PrimeFaces p:selectOneMenu width - css

I want p:selectOneMenu width to be auto regarding to the parent cell not regarding to the values it has.
<p:column><p:outputLabel value="Value01" for="idInput01"/></p:column>
<p:column><p:inputText value="#{bean.input01}" id="idInput01" /></p:column>
<p:column><p:outputLabel value="Value02" for="idSelect" /></p:column>
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selectedObject}" id="idSelect" converter="objectConverter">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.objectsList}" var="varObject" itemLabel="#{varObject.label}" itemValue="#{varObject}" />
What I've got :
What I'm expecting :
Note: I don't want to specify a fixed width.

My solution: autoWidth="false"

i overrode .ui-selectonemenu, .ui-selectonemenu-label to:
width: 100% !important;
width: 100% !important;

The only way I found is to use jQuery to initialize width at load time.
You can create simply a CSS class like this (just to be used as a futur selector) :
And add it to your component :
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selectedObject}" id="idSelect" converter="objectConverter" styleClass="full-width">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.objectsList}" var="varObject" itemLabel="{varObject.label}" itemValue="#{varObject}" />
Since you will need jQuery, you should add this inside your h:head if you are not already using PrimeFaces components that use it.
<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js" />
Here is the small script that initialize all p:selectOneMenu in the selector :

you can add the value of width directly in the component to modify it, to avoid impacting other p: selectOneMenu existing in the page.
<p:selectOneMenu style="width: 100% !important">

I now have a proper fix for this.
Primefaces 6.0 now has a new field called autoWidth that by default is set to true, and you can set to false.
IF you do as some of the above responses say and set it to false, all you are doing is playing roulette with you app css.
By setting it to false, primefaces will leave it up to you to manage the width.
You can either have the width set on the selectOneMeny expliclitly by style attribute, or some css class in your application.
But this is not what this issue is about, this issue is about the fact that the default behaivor of not specifying any width to a drop down makes leads our drop downs to normally be way too small for the labels in there.
So what we actually want is for the autoWidth to work proplerly.
FInally, I looked at the component and at the renderer, and it is obvious the auto-width mechanism does not work in the backend side.
The backend side only builds some JSON like data that the primefaces javascript builder can use to properly tune on the browser the behavior of the widget.
If you loook at primefaces 6.0 source code, the bug is in META-INF\resources\primefaces\forms
Search for the code that says the following:
PrimeFaces SelectOneMenu Widget
In this javascript function hunt for the code chunk that says:
_render: function() {
if(this.cfg.autoWidth) {
In this section of code your bug is the following line:
this.jq.css('min-width', this.input.outerWidth());
Here, I applied the following patch that hopefully should work in geting the drop down box to be as fat as the largest label:
_render: function() {
if(this.cfg.autoWidth) {
// this.jq.css('min-width', this.input.outerWidth());
// (a) compute the original min-with primefaces 6.0 would put on the root div
var primefacesBugWidth = this.input.outerWidth();
// (b) compute the length of the hidden select element with all the labels inside of it
var widthOfHiddenDivWithSelectLabels = this.jq.find('div select').width();
var widthOfTheDropDownTriangle = this.jq.find('.ui-selectonemenu-trigger.ui-state-default.ui-corner-right').width();
var widthOfLabelPlusTraingle = widthOfHiddenDivWithSelectLabels + widthOfTheDropDownTriangle;
// (c) we will use whichever length is longer
// in bug-fixed primefaces version the outerWidth should be computed correctly
// but this seems not to be the case
var maxWidthOfTwoPossibleOptions = primefacesBugWidth > widthOfLabelPlusTraingle ? primefacesBugWidth : widthOfLabelPlusTraingle;
this.jq.css('min-width', maxWidthOfTwoPossibleOptions);
The idea of the code above is:
(a) look at the hidden div with all labels and get the width of that div
(b) add to that length the width needed for the primefaces triangle facing down
(c) compare the width we have computed to that that is suggested by primefaces and that seems to be way too small
To install the patch you have to copy all of the Primaces code for the SelectOneWidget.
Add it to a javascript file under your control.
Make sure you only run the compilation of your javascript file after the primefaces javascript file has been loaded.
Normally primefaces is being rendered at the HEAD.
So if you have you jasvacript as the last ement in the body you should be fine.
The patching is working fine for me.
THis is code I do not like to maintain however.

You can ID the element and change the style width through CSS. Make it 100% of its container.

If your p:selectOneMenu is in a DIV with an assigned width, I find setting style="width:100%;" on the p:selectOneMenu seems to work in my case.

The problem might be min-width, which is set in the rendered HTML. If that is your case, use a CSS selector fixed-width like this:
<p:selectOneMenu styleClass="fixed-width" ...
then define CSS
.fixed-width { min-width: 100% !important; }
That sets the width of the selectOneMenu widget to the width of the parent element. To have it work, parent elements's width should not be 'auto'.

Those who still got problem with selectonemenu may try this
.ui-selectonemenu {
min-width: 0 !important;
Perfectly worked for me.

You can use something like
style="min-width: 12rem"


if image width > 400 = image width = 100% css

I'd like to check if an image width has more than 400px I'd like this image to get full div width. if image is less than 400px just print it in its normal size.
any ideas how to do this?
<div id="volta">
<img src="/img/volta.jpg">
As far as I know, this does not exist in CSS. What you should do instead is use classes.
Define some CSS class that applies the styles you want:
.long_width {
background: blue;
Then you would use Javascript to check the width of the image. You don't need jQuery to do this you can do it in vanilla Javascript (unless you already have jQuery imported and need it for other things). Maybe something like this:
let elm = document.querySelector('[src="/img/volta.jpg]"');
let width = window.getComputedStyle(elm).getPropertyValue('width');
And then you would use Javascript to add and remove styles accordingly:
if (width > 400) {
else {
The specific answer to your question depends on what your intentions are. But to keep your code simple, you should use Javascript to handle the logic and not depend on CSS selectors for things this complicated. Instead, create a CSS class that contains the styles you need, and then use Javascript to apply it based on the size of the user uploaded image.
Additionally, if the user uploads the image, you should load it into memory and check its attributes in memory rather than by depending on a DOM element. Something like:
let img = new Image();
img.src = "{data URL of img}"
You will need javascript / jQuery to work. Something like this:
if($(this).width() > 400){
$(this).css('width', '100%');
Here is also working jquery example.
Apply an id to the image, and with jquery check its width
If it is greather than 400px modify his width or add a class that does the same.
if($("#image").width() > 400){
$("#image").css("width", "100%");
$("#image").css("width", "10px");
<script src=""></script>
<img id = "image" src = ""/>
You can do it like FlokiTheFisherman (with %), or you can use "wv" instead of "%".
I recommend using vw.
img[width='400'] {
width: 100%;

p:datatable with scroll on content

I have a datatable with primefaces:
<p:dataTable var="wapsoplandtl" id="wapsoplandtlList" widgetVar="wapsoplandtlList" value="#{exportController.wapsoplandtls}"
paginator="true" rows="50" scrollable="true" scrollWidth="2500px;" styleClass="borderless"
paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {CurrentPageReport}"
currentPageReportTemplate="{startRecord} - {endRecord} of {totalRecords}" paginatorPosition="bottom"
rowsPerPageTemplate="10,25,50" rowKey="#{wapsoplandtl.dtlsys}">
and produce something like this:
As you can see, it has scrollwidth attribute, but the header got scrolled to the far right. I want only scroll the content of datatable, not the header and footer (paging). Can anyone help me?
This can be done by CSS only, forget about the scrollable attribute of the <p:datatable> component, apparently it will always overflow the whole table, and not just the content.
In this case, do the following:
Remove the scrollable and scrollWidth attribute from your <p:datatable> component;
Include another CSS class (any name, but keep this name to be used later, in this case I will use the name 'overflow-content') in the styleClass attribute from <p:datatable>;
Include the following CSS rule in your page:
.overflow-content .ui-datatable-tablewrapper table {
overflow: auto;
width: 2500px;
The result will be something like this:
For this you need to first add the option scrollX: true and should add css to table width:100% inline.
$('#example').dataTable( {
"scrollX": true
} );
and you are done.

Adjust Angular UI Boostrap Modal Size/Width

Essentially what the title says - need to make this wider. Tried several solutions, neither work. Note that the "backdropClass" is applied perfectly and works, but the windowClass doesn't, nor the "size" option. I have tried them independently, nothing. CSS is in the same folder as the working backdrop class"
templateUrl: 'myTemplate.html',
controller: 'controllingControllerCtrl',
backdrop: 'static',
backdropClass : 'blackBackgroundModal ' +
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow' +
size: 'sm'
.resizeModalWindow .resizeModalDialog {
width: 5000px;
What needs to be done for at least the "size" option to register - I don't really need custom widths.
Edit: Forgot checked links!
Checked this Q first
Then this
And of course docs
bootstrap css has media queries defining the width of a modal based on screen size. to globally overwrite them use !important
like this
.modal {
size: 5000px !important;
You should have white space between those two classes will recognize by the css rule.
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow ' +'resizeModalDialog',
^^^added space here
Add this to your CSS:
.resizeModalDialog .modal-dialog{
width: 5000px;
Add the property where you instance the modal
windowClass will not resize another way.

ExtJS: the magic of hidden columns

I wonder how ExtJS makes columns hidden without any visible CSS changes!
The problem that I had - I can't set the CSS rule to hide children icon in that hidden column. F.e. if the hidden td had class 'hidden', I can use something like that:
td.hidden img {display:none;}
But in this case I can do it only in renderer with manipulating grid.columns[col].isHidden().
renderer: function(value,td,record,row,col,store,view) {
return grid.columns[col].isHidden() ? '' : someFunctionToRenderColumn();
It's ok, but then if I show hidden column it will not refresh grid and shows empty column. Of course I can add one more event for show/hide that column, but it is so difficult! Has it any simple way?
It gives them a width of 0px:
<col class="x-grid-cell-gridcolumn-1023" style="width: 0px;">
... and that should hide your img too. Except if you've given them an absolute positionning or something. You should try to position your img using float, margin and padding. Or you will have to toggle the 'hidden' class yourself using the hide and show event of the column.
You can hide columns by targeting the corresponding col element. No need to put classes on each of the individual tds.
Here's a fiddle I made earlier:
which has
<col><col class="invisible"><col>
and the CSS:
.invisible {visibility:collapse}
But you don't even need a class; you can also use col:nth-child(2) if you know the column number.

Stop ExtJs styling elements

If i I remove say
from my ExtJs panel and add a css class in its place
cls: "someclass"
My height property in my css class is overided because Extjs still puts in a style on the element for e.g. but with minimal value (2-4 px)
<div class="someclass" stlye="height:2px"></div>
Any idea how to stop that?
bodyCls: "someclass"
is stronger than
cls: "someclass"
use bodyCls in your panel and set your css to the following:
.x-panel .someclass {
//css stuff in here
In Ext 3 you can use autoHeight: true in your config object to prevent Ext JS controlling it. See!/api/Ext.Panel-cfg-autoHeight for the docs.
For Ext 4 there doesn't seem to be an equivalent property, there is a discussion about this on the Ext forum:
However in this case if you leave the height parameter out and add bodyCls : "someClass" to the config object, you can set the height using a css rule like: .someClass: { height: 200px; }.
Found it on a the Sencha forum
.someclass .x-panel-body {
dont ask me why :)
