everywhere i have seen people have coded only for g mail , i need example in which all mails are done or some type of general code is written to do that. I want to take user Email as input and send his password on his mail inbox.
Thanks in advance.
Sending e-mail works exactly the same independent of the user's e-mail provider. It's a standard protocol. How did you arrive at the conclusion that the code you've seen online only works with GMail?

Email Application Question

I have created some webforms that will allow users to fill in their data. Afterwards, the information is processed and inserted into a database with a follow up email to me afterwards letting me know who signed up.
The problem is that I use different email addresses on all of these webforms.
What I would like is some sort of dashboard email application where I can view all the emails being sent to me from one central point.
I think that Thunderbird allows you to receive multiple emails from different accounts. Is something like this even possible?
You can configure just about any email application to receive mail from multiple accounts. Thunderbird does this as does outlook (not outlook express). Just go through the normal process you do to add an account, then go ahead and add another account under a different email address.
Here's a link to a walk through on how to do this on Thunderbird.
