Prolog recursive predicate overwriting return values - recursion

I have a recursive predicate:
something(A, Object, Value, Complete) :-
member(Value, Complete), Object = Value.
something(A, Object, _, Complete) :-
\+ member(Object, Complete),
<Predicates to get return values>,
something(A, NewObject, Object, [Object|Complete]).
The function of this predicate is to iterate through all facts of Object, run some further logic processing on it and then output the results for each Object fact that is apart of objects.
The issue I'm having is that all the return values I get (upon pressing ;) are all of the first iteration, so the first value that this recursive function returned for Object.
EG: The output I see:
Object: obj1
Object: obj1
Where it should really be
Object: obj1
Object: obj2
(Along with the other variables, however I've left them out to keep the post cleaner).
Upon using the visual debugger in SWI Prolog implementation, I can see that once the inner recursive calls return, the values of the inner recursions are lost and that's why I'm seeing obj1 again for the second return value.
I'm not too sure how I can save these inner values, I've looked at lots of examples of recursive functions but I can't seem to apply the concepts to this specific instance.

I think there's a simple misunderstanding of variables going on here. Prolog has variables, not "assignables." There's no difference between
something(A, Object, Value, Complete) :-
member(Value, Complete), Object = Value.
And this:
something(A, Value, Value, Complete) :-
member(Value, Complete).
A natural ramification of this is that this line:
something(A, NewObject, Object, [Object|Complete]).
is the same as this:
something(A, Object, Object, [Object|Complete]).
which is almost certainly where you're seeing unexpected behavior. If your mind rejects this and you feel there should be a difference between my simplified versions and your code, you have misunderstood the way variables work in Prolog. They cannot under any circumstances be "overwritten." In a recursive call, they can be instantiated differently, but this is really no different from formal parameters in any other language.


What's the theoretical loophole that allows F# (or any functional language) to apply a function mulitple times on the same input

In F# if I write
let p = printfn "something"
it will evaluate the expression once. Any subsequent references to p will evaluate to unit.
From a theoretical perspective, the definition of a function, this makes sense. A function should only return the same result for the same input.
However if I want the side-effect to occur (i.e. the output to the screen), then I need the pass an argument to p. Typically this argument is the unit value.
let p () = printfn "something"
But why will F# evaluate the function each time, when the argument is the same each time the function is applied? Surely the same reasoning should apply as in the first case? The input to the function p doesn't change therefore there is no need to evaluate it more than once.
The action printfn is, strictly speaking, not a function. It is, particularly, not a pure function, because it's not referentially transparent. This is possible because F# isn't a strictly functional language (it's a 'functional first' language). It makes no explicit distinction between pure functions and impure actions.
The return value of printfn "something" is () (unit), which means that p is bound to the unit value (). The fact that something is printed on the screen is a side effect of evaluating the expression.
F# is an eagerly evaluated language. That's why you see something printed on the screen as a side effect of binding printfn "something" to p. Once the expression is evaluated, p is only bound to () - the value.
F# doesn't memoize function calls, so when you change p to a function, it'll evaluate the function every time you call it with (). Since all functions can be impure, the compiler can't tell whether or not memoization would be appropriate, so it doesn't do that.
Other languages do this in different ways. Haskell, for example, is lazily evaluated, and also explicitly distinguishes between pure functions and impure actions, so it can apply different optimization in cases like these.
To expand on the answer given in the comments, the first p is an immutable value, while the second p is a function. If you refer to an immutable value multiple times, then (obviously) its value doesn't change over time. But if you invoke a function multiple times, it executes each time, even if the arguments are the same each time.
Note that this is true even for pure functional languages, such as Haskell. If you want to avoid this execution cost, there's a specific technique called memoization that can be used to return cached results when the same inputs occur again. However, memoization has its own costs, and I'm not aware of any mainstream functional language that automatically memoizes all function calls.

Recursive function parameters

I made a simple recursive function, and expected it to work (but it doesn't):
open System
open System.Threading
let f =
let r = Random()
let rec d =
printfn "%d" (r.Next())
With the help of Intellisense I ended up with the following working function (but without understanding why previous function didn't work):
open System
open System.Threading
let f : unit =
let r = Random()
let rec d() =
printfn "%d" (r.Next())
So why do I need to explicitly state unit and ()?
In the first version, you declared a recursive object (let rec d), or a value. You're saying that the d object is recursive, but how an object could be recursive? How does it call itself? Of course, this doesn't make sense.
It's not possible to use recursive objects in F# and this is the reason why your first version doesn't work.
In the second version, you declared a recursive function (let rec d()). Adding (), you're explicitly stating that d is a function.
Furthermore you explicitly stated, with unit, that the function f (called just once) will not return anything, or, at least, you're saying that f will return a value of a not specific type. In F#, even the simplest functions must always return a value.
In your case, F# will try to infer the type that f will return. Because there's no specific type annotation and your f is not doing something (like a calculation) that will return a specific value using a specific type, the F# compiler will assign a generic return type to f, but your code is still ambiguous and you have to specify the unit type (the simplest type that a F# function could return) to be more specific.
The value restriction error is related indeed to F#'s powerful type inference. Please have a look at this interesting article about this error.
In your first attempt, you define not a function, but a value. The value d is defined in terms of itself - that is, in order to know what d is, you need to first know what d is. No wonder it doesn't work!
To make this a bit more clear, I will point out that your definition is of the same kind as this:
let x = x
Would you expect this to work?
In your second attempt, you gave d a parameter. It is the parameter that made it a function and not a value. Compare:
let rec x() = x()
This will still cause a stack overflow when executed, but at least it will compile: it's a function that unconditionally calls itself.
You didn't have to give it specifically a unit parameter, any parameter would do. You could have made it a number, a string, or even a generic type. It's just that unit is the simplest option when you don't care what it is.
And you didn't actually need to annotate f with a type. That was an extraneous step.
In conclusion, I'd like to point out that even in your second code block, f is still a value, not a function. In practical terms it means that the code inside f will be executed just once, when f is defined, and not every time you mention f as part of some other expression, which is apparently what you intuitively expect.

How can I dispatch on traits relating two types, where the second type that co-satisfies the trait is uniquely determined by the first?

Say I have a Julia trait that relates to two types: one type is a sort of "base" type that may satisfy a sort of partial trait, the other is an associated type that is uniquely determined by the base type. (That is, the relation from BaseType -> AssociatedType is a function.) Together, these types satisfy a composite trait that is the one of interest to me.
For example:
using Traits
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
#traitdef IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M} begin
#constraints begin
measurements(X) -> M
#Maybe some other stuff that dispatches on (X,M), e.g.
#fits_in(X,M) -> Bool
#how_many_fit_in(X,M) -> Int64
#But I don't want to implement these now
Now here are a couple of example types. Please ignore the particulars of the examples; they are just meant as MWEs and there is nothing relevant in the details:
type Rope
type Paper
function isnew(x::Rope)
(x.age_in_years < 10.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Rope)
if x.color=="Orange"
return 2.0::Float64
elseif x.color!="Taupe"
return 1.0::Float64
return 0.0::Float64
function isnew(x::Paper)
(x.age_in_years < 1.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Paper)
(x.content=="StackOverflow Answers" ? 1000.0 : 0.0)::Float64
Since I've defined these functions, I can do
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Rope})
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Paper})
And now if I define
function measurements(x::Rope)
function measurements(x::Paper)
Then I can do
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Rope,Float64})
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Paper,Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
So far so good; these run without error. Now, what I want to do is write a function like the following:
#traitfn function get_measurements{X,M;IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Generically, this function is meant to be an example of "I want to use the fact that I, as the programmer, know that BaseType is always associated to AssociatedType to help the compiler with type inference. I know that whenever I do a certain task [in this case, get_measurements, but generically this could work in a bunch of cases] then I want the compiler to infer the output type of that function in a consistently patterned way."
That is, e.g.
will always spit out Array{AssociatedType}, and
will always spit out Tuple{Int64,BaseType,AssociatedType}.
AND, one such relationship holds for all pairs of <BaseType,AssociatedType>; e.g. if BatmanType is the base type to which RobinType is associated, and SupermanType is the base type to which LexLutherType is always associated, then
will always output Tuple{Int64,BatmanType,RobinType}, and
will always output Tuple{Int64,SupermanType,LexLutherType}.
So, I understand this relationship, and I want the compiler to understand it for the sake of speed.
Now, back to the function example. If this makes sense, you will have realized that while the function definition I gave as an example is 'correct' in the sense that it satisfies this relationship and does compile, it is un-callable because the compiler doesn't understand the relationship between X and M, even though I do. In particular, since M doesn't appear in the method signature, there is no way for Julia to dispatch on the function.
So far, the only thing I have thought to do to solve this problem is to create a sort of workaround where I "compute" the associated type on the fly, and I can still use method dispatch to do this computation. Consider:
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Rope)
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Paper)
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
M = get_measurement_type_of_product(similar_items[1]::X)
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Then indeed this compiles and is callable:
julia> get_measurements(Array{Rope,1}([Rope("blue",1.0,1.0,1.0),Rope("red",2.0,2.0,2.0)]))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
But this is not ideal, because (a) I have to redefine this map each time, even though I feel as though I already told the compiler about the relationship between X and M by making them satisfy the trait, and (b) as far as I can guess--maybe this is wrong; I don't have direct evidence for this--the compiler won't necessarily be able to optimize as well as I want, since the relationship between X and M is "hidden" inside the return value of the function call.
One last thought: if I had the ability, what I would ideally do is something like this:
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
∃ ! M s.t. measurements(X) -> M
and then have some way of referring to the type that uniquely witnesses the existence relationship, so e.g.
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X},IsWitnessType{IsProduct{X},M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
because this would be somehow dispatchable.
So: what is my specific question? I am asking, given that you presumably by this point understand that my goals are
Have my code exhibit this sort of structure generically, so that
I can effectively repeat this design pattern across a lot of cases
and then program in the abstract at the high-level of X and M,
do (1) in such a way that the compiler can still optimize to the best of its ability / is as aware of the relationship among
types as I, the coder, am
then, how should I do this? I think the answer is
Use Traits.jl
Do something pretty similar to what you've done so far
Also do ____some clever thing____ that the answerer will indicate,
but I'm open to the idea that in fact the correct answer is
Abandon this approach, you're thinking about the problem the wrong way
Instead, think about it this way: ____MWE____
I'd also be perfectly satisfied by answers of the form
What you are asking for is a "sophisticated" feature of Julia that is still under development, and is expected to be included in v0.x.y, so just wait...
and I'm less enthusiastic about (but still curious to hear) an answer such as
Abandon Julia; instead use the language ________ that is designed for this type of thing
I also think this might be related to the question of typing Julia's function outputs, which as I take it is also under consideration, though I haven't been able to puzzle out the exact representation of this problem in terms of that one.

What do "continuations" mean in functional programming?(Specfically SML)

I have read a lot about continuations and a very common definition I saw is, it returns the control state.
I am taking a functional programming course taught in SML.
Our professor defined continuations to be:
"What keeps track of what we still have to do"
; "Gives us control of the call stack"
A lot of his examples revolve around trees. Before this chapter, we did tail recursion. I understand that tail recursion lets go of the stack to hold the recursively called functions by having an additional argument to "build" up the answer. Reversing a list would be built in a new accumulator where we append to it accordingly. Also, he said something about functions are called(but not evaluated) except till we reach the end where we replace backwards. He said an improved version of tail recursion would be using CPS(Continuation Programming Style).
Could someone give a simplified explanation of what continuations are and why they are favoured over other programming styles?
I found this stackoverflow link that helped me, but still did not clarify the idea for me:
I just don't get continuations!
Continuations simply treat "what happens next" as first class objects that can be used once unconditionally, ignored in favour of something else, or used multiple times.
To address what Continuation Passing Style is, here is some expression written normally:
let h x = f (g x)
g is applied to x and f is applied to the result.
Notice that g does not have any control. Its result will be passed to f no matter what.
in CPS this is written
let h x next = (g x (fun result -> f result next))
g not only has x as an argument, but a continuation that takes the output of g and returns the final value. This function calls f in the same manner, and gives next as the continuation.
What happened? What changed that made this so much more useful than f (g x)? The difference is that now g is in control. It can decide whether to use what happens next or not. That is the essence of continuations.
An example of where continuations arise are imperative programming languages where you have control structures. Whiles, blocks, ordinary statements, breaks and continues are all generalized through continuations, because these control structures take what happens next and decide what to do with it, for example we can have
while(condition1) {
if(condition2) break;
if(condition3) continue;
return statement3;
The while, the block, the statement, the break and the continue can all be described in a functional model through continuations. Each construct can be considered to be a function that accepts the
current environment containing
the enclosing scopes
optional functions accepting the current environment and returning a continuation to
break from the inner most loop
continue from the inner most loop
return from the current function.
all the blocks associated with it (if-blocks, while-block, etc)
a continuation to the next statement
and returns the new environment.
In the while loop, the condition is evaluated according to the current environment. If it is evaluated to true, then the block is evaluated and returns the new environment. The result of evaluating the while loop again with the new environment is returned. If it is evaluated to false, the result of evaluating the next statement is returned.
With the break statement, we lookup the break function in the environment. If there is no function found then we are not inside a loop and we give an error. Otherwise we give the current environment to the function and return the evaluated continuation, which would be the statement after the the while loop.
With the continue statement the same would happen, except the continuation would be the while loop.
With the return statement the continuation would be the statement following the call to the current function, but it would remove the current enclosing scope from the environment.

In OCaml, how do I re-assign a global variable inside a function

My program has the following global variable:
let a = (0.0,0.0);;
And the following, where eval e1 returns a string_of_float and somefunc e2 returns a tuple.
let rec output_expr = function
Binop(e1, op, e2) ->
let onDist = float_of_string(eval e1) and onDir = somefunc e2 in
let newA = onDir in (
fprintf oc "\n\t%s" ("blah");
fprintf oc "\n\t%s" ("blah");
fprintf oc "\n\t%s" ("blah");
let a = newA
Now, the code above gives me the following error:
Error: This expression has type bool
but an expression was expected of type unit
Command exited with code 2.
I want let a = newA to change the value of the global variable a. How can I do that?
To do it you need to make the value a reference,
let a = ref (0.0, 0.0)
then later that state can change by,
a := (1.0, 2.0);
In a functional world you would not want to have this global state. Sometimes it is very helpful, but in this particular case that is doubtful. You should pass the value a into your function and return a new value (a') that can be used subsequently; note that the value never changes, but new values take the place and are used in further computation.
In your particular case, I think you need to ask yourself why a function named output_expr modifies some global state, or returns anything but unit. But maybe this is a toy example for our consumption, so I will leave it at that.
You cannot assign to a variable (local or global is the same) in OCaml. There's simply no syntax in the language for it. In other words, variables in OCaml are what other languages call "constants" -- they get a value once in initialization, and that's it.
However, you can use a mutable data structure, which offers ways to modify its contents. Data structures are reference types, you can hold a reference to the data structure in a variable, and modify the contents, without needing to assign to the variable.
nlucaroni mentioned such a data structure, ref, which is a simple mutable cell holding a value of the desired type. There are other mutable data structures, like arrays, strings, and any record with mutable fields. Each has its own way of modifying the contents.
However, mutable state can mostly be avoided in functional programming, and if you are relying on mutable state, it may be an indication that you are not doing it the functional way.
In OCaml, values are immutable. You can't change the content of a value and should reorganize your code so that you don't need to.
Here your function output_expr should return the newA and this value should be used instead of a after that.
Actually you can have mutable variables using references but you should only use them if you know what you do and think they are better suited for a particular use case, never because you don't understand immutability.
