Which is the correct web site to download Moq binary files? - moq

I want to play around with Moq framework. I wanted to download the framework, so I reached http://code.google.com/p/moq/ through google, but the first line mentions that this project has been moved to GitHub. When I went to GitHub I see only the source code. My questions are :
1) Which is the correct web site to download Moq binaries.? (I do not want Source code.).
2) Why am I not able to view the binary files in the GitHub website for Moq. Is it that I need to download the source code and then compile it myself.?
3) Should I only go to GitHub website in future for any updates. Currently code.google.com/p/moq provides binary files.

The moq project now moved to github. The quickstart is also now on github
So to answer you questions:
You can get the latest version from nuget: http://nuget.org/packages/Moq/
Or download the latest binaries from github: https://github.com/Moq/moq4/releases
At the moment you can still download the old moq binaris from the Downloads page: https://code.google.com/p/moq/downloads/list (you can use to search filter if you are looking for older versions) or you can use
In the future a who knows where it be hosted, because it is an open source project you can create you own fork and maintain it to make sure that it will last until you need it.


There are no Views in the 2sic App-Media Directory application sample

I've downloaded App-Media Directory from https://2sxc.org/en/apps/app/media-directory-app-for-dnn-dotnetnuke, and install it fine, but when I go into Apps Management I do NOT see any Views (or Queries or WebAPIs), and I believe I've seen references to List View and Press Release View. I also don't find this on GitHub to see if they might be there somehow.
Any ideas? I've not looked at older releases yet.
I posted a quick response to this on the same git-hub question. basically it's a very old ZIP format with an old XML inside it.
Importing it into a 2sxc 8 and re-exporting it fixes stuff, but since the app is very old and uses AngularJS, I don't recommend it.

Is there a direct way to get a full ejb/servlet application example for glassfish

I have an application that is currently running on JBoss AS but does not work on Glassfish. I'm trying to work through the documentation here but I'm having trouble figuring out things like what the file structure of the application should be and what (if any) additional files are needed. This documentation also refers to examples but to get the examples you need to install Netbeans and access an update tool tied to the glassfish instance installed with Netbeans. When I do this the server won't start, the update tool won't run, and I can't get the examples. Is there an easy way to get these examples (e.g. a simple download)? I've found other examples such as this one, but they are also dependent upon Netbeans.
Is there a simple and complete ejb/servlet example for Glassfish that can be simply downloaded and does not depend upon Netbeans or other IDE?
The obvious example is the Java EE CargoTracker. It was written to show what a "real" application might look like with pure Java EE APIs so should work on both JBoss and GlassFish. You will need Maven installed to build and run it, but there are more complete details in the readme for the project. Note that some of the information is a little out of date (mostly links to java.net which has been sunset in favour of a GitHub site) but the application itself is still a good example of Java EE 7 APIs.
I found the examples on github here:
To get and build the examples you will need Git and Maven. These examples are small, complete, and concise. The example that was helpful for my particular problem was this example:
It demonstrated that I needed to change the structure of my project such that the servlet was in a .war file and not in a .jar file in the lib folder of my project.

Create Visual Studio project from existing Umbraco Website

So this is my problem:
I currently have an existing Umbraco Website, v7.2.1, not installed with Visual Studio, so there is no solution file.
I want to migrate this site to the typical Umbraco solution, so I can run it locally, and make it more familiar to my way of working with Umbraco.
I have tried to create an .NET project and installed the Umbraco Core nugget (also version 7.2.1) followed by importing the website. With no avail.
I rather not move everything manually into a new Umbraco solution.
Help me Umbraco community, you're my only hope.
It depends on how much customization has been done, I think?
I would probably install UmbracoCms -version 7.2.1 (not "just" Core) from Nuget into a fresh solution, build it and then point the connection string to the existing database (if not an .sdf file already). Then you'll (hopefully) only have to copy over folders like /Views and /config plus whatever scripts/styles folder you have, I think? Once copied over, all you have to do is include the folders in your project, and voila.
Unless that too is too much "manual" work? ;-) I'm not sure if you could get by with creating a package on the original site (with templates, doctypes, content, styles, scripts and everything) and importing it into a new, blank site :-s
Again, if you have installed any packages either via Umbraco Package Repository or Nuget, or indeed if you have made changes to /umbraco or /umbraco_client, I don't see any other way to do it other than manually copying them over.
Try doing a, complete, fresh install of Umbraco 7.2.1, then literally copy all the files from the current site, and simply paste and replace them into the new Umbraco solution. That should work.
This is indeed "manual work", but you can literally move all files at once and just overwrite the existing ones in the newly created solution.
Good luck.
Like Jannik said, it depends how much you've build around your current solution and what exact results you're expecting.
Option 1 - WebSite project
You can easily create an empty solution in VS and add new Web Site project (ASP.NET Empty Web Site). Then, paste and include all the files from your current location. You'll have new solution and VS project with your files / website.
Option 2 - ASP.NET Application
If you would like to have it as a ASP.NET app, I would follow these steps (almost the same as Jannik's steps described above):
Create empty ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio.
Nuget: Install package -UmbracoCms -version 7.2.1
Repoint connection string to current site database (or replace SDF database file in App_Data directory if it was on SQL CE).
Analyze what packages you've used and try to also install them from Nuget (if they have Nuget packages). If not - move them manually (DLLs etc.).
Copy all static files from your current site (App_Plugins, Configs, Views, Partials, MacroScripts, Scripts, CSS etc.).
But I see also the 3rd option, which may interest you especially if you want to kill two birds with one stone and update Umbraco to the latest version at the same time.
Install uSync and uSync Content Edition on your current website. Perform Full Export. Read more: https://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/usync/.
Create empty ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio.
Nuget: Install package -UmbracoCms
Install uSync and uSync Content Edition on your new web app.
Install all packages used in the previous version.
Copy files from uSync folder in old website and place them into the new one. Perform Import / Full Import.

Is it still possible to edit a document in google docs from alfresco share 4.2?

I have a 4.0.x binary installation of alfresco and have this menu highlighted below:
I have 2 custom installed 4.2.c versions and this option is missing. I have done the following to try and enable it as read from different parts of the web:
1) added the two following lines to both the share and the repo's alfresco-global.properties file
#enable GoogleDocs integration
2)Modified the share-custom-config.xml file in attempts to enable this and other google docs functionality.
So far this is the only thing missing. I am not sure whether this is a bug or whether I'm overlooking something else.
Yes, Google Docs integration works fine with Alfresco Community Edition 4.2.c. In fact, here is a video that shows you how to get it working:
The video shows that the out-of-the-box installer will not create a working Google Docs integration due to changes on the Google side. So you need to reinstall the AMPs to both the alfresco and share wars as gagravarr mentioned above.
If you are using Google Docs integration in the repository folders (external to a Share site) you will need to install from head because there is a bug. If you are using the integration only within Share sites the latest released version of the integration, downloadable from the 4.2.c file list page, will be fine.

Where to download the binaries of the latese version of System.Data.SQLite?

newbie here, sorry if this is an obvious question.
I have never used SQLite before. According to this page, the latest version of System.Data.SQLite should be downloaded from http://system.data.sqlite.org/.
But I couldn't find a download link. Should I download the source code then compile it on my local machine? If so, could you please tell me where to download the source code? Sorry, I have no idea what "Branches", "Leaves", "trunks" mean.
I just had this same issue. You can get the source code from here. It builds fine for me in VS2010.
Try this link instead: http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/
The new http://system.data.sqlite.org/ site is the integrated web-server of a Fossil repository. Therefore it exposes SCM functionality like branches in its web-interface. You may take a look at fossil at: http://www.fossil-scm.org/
The latest System.data.sqlite binaries are available at
It has instructions/info and the latest binary versions for the variations of .Net and Visual Studio.
