How to install Vega plugin for Kibana 5.5.0? - kibana

I am just starting using Kibana (5.5.0). I found a nice plugin called Vega. After spending several hours unsuccessfully trying to install this plugin, I decided to publish here this question.
For example, when I run this command bin/kibana-plugin install file:///ust/test/, I get this error:
Attempting to transfer from file:///usr/test/
Transferring 25554 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No kibana plugins found in archive"

I think you are installing the wrong file. From the releases page, right click the vega_vis-5.5.0-(latest version).zip, use "copy link address", and use that URL with bin/kibana-plugin install https://....
For example, for the current version as of this writing, for Kibana 5.5.0, you would install it with:
bin/kibana-plugin install


Using WP-CLI on Windows to Manage Remote WordPress Installation?

I'm trying to manage my remote shared hosting WordPress installation via WP-CLI installed on my local Windows machine. So far I have managed to install WP-CLI (The "WP" command is available to run).
But when I try and connect to a remote URL with "wp --http", I get the following messsage:
RESTful WP-CLI needs to be installed. Try 'wp package install wp-cli/restful'
So I run the suggested command and I get:
Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
I hadn't installed via composer. Instead, I manually instaled PHP and then downloaded the "wp-cli.phar" file. So I tried to install composer on Windows, but couldn't make head or tail of what downloads where. I "think" I managed to install wp-cli, but couldn't see where it had installed the files...and it just didn't work out.
Do you guys know of a more straightforward way to do this?
Concerning the error: Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
If you did not set the environment variable WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR the default is ~/.wp-cli/packages/ which works for Linux but not for Windows.
I set this variable and the command 'wp package install wp-cli/restful' now successfully creates the directory for packages and the composer.json file but still doesn't install wp-cli/restful.
So I used composer directly and it successfully installs wp-cli/restful.
If I use the parameter (which matches example in the documentation) I get the error "Couldn't auto-discover WP REST API endpoint from' However, if I change this to it works. The actual command I used is:
wp rest post list

WP 4.x + Jetpack Installation Error: HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

When installing jetpack from the auto install screen, I wasn't able to get it working to an internal 500 error related to this PHP setting.
After a while trying different configurations with no luck, I decided to extract the zip and install manually and it installed correctly with no problems so far.

Wordpress plugin install fail

Today I am starting a new project and I am stuck on wordpress plugins installation
Downloading install package from…
Unpacking the package…
Installing the plugin…
The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
Plugin install failed.`
I ve tried different plugins and all of them produce this error! any ideas?
you can use class-tgm-plugin-activation to install your plugin automatically at your theme
visit and download,
include at your functions
I managed to sucessfully install and activate it, right now. I used wp-cli, but that should not make much difference. I can recommend it though, as it is more verbose, which helps tracking down errors
What is the result of
ls -l .../path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins
Assuming you are on Linux/Unix. Do the other plugins have different permissions/users?

Error while moving Drupal moving error

I was trying to move my Drupal site from my WAMP server to another computer's WAMP server and I followed all the necessary steps but I faced the error below. I tried updating but it didn't work.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function cache_get() in C:\wamp\www\try\includes\ on line 901
I am using PostgreSQL and PhpPgAdmin. Any ideas?
See if Memcache is used in previous server.
If not see if some other cacheing mechanism like varnish cache is used
If none of the above:
When you type drush in the command line probably you reached the right place to solve you problem. This error arises when drush is not update and this occurs when you install drush from official repository in Ubuntu. The workaround is easy: just install a new version of drush! And to do so, you have to install from backported package of Ubuntu.

Install Sylius - Symfony2 OpenSource Ecommerce

I am trying to install Sylius from here but i am unable to get it working.
On running the command i get process timed out...well...due to the ever slow internet we use here.
Could anyone please guide into installing sylius manually??
Like say manually updating vendors using composer.phar
If composer timeouts try this:
$ COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=300 ./composer.phar install
You can replace 300 with any number of seconds you prefer.
