R no longer runs in parallel - r

I run (k)Ubuntu 12.04.2 and R 3.0.1
I wrote a bunch of code that used to run in parallel, but now it no longer does. Not even this runs in parallel any more:
Results = foreach (i = 1:1e6, .combine = "c") %dopar% {
And that definitely should. What I think broke it is either the R 3.0.1 update or a -dev, -devel BLAS package I installed. (openBLAS I think)
I've tried system(sprintf("taskset -p 0xffffffff %d", Sys.getpid())) as suggested elsewhere, and get this result:
pid 2415's current affinity mask: 1
pid 2415's new affinity mask: f
I've also tried running R with:
taskset 0xffff R
However after either of these steps running the loop still only uses one core.
I want parallel processing back! How can I get it?

I found the solution! Ironically, to get parallel processing back I had to do both of the steps I mentioned in the Q at the same time
So, start R with
taskset 0xffff R
Then run
system(sprintf("taskset -p 0xffffffff %d", Sys.getpid()))
Within R.
Voila, parallel processing returns


How to release R's prompt when using 'system'?

I am writing an R code on a Linux system using RStudio. At some point in the code, I need to use a system call to a command that will download a few thousand of files from the lines of a text file:
down.command <- paste0("parallel --gnu -a links.txt wget")
However, this command takes a little while to run (a couple of hours), and the R prompt stays locked while the command runs. I would like to keep using R while the command runs on the background.
I tried to use nohup like this:
down.command <- paste0("nohup parallel --gnu -a links.txt wget > ~/down.log 2>&1")
but the R prompt still gets "locked" waiting for the end of the command.
Is there any way to circumvent this? Is there a way to submit system commands from R and keep them running on the background?
Using ‘processx’, here’s how to create a new process that redirects both stdout and stderr to the same file:
args = c('--gnu', '-a', 'links.txt', 'wget')
p = processx::process$new('parallel', args, stdout = '~/down.log', stderr = '2>&1')
This launches the process and resumes the execution of the R script. You can then interact with the running process via the p name. Notably you can signal to it, you can query its status (e.g. is_alive()), and you can synchronously wait for its completion (optionally with a timeout after which to kill it):
result = p$get_exit_status()
Based on the comment by #KonradRudolph, I became aware of the processx R package that very smartly deals with system process submissions from within R.
All I had to do was:
down.command <- c("parallel","--gnu", "-a", "links.txt", "wget", ">", "~/down.log", "2>&1")
processx::process$new("nohup", down.comm, cleanup=FALSE)
As simple as that, and very effective.

Several questions on running Rmpi and foreach on a HPC cluster

I am queueing and running an R script on a HPC cluster via sbatch and mpirun; the script is meant to use foreach in parallel. To do this I've used several useful questions & answers from StackOverflow: R Running foreach dopar loop on HPC MPIcluster, Single R script on multiple nodes, Slurm: Use cores from multiple nodes for R parallelization.
It seems that the script completes, but a couple of strange things happen. The most important is that the slurm job keeps on running afterwards, doing nothing(?). I'd like to understand if I'm doing things properly. I'll first give some more specific information, then explain the strange things I'm seeing, then I'll ask my questions.
– Information:
R is loaded as a module, which also calls an OpenMPI module. The packages Rmpi, doParallel, snow, foreach were already compiled and included in the module.
The cluster has nodes with 20 CPUs each. My sbatch file books 2 nodes and 20 CPUs per node.
The R script myscript.R is called in the sbatch file like this:
mpirun -np 1 Rscript -e "source('myscript.R')"
My script calls several libraries in this order:
and then sets up parallelization as follows at the beginning:
workers <- mpi.universe.size() - 1
cl <- makeMPIcluster(workers, outfile='', type='MPI')
Then several foreach-dopar are called in succession – that is, each starts after the previous has finished. Finally
are called at the very end of the script.
mpi.universe.size() correctly gives 40, as expected. Also, getDoParWorkers() gives doParallelSNOW. The slurm log encouragingly says
39 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
starting MPI worker
starting MPI worker
Also, calling print(clusterCall(cl, function() Sys.info()[c("nodename","machine")])) from within the script correctly reports the node names shown in the slurm queue.
– What's strange:
The R script completes all its operations, the last one being saving a plot as pdf, which I do see and is correct. But the slurm job doesn't end, it remains in the queue indefinitely with status "running".
The slurm log shows very many lines with
Type: EXEC. I can't find any relation between their number and the number of foreach called. At the very end the log shows 19 lines with Type: DONE (which make sense to me).
– My questions:
Why does the slurm job run indefinitely after the script has finished?
Why the numerous Type: EXEC messages? are they normal?
There is some masking between packages snow and doParallel. Am I calling the right packages and in the right order?
Some answers to the StackOverflow questions mentioned above recommend to call the script with
mpirun -np 1 R --slave -f 'myscript.R'
instead of using Rscript as I did. What's the difference? Note that the problems I mentioned remain even if I call the script this way, though.
I thank you very much for your help!

MPI cluster based parallel calculation in R on WestGrid (pbs file)

I am now dealing with a large dataset and I want to use parallel calculation to accelerate the process. WestGird is a Canadian computing system which has clusters with interconnect.
I use two packages doSNOW and parallel to do parallel jobs. My question is how I should write the pbs file. When I submit the job using qsub, an error occurs: mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process that caused that situation.
Here is the R script code:
cl <- makeCluster(mpi.universe.size(), type='MPI' )
MK_grid <-
foreach(i=1:6000, .packages="fume",.combine='rbind') %dopar% {
abc <- mkTrend(as.matrix(spei03_data)[i,])
data.frame(P_value=abc$`Corrected p.value`, Slope=abc$`Sen's Slope`*10,Zc=abc$Zc)
The "fume" package is download from https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/fume/ .
Here is the pbs file:
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=12
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
module load application/R/3.3.1
mpirun -np 1 -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE R CMD BATCH Trend.R
Can anyone help? Thanks a lot.
It's difficult to give advice on how to use a compute cluster that I've never used since each cluster is setup somewhat differently, but I can give you some general advice that may help.
Your job script looks reasonable to me. It's very similar to what I use on one of our Torque/Moab clusters. It's a good idea to verify that you're able to load all of the necessary R packages interactively because sometimes additional module files may need to be loaded. If you need to install packages yourself, make sure you install them in the standard "personal library" which is called something like "~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3". That often avoids errors loading packages in the R script when executing in parallel.
I have more to say about your R script:
You need to load the Rmpi package in your R script using library(Rmpi). It isn't automatically loaded when loading doSNOW, so you will get an error when calling mpi.universe.size().
I don't recommend installing R packages in the R script itself. That will fail if install.script needs to prompt you for the CRAN repository, for example, since you can't execute interactive functions from an R script executed via mpirun.
I suggest starting mpi.universe.size() - 1 cluster workers when calling makeCluster. Since mpirun starts one worker, it may not be safe for makeCluster to spawn mpi.universe.size() additional workers since that would result in a total of mpi.universize.size() + 1 MPI processes. That works on some clusters, but it fails on at least one of our clusters.
While debugging, try using the makeCluster outfile='' option. Depending on your MPI installation, that may let you see error messages that would otherwise be hidden.

R code to turn windows computer off after completion of program [duplicate]

I want R to shutdown my computer after my (extensive) simulation and saving results, is this possible?
Yes, look at the function shutdown in the package fun.
The flags for system command shutdown depends on your operating system, the function simply calls the appropriately flagged command.
function (wait = 0)
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", shell("shutdown -s -t 0"),
system("shutdown -h now"))
R can send commands to the system with ?system, and so whatever is required for Windows can be done with that:
R has a .Last() function controlled by quit() (or q()) with its runLast argument, so this is where you would send the shutdown commands via system, so that it occurs after quitting R. Saving objects with R is done with save or save.image, though there is a default to save as well with quit().
system("shutdown -s")
will shut your computer down. Just add it at the end of your script

Shutdown Windows after simulation

I want R to shutdown my computer after my (extensive) simulation and saving results, is this possible?
Yes, look at the function shutdown in the package fun.
The flags for system command shutdown depends on your operating system, the function simply calls the appropriately flagged command.
function (wait = 0)
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", shell("shutdown -s -t 0"),
system("shutdown -h now"))
R can send commands to the system with ?system, and so whatever is required for Windows can be done with that:
R has a .Last() function controlled by quit() (or q()) with its runLast argument, so this is where you would send the shutdown commands via system, so that it occurs after quitting R. Saving objects with R is done with save or save.image, though there is a default to save as well with quit().
system("shutdown -s")
will shut your computer down. Just add it at the end of your script
