Chrome Developer Console Started Logging Too Much Info. CSS Warnings - css

I do a large part of my development work in the Chrome developer console, and love it, but recently something highly annoying has happened.
Every page load, I now get a log of every CSS property warning, a considerable list that fills the entire console with warnings. I know I can set the log level to filter out warnings, but I want to see some warnings, particularly script related. Also, this resets itself every page load, so all the CSS warnings fill up my console, and look visually upsetting.
See the screenshot:
I believe that this started happening immediately following the most recent chrome update, but I was also fooling around with some of the settings in the console. I've looked through the settings in the console and under chrome://flags but haven't found anything. Does anyone know why this is?

I've never had this happen to me, but have you tried deleting the history?


How to debug "Aw, Snap!" Chrome (when opening multiple tabs)

If I ctrl-click a link in my app and open ~10 tabs, for 2-3 of them I get the
I have no idea where to start investigating this 🤷
I am working on ASP.NET (.NET6) MVC + Knockout, dunno if this is relevant.
Looks like a memory leak of some sort, that Chrome can't handle.
Chrome Error code: STATUS_BREAKPOINT
Edge (also based on chromium) Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Try making sure Chrome has all the permissions, also make sure you singed in before you started using it. If this doesn't work. Unistall it and install it again. If you have the same problem. Debug it with Python/Pycharm. Hope it helps.

Chrome shows RESULT_CODE_INVALID_CMDLINE_URL when other Chromium browsers work fine

I'm writing a WP plugin that makes changes to tags and categories. After making my selections and submitting the form, the page reloads and executes wp_set_post_categories and/or wp_set_post_terms.
It works fine even in other Chromium based browsers, but when I try it in Chrome, it throws the following error:
There's a "Learn more" link, but nothing happens when I click it.
After refreshing the page, I can see that my script did what it was supposed to do, but I'd like to eliminate this error if possible.
I found this support page about the error code, and I turned on logging to see if that would give me any clues, but I don't really know what to look for.
Please let me know if there is any additional info I can add that might lead to an answer. Thanks!
I don't know what might have caused your problem, but I know a problem that causes this error. So even if it is too late someone may benefit from it. I found your question when I was answering a related problem here. you can read it if you want, but in short this happens when an array of length infinity is created. (like a
). If you want to regenerate such an issue you can use this js code below.
let arr = [];
let arrcounter = 13;
for (let x = 1; x <= arrcounter; x) {
This is an infinite loop that adds an element to an array.
This might not be your exact problem, but I hope this helps.
I was running into this problem too, and I found in the end that my web app was running out of memory. So #EHM is right - an infinite loop that keeps adding to an array will eventually run out of memory and cause this issue.
But in my case, it was running out of memory because the js heap was not getting cleared after each page refresh. For testing purposes, I was running a puppeteer script that refreshed the page many times, and after 40 or so refreshes it would crash with the RESULT_CODE_INVALID_CMDLINE_URL error.
I'm not sure why chrome was not clearing the heap between refreshes, but this type of issue has been reported before under certain conditions, see this issue:
Without digging too much here into why it can happen, I will post here how to detect if your memory is getting out of control. You can use the chrome dev tools performance monitor, a built-in part of chrome dev tools:
The official docs on the performance monitor are here:
In case that link stops working, here are the basic steps:
Open chrome dev tools while on your web site with a memory issue
Press cmd-shift-P to open the command palette. Search for "Performance Monitor"
Once the perf monitor is open, watch the heap size in real time. While watching the heap size, reproduce the condition that causes the RESULT_CODE_INVALID_CMDLINE_URL. You should see the heap size gradually increase until the error occurs.
Now that you can see the memory leak happening, try to isolate what part of your code is causing a memory leak. Chrome dev tools has other tools to record heap usage and isolate which objects are being allocated. You may have an infinitely growing array, like #EHM mentioned, or a number of other issues. In my case, Chrome didn't seem to be releasing certain DOM nodes between refreshes. I was able to fix my script by navigating to a different domain between refreshes, which caused chrome to correctly release all the DOM nodes. To learn all about finding memory issues in chrome, read their article on the topic here:

Desactivating a setinterval function?

I have absolutely no idea why, but on 2 websites (2 websites that I professionnaly work on, and they havent been hacked or compromised), my Chrome console keeps clearing every 500ms.
Which is pretty annoying.
I desactivated all extensions. Tried private browsing. It's the same thing.
I uninstalled chrome as well as my extensions. Same.
When I try to reproduce it on someone else's computer, I cannot.
When I use another Chrome session the issue does not happen.
I have absolutely no idea how to get rid of this or what is the exact cause of the issue.
The code running is :
setInterval(function(){console.clear();'Console was cleared by browser extension.');},500);
Since I unfortunately do not seem to find the reason, my only question will be : would there be a way to desactivate that code or postpone the setinveral to a bigger number?
Thanks !
In Chrome, on the developer tools, click on the settings icon, and tick the the "Preserve Log" option so the console is not cleared.
If your websites happen to be ecommerce (Magento specially) I'll advice you to check your code well for unknown js. This is one of the "symptoms" of the Magecart credit card skimmer. Preserve log option

Chrome downloads aspx instead of render, IE works

Whenever I try visiting an aspx file in Chrome, the browser will download the file. When I open it in IE, it will actually render that page. I'm not sure what changed with Chrome as this was working, then half way through the day decided to stop working.
I've tried following aspnet_regiis -i with no success. Other aspx pages render without issue. I've been poking around IIS trying to find something that might indicate an incorrect setting, but cannot find anything in particular.
I've done plenty of Googling without any helpful results.
I'm not sure what other information to provide at this time, so please let me know if I can provide any specific information to help.

Cannot find the CSS Errors in Chrome

I'm trying to debug a website and in Chrome's inspect element I'm seeing 8 errors and 1 warning.
The Warning shows up right next to the problem.
However, the Errors don't show up anywhere and I can't locate them. Also, the errors and warnings show an underline when I hover over them (like links often do), but clicking on them does nothing... I'm fairly certain this is just a limitation, but I thought I'd see if something was screwed up with that too.
When I was hitting the console >_ icon it needed to be raised up. I mistakenly thought it was referring to the CSS, but the errors were console errors (not CSS errors).
Click on the "Show Drawer" icon (it looks like >_) Those errors are displayed there under the Console tab.
