Div container margin isn't staying relative to the previous div - css

Ok I have a problem where one div's margin doesn't appear to stay relative to the previous div as the browser window re-sizes (height not width). This creates the problem where content overlaps as shown when in a wide browser. The picture bellow shows how in a narrow screen it works fine, however in the second picture you can see how the div has moved up based on the browser being made wider (27 inch imac).
If you go to: http://creativeabyss.co.uk/test/ you can see this effect for your self as you resize the window (You might need a big monitor). I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this, so I was wondering if any of you could help? The code should be available at the aforementioned link.
p.s I have set the background of one div to blue which illustrates that it is the size of this div which appears to be causing the issue...

Your problem is the fixed height on #OuterMenu. It is set to 300px, when you resize the browser window, the height of the content inside #OuterMenu decreases, but #OuterMenu is still 300px high, this causes some empty white-space to be displayed before the content which is rendered below it. Getting rid of the fixed height on #OuterMenu will fix this. It breaks on high resolutions because then the content inside #OuterMenu will be too high for its containing div which is only 300px high. In this case it will look like the content below this div is rendering over the top of the content inside #OuterMenu, but in fact it is the 300px height set on #OuterMenu which is limiting the space allowed for #OuterMenu to render its content within.


Horizontal scrollbar showing white space on right of webpage?

This is the page in question: https://globalstudyuk.com/home-page-test/
You will see that on both desktop and mobile, there is some blank space on the right of the page.
I haven't found any solution in my code based on similar StackOverflow questions.
There should be no horizontal scrollbar, with everything filling the full width of the page.
Place the final .row inside the .container in the footer.
The negative margin on the .row is countered by the padding on the .container class.
Always useful to revisit the Bootstrap docs when things go awry:
I had the same or very similar problem. Making the window more narrow everything seemed to resize correctly, except a horizontal scrollbar appeared at the bottom. When I scrolled with it, white-space appeared on the right side of the page.
Turns out the reason was that on the top of the page I had an element with width 100%. But under that I had another piece of text inside a PRE -section, with lines that were quite wide, wider than the resized window-width.
When I made the window more narrow the top element resized correctly but the PRE -element no longer fit into the horizontal space available, thus creating the horizontal scrollbar.
When I used that scrollbar the browser (of course) did not resize the content on the top of the page, because I was not resizing the window, only scrolling it horizontally.
Therefore the browser did not readjust the top element after the scroll to take 100% of the new visible width and therefore it could only show whitespace to the right of it as I scrolled.
So if you have this type of problem, check out if there are any DOM-elements below the currently visible ones, and whether they might be the cause of the horizontal scrollbar.
My particular problem was solved by making the PRE-section defined like this:
<pre style="width:100%; overflow-x: auto; "
> ...
Now when I make the page too narrow for the PRE-content to fit in horizontally, a horizontal scrollbar appears, but now only under the PRE-section. Scrolling it only scrolls (horizontally) the PRE-section, not the whole page. When I scroll vertically to the top of the page I don't see the PRE-section nor the horizontal scrollbar under it.

Align fixed background with CSS calc

I hope what I try is not impossible.
Let me explain first: I have a responsive design which requires a background to be fixed under some situations (media query blocks). The design in question is this one:
Basically there are two media queries: one for the maximal height and one for the minimal width. If there is enough viewport height there is a scrollbar in the content area and the design height is fixed. But if the viewport is not large enough for showing the predefined height the height-mediaquery removes the scrollbar from the inner div so there won't be two nested scrolling containers (body + div) and sets the content area to height: auto.
There is also a responsive media query if the viewport is too narrow but this works flawless.
Now the problem: When the design switches to the mode where the whole page scrolls (below 830px height) I would like to position the image in the right container "fixed" so it does not scroll out of the viewport. But then the problem arises, that I can't really position the background in regards to the container div as "fixed" positions an background image in regard to the viewport. I have created a CSS fiddle here:
If you change the width you notice the problem. I would like to have the right border of the image aligned with the right border of the green box.
Is this somehow possible? I have no problem using calc() as there will be a condition in my CMS to use the plain old-school design if an older browser gets detected.
I solved it myself now. Sorry for posting.
The trick was: As my design is centered, I started to try using calc(50% + somepixelvalue). This did the job.
I adjusted the CSS playground:
Now the image is always up in line with the right border of the green area. When scaling there is sometimes a 1pixel difference but this doesn't matter as the background will get assigned to some container element which acts as mask.

div doesn't stretch 100% width of a page if window width narrower then the rest of the content

If I resize browser window (Newest Chrome in my case) so it gets horizontal scrollbar then the header div gets "cut off". In that case scrolling to right reveals some empty space. This is because the main content other then header have fixed width.
But the header div has 100% width and div is a block element by default also so it should stretch by itself to the 100% of the page width. Why it is not doing so? Shouldn't it be the default behavior? And why StackOverflow team didn't fix it?
The problem I found on many pages, including StackOverflow:
So I've been googling, even found a solution for a problem but not satisfactory enough. The solution is to set the min-width property to the width of that 's content. But isn't there a better solution?
I'm searching for a better solution, if any? Also I'm searching for an reasonable explanation why div's default behavior to stretch 100% of the width doesn't apply here?
You see a white space because, somewhere on the page, most likely under the header element, there is an element which is bigger than 100% – that's why you see the horizontal scrollbar.
The header infact is 100%, which means it's shorter than the full width of the document - therefore the white space.
To debug, I usually open the inspector and start from the bottom to the top and delete the sibling of the header, one by one, till I get to the point where everything is no more white space. At that point you know the problem is with the last element you just deleted. Try to look for errors in that particular element.
The "cut-off" div has a width of 100% of the visible area, so everything is ok.
The Problem is, that the content is overflowing and you are now able to scroll to the 120% width.
To fix this behavior und stretch your "cut-off" div always over the full width of the page, you can apply some css:
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
Inspect the body element and you'll see that it only extends as far as the viewport. The topbar-wrapper is 980px fixed width, and its parent with the black background, topbar, is 100% (of body). topbar also needs a width of 980px, or the body element needs min-width: 980px...here on the StackOverflow site (looks like you found a bug)
This is a problem I often found on builds I was reviewing from freelancers, where they forget to shrink their browser down. The full-width sections usually need min-widths, if the site isn't fluid and there are fixed-width elements.

Hide scrollbar on absolute positioned div

I have a div that is positioned:absolute, this div extends outside the bounds of my site wrapper as it just contains a background image for a slider and doesn't need to be seen all the time. The problem is I cannot work out how to stop this div triggering the scrollbar. I have tried different combinations of overflow and position and cannot work it out.
If you inspect the element with firebug, just place it over the shadow behind the slider and you will see the div in question. You notice the scrollbar kicks in as soon as the browser bounds touches it.
View link
Can anyone let me know how to stop the scrollbar appearing for the shadow div?
It is the size of the DIV. When I inspect it using Chrome, the CSS shows that the container DIV was set to 520px width and the problematic DIV was set to 733px, so it actually exceeds the 980px width center area. Unless you want the shadow to disappear, I suggest moving it a bit to the left and make the div left to it smaller.
You can use the CSS overflow-x:hidden on the body element.
Other more complicated way that comes to mind is using jQuery to detect the size of the window and resize the problematic div according to the window's size.
Firstly, thanks to those that commented.
I have come up with a solution that allows me to keep the layout the same while still adhering to the document width. What I did was create a #wrap2 inside the main wrapper which has a width of 100% (full width of browser window).
#wrap2 {background: url(../css_img/slider-bg.png) no-repeat center 317px; }
The trick to this was making sure the image position was set to center. This means the image would also remain relative to the content when resizing the browser. The way I made the shadow line up behind the slider was to add blank pixels to the left, so the image ended up being about 1200px wide, this pushed shadow part right. Because it's all blank pixels it only added about 1kb. If someone thinks there is a better solution let me know.

background-image being pushed right on narrow pages

I have a background-image used to separate my page footer from the main content. It displays fine when viewed in a browser window wider than the supported min-width of the page. However, if the window is resized to be narrower the image is pushed to the right relative to the main body.
How it displays in wide browser windows:
How it displays in narrow browser windows:
Can I set the main body content not to push right up against the left-hand side of the window, but rather keep the 30 pixel margin when viewed in a narrow browser window?
The page is live here if the CSS will be helpful.
Yes, you should give the <body> a min-width. Just a little above 1000 works for me on your website, but I don't have an exact value. Probably the exact width of the ribbon.
ribbon (1000px) + border (2 * 1px) = 1002px, that should do it.
The problem is that your #footerTop and #footer are too big and are responding to the window shrink. The way I would get around this is by adding the background to the #footerContainer instead. If you align it to the centre it will always work since #footerContainer does not have a fixed width.
This will also mean that you won't get the horizontal scroll bar when the browser window is resized to 999px wide. It all depends on how small you want the window to be able to go
