Install Sylius - Symfony2 OpenSource Ecommerce - symfony

I am trying to install Sylius from here but i am unable to get it working.
On running the command i get process timed out...well...due to the ever slow internet we use here.
Could anyone please guide into installing sylius manually??
Like say manually updating vendors using composer.phar

If composer timeouts try this:
$ COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=300 ./composer.phar install
You can replace 300 with any number of seconds you prefer.


Symfony deployment problem on hostinger, impossible to download dependencies

I have been trying for several days to deploy a Symfony site. All the files are well in the public folder with the .htaccess, I only need the dependencies for the site to be functional. The problem is that when I run the command
php composer.phar update
I get several error messages concerning my version of PHP.
The host is hostinger. I know the problem comes from the composer.json file and the version of the bundles but I don't know how to solve the problem.
you need php version 8.1 as the message says. Normally, for a deployment you should not launch a composer update. It would rather be a composer install.
I contacted hostinger, and the problem is that the server was in PHP7 after changing to PHP8 it worked. Thank you all for your responses

Drupal site is broken due to badly installed module

I tried to install Simple OAuth ( module in my drupal site running in a shared Godaddy hosting. My first mistake was not to read the installation guide instructing to install the module by using composer. Instead, I installed the module using the Extend=>install a module link within Drupal. Installing the simple_oauth and enabling the module crashed my site and there is no output from the site.
Then I realised there is something wrong with the installation and checked the error log file. The error logged was:
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface' not found in /home/-----------/public_html/drupal/modules/simple_oauth/src/Repositories/AccessTokenRepository.php on line 10
At that point I realised there is something wrong with the installation and checked the module instructions which states I should use composer to install the module. I tried to solve this problem by redoing the installation from the ssh by using composer and this command:
composer config repositories.drupal composer && composer require drupal/simple_oauth:^3
Which did not work because GoDaddy shared hosting plan has only 512mb of rams and composer kills the command because of lack of memory.
I tried reading through and understand how Composer works. There were recommendations saying you should never use composer in a production site and you should run it on your computer and copy the composer.lock file which needs much less rams. I created a PHP server using XAMMP on my computer and copied the composer.json file to my computer and run composer update command in my computer. It downloaded the dependencies and stuff on my computer. And feeling I get the hang of it, I copied the composer.lock file in my drupal server, run composer update command and saw composer delete many stuff which I could not undo.
So my questions are: 1- Is there a way of rescuing this drupal site at this point? I deleted many composer dependencies as far as I can understand.
The new error log says: PHP Fatal error: Interface 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface' not found in /home/--------/public_html/drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernelInterface.php on line 15
2- If not, which is fine as I was just beginning to setup the site. Is it possible for someone to explain the best way of handling this scenario? I mean installing a module using composer in a memory critical place. Or explain how composer works for layman. I read about all the dependency stuff but could not figure out how to use it for this scenario.

How to install Vega plugin for Kibana 5.5.0?

I am just starting using Kibana (5.5.0). I found a nice plugin called Vega. After spending several hours unsuccessfully trying to install this plugin, I decided to publish here this question.
For example, when I run this command bin/kibana-plugin install file:///ust/test/, I get this error:
Attempting to transfer from file:///usr/test/
Transferring 25554 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No kibana plugins found in archive"
I think you are installing the wrong file. From the releases page, right click the vega_vis-5.5.0-(latest version).zip, use "copy link address", and use that URL with bin/kibana-plugin install https://....
For example, for the current version as of this writing, for Kibana 5.5.0, you would install it with:
bin/kibana-plugin install

Can't start symfony server

I'm new to symfony and while following the video tutorial, I ran into the problem. The guy in the video started his server without any problems, but for me, while trying to run php bin/console server:start I get a huge error message. Please bear with me as Im the begginer and thank you for all the help.
You're missing the DOM library. As the first comment on Installing/Configuring notices, on some linux-distributions this library is not included in the minimal PHP package.
Certain Linux distributions do not have this extension included in the
minimum PHP package. It can usually be found in one of the "optional"
php-* packages.
For CentOS, you will need to run "yum install php-xml", which provides
this extension.
As this looks like ubuntu, sudo apt-get install php-xml should do the job.

Update Vendors in Sylius - Imagine Bundle Error (Symfony2)

I am trying to install Sylius - Open Source E-Commerce based on Symfony2 from this link
The composer can successfully pull the project files from github but while updating vendors i get this error
218dab8fc7a752ff6d3a41e.4' is not a zip archive.
I have zip and git installed on my system.
Please help with your solutions and suggestions. Thanks in advance. i did this
I cleared the cache from the project folder and ran the command:
php composer.phar update
And now all seems to be working fine without any error. All vendors successfully updated and downloaded the remaining ones.
Hope this helps someone
