Email Application Question -

I have created some webforms that will allow users to fill in their data. Afterwards, the information is processed and inserted into a database with a follow up email to me afterwards letting me know who signed up.
The problem is that I use different email addresses on all of these webforms.
What I would like is some sort of dashboard email application where I can view all the emails being sent to me from one central point.
I think that Thunderbird allows you to receive multiple emails from different accounts. Is something like this even possible?

You can configure just about any email application to receive mail from multiple accounts. Thunderbird does this as does outlook (not outlook express). Just go through the normal process you do to add an account, then go ahead and add another account under a different email address.
Here's a link to a walk through on how to do this on Thunderbird.


Verification required for word press site

I have no experience with this and I'm in need of major help. I have a word press website that I am trying to connect a gmail account to. So that the contact form gets sent to a gmail address. I got it all set up and it is telling me I need verification. This is only being used for my word press website. Probably very few users, not a business. Can I get around the verification process or not?
You would need an OAuth Consent Screen for your Project.
You can refer to this blog post on how you can connect a Gmail account on your Wordpress site

Firebase Reset Password Link (Not sending/Did not receive)

I have implemented the reset password link for my app (using exactly the same firebase code provided at It works well when I tried it using a gmail account that I have registered previously on the app (I received the reset password link on gmail and able to change for a new password). However, when I tried it with other email domains (like professional work or school domains e.g or, it does not seem to receive the email (not in junk/spam too). It is very weird because I do receive the 'email verification' link (from firebase) using other domains when I registered using the app but not when I tried to reset the password? Any ideas on how to approach this problem?
As an FYI, currently in Jan 2023, Microsoft 365 business blocks these emails from ever reaching the target mailbox, even if you change the SMTP settings in firebase.
They still appear in your own SMTP sent section, they just never get delivered by MS
Open firebase console goto Authentication then click on Templates > Password Reset then copy given email address (it seems like, '') then open your Gmail account and paste that email id in search section the tap on 'view message > move to not spam'
This will surly help you
Meet Patel
If the code is the same and you don't get an error message, it is extremely likely that the email gets blocked somewhere along to the way to the target mailbox. You'd have to reach out to the system administrator and see if they can find the message somewhere in their spam filters, and ask them to modify the configuration of those to no longer block these messages.
As ganey stated, the problem is that certain email filters such as MS 365 do not accept mails that contain links that are not in pair with the sender domain.
The solution is to add a customized action url that points to the same domain as your sender domain.
Then you need to redirect from that url to the url generated by firebase.
If you do this in react or another SPA, don't forget to append the query params.

Is it Possible to have an ASP.NET Application in Microsoft Outlook

Users need to fill out an access request and once they are done and hit the submit, it emails the request to their supervisor.
Is it possible to email the entire form(with the user data and also to be filled fields by supervisor) in an email so that the supervisor can select accept and the change would be reflected in a SQL database from Outlook itself?
Emailing the form can be done. Writing an Outlook add-in can also be done. But you'll save yourself a lot of time if you just write an "approval" page in your web app and send a link to this page in the email to the supervisor. You can put any information you want in the email, of course.
ETA: But to actually suggest a solution: you could send an email that included a hyperlink, that included identifying information in the query string, and use that as a way of signalling to a web page or web service that the request should be approved. You'd have to work out something with security and authentication, of course, so that not just anybody could call that page and approve the request.

Creating email accounts without the registrar-Theory

I own a small domain on GoDaddy and I currently use their email service and pay a monthly fee for it. But I was thinking on how would it work to one be the owner of the email account itself, and create email address without involving the registrar. I dont know if I'm explaining myself but my question is more or less how do the protocol works to be able to create/manage email accounts. i.e Obviously gmail, and every single other webmail provider creates the accounts programatically without involving any registrar. Hows does it works?
What you'll need to do is set up a 'MX record' for your domain. This tells other email servers where to send email for some given domain; then you also need an email server to actually receive this email. On a Linux system, this would be something like postfix or exim, or even sendmail (not really recommended these days though). Or you could use a third-party free hosting service, and point MX records to them - eg, google apps.

using active directory, NTLM and then accessing the users exchange unread emails

I am building an intranet site and i want to display the users email(not the complete email), but the subject, from, date and time.
However, the first step would be connecting to the exchange server using the NTLM credentials, which are the same, however, i dont want the user to have to type their password to connect to the email.
is this possible and how?
any resources/examples anything to help me get started thanks
