visual studio debug error unable to start program no more files -

System info: Win 7 x64 SP 1, IE 10, Visual Studio 2010
I've been researching this error all over.
visual studio debug error:
"unable to start program (File path) no more files"
This started with the installation of internet explorer 10 and is happening across all my web projects within Visual Studio 2010.
I've tried all possible solutions (but not VS re-installs) from registry entries (, IE 10 reinstall (fail...won't let me reinstall due to existing version) to switching default launch browser (in Visual Studio, select a different browser such as Chrome to be default browser in "Browse With..." option in works but is pain in the rear) but one thing I just tried which is making me wonder if there is an issue with how IE 10 is launched came from the following experiment:
Basically I did the same process of changing the default browser except that I picked IE 10 x86 version manually in the "Browse With..." option, set it as default and ran project. Voila, it works with no issues.
My next step was to confirm the default IE option in the "Browse With...". I found articles such as ( which put me on the path to find out where the settings are for Visual Studios default browser settings.
I checked the browser.xml file and all looked ok including the registry entry pointing to it. I'm unable to check the version of the browser since MS, in it's infinite wisdom decided not to show that info in the Help -> About or anywhere else. so my gut feeling is that the default IE 10 being launched is the x64 bit version.
Does anyone know?
1) how I can confirm the default version of IE 10 launched since afore methods have not worked and
2) why would (I'm assuming) IE 10 x64 launch vs. the defined IE 10 x86 referenced version in the browser.xml file?
Thanks for any and all help.
So from doing continual testing, it seems that after I ran the process to change the Default Browser settings in both the registry and the browser.xml file, upon launching the debug process in Visual Studio 2010, it automatically reverted back to the original default broswer settings which would launch the x64 version of IE 10. So in my case, it seems that the issue (error above) lies in the fact that debugging in Visual Studio 2010 using x64 browsers would cause the error. With no recourse, I ended up removing IE 10 from Windows Features and going through a painful process of getting IE 9 back on my system, I now can effectively debug using IE (x86).
It seems that MS is not pursuing any fixes for this issue of the default browser in VS 2010 from what I've read. There are in browser tools I've seen to do the default browser setting changes but don't want to bother with it/don't trust it will work.
Hopfully this helps others dealing with the same pain I have endured...

When I ran into this problem (using IE 11) I noticed that iexplore was open about a hundred times in the task manager. After killing them all I was able to open my project just fine.
Since then, I have made a .bat file with this code: taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe /T
so now I just run the .bat when I get that error. (alternatively you could run that code from the cmd)

James Butler's response is good for killing all the open IE processes. Which seems to be the issue here. The best solution I have been using is to just set, "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application." then I just refresh the URL (if already open in browser) each time I rerun the debugger.
Access in Project properties under the, "Web" option. Then change setting there.

Check the following registry key
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\TabProcGrowth
Make sure that the value is Minimum

I started getting this error today after restarting from a Windows Update. I'm on Windows 8.1 desktop using VS.NET 2013. To fix I had to add another browser choice in VS debug that was pointing to the x86 version of IE11, and set that as the default. Although the post alludes to the x64 vs x86 browsers being the issue, this seems like an easier solution than the original poster's process of uninstalling and reinstalling browsers.
This blog explains how to set the default browser for debugging to IE x86:

Have you tried this: "...try selecting the project node in Solution Explorer and choose Set as StartUp Project". Just worked for me.

I think this is caused by a more general issue of low available system memory. In my case, Performance Monitor showed I was using 82% of my available memory when I was receiving the error. Looking at the processes, the culprit for me was lots of Chrome processes. I shut down Chrome, which freed up about 2 GB of memory, and then I was able to run the debugger successfully. Shutting down lots of IE processes would achieve the same thing of freeing up lots of memory. So I think the solution is just to free up system memory by shutting down whatever processes you don't need open.

This is what is working for me with windows 11 and edge:
Project Start Options - Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an
external application.
Start - Local IIS (Microsoft Edge)/Script
debugging disabled
Create a shortcut to launch the application like
this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"


visual studio attach to process not working

I am trying to debug my production website using the code on my local system.
I am using VS2010, and tried all sorts of things still didn't work.
I tried using VS Development Server, and tried using IIS still didn't work.
When I attach the process debugger starts but break points were not hitting.
I tried attaching process to W3wp process, and tried attaching it to IE also.
Still its not hitting break points. Any idea whats causing this.
What you want to do is called "Remote Debugging".
Here is an MSDN link to get you started: MSDN
Try clearing the settings of Visual Studio
Tools->Import and Export Settings Wizard->Reset all settings->No…->next and set it
One more option, which worked for me is to open the VS in Safe Mode. It will 100% work:
Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to \Common7\IDE;
Devenv /SafeMode: Launches the IDE in safe mode loading minimal windows.

Visual Studio 2010 slow debugging

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2010. When I start debugging it works slowly.
Internet Explorer opens, but the website loads extremely slowly.
My workmate and me work on the same project and he doesn't have any problem like that.
My hardware is 4G memory + Intel Core i5 CPU 3.20 GHz.
I stopped my anti-virus program but it couldn't be resolved.
I've had the same problem for over a year! And I solved it :)
I took me about 20 seconds to start debugging, and about 1 minute to stop it. It also took 2 minutes to load the solution! My colleague had NO problems with the same solution.
I found my way out of it by a coincidence.
I CHANGED the NAME of the solution, and things suddenly happened 30 times faster.
I CHANGED the solution name back and it slowed down again!
This is probably a FUBAR error made by the Microsoft development team. Don't try to figure out why it happens :)
This might be a IPV6 issue (that shows itself in windows vista/7 when using firefox or IE). I've had that at work and this is what made pages load instantly when using localhost (instead of the 20+ seconds that could happen on image-heavy websites I was developing).
IPv6 (taken from Firefox cannot load websites but other programs can )
Firefox supports IPv6 by default, which may cause connection problems on certain systems. To disable IPv6 in Firefox:
In the Location bar, type about:config and press Enter.
The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear. Click I'll be careful, I promise!, to continue to the about:config page.
In the Filter field, type network.dns.disableIPv6.
In the list of preferences, double-click network.dns.disableIPv6 to set its value to true.
For Internet Explorer, try using where PORT_NUMBER is the port you can see in your address bar. If the loading of the page is faster, then you might want to go check the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS file and make sure the only line mentioning localhost looks like localhost.
Check to see if you have _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable set. Getting symbols or pdb files for the assemblies used by your application from a symbol server could be the cause of the slow startup of your application when debugging. You can also look at the symbols setting in VS>Tools>Options>Debugging. Also, take a look at the output window and the status bar down at the bottom in VS when your app is loading and taking a long time to see what VS is busy doing.
Not sure if this applies to ASP.NET applications, but disabling the 'Show Parameter Values' option in the Call Stack window's context menu considerably speeds up the debugger on my machine.
Two things to check.
1. Remove all the parameters in the watch list.
2. Build >> Config Manager , Check the Configuration Mode: Debug/Release.
I have encountered the same problem. I could make it better by deleting the Folder created in the temporary aspnet folder. For that you need to close the solution that you have opened and then delete. I don't know if there is any other solution.

w3wp crashes when starting debug in VS 2005

I know there were a couple similar questions, but none solved my problem.
This issue just started within the last couple of days. I don't always hit VS everyday, so I can't say for sure when it began.
When I start debugging, the app loads in IE, but the w3wp process dies with the message
"The program '[9252] w3wp.exe:
Managed' has exited with code 0
I'm running Vista and debugging on IIS 7 (local machine). VS 2005. This is not a new environment. Everything had worked for months before this issue began.
I've Googled and found a number of solutions. I tried messing with the Process Model settings in the app pool. I tried changing the app pool. I've dug through all the settings of VS I could find that seemed applicable. I am running as administrator. Also, I run VS 2008 as well, and that is working fine.
Update: I tested another app and also had a problem. Though that app was configured to debug on the native VS web server (I forget what it's called off the top of my head), so the error is
The program [7192]
'WebDev.WebServer.EXE: Managed' has
exited with code 0 (0x0).
After about 8 hours of wasted time, I can answer my own question. It's an issue with VS2005/IE8. They, for whatever reason, do not play nice together. I uninstalled IE8 and everything is working fine.
I know Microsoft is a big company, but some interdepartmental communication and testing would be awesome.
I was having this same problem.
According to this Microsoft list of Visual Studio 2005 issues on Microsoft Vista, there are two requirements to fix this issue:
Start Visual Studio with Elevated Administrator Permissions
Make sure that the IIS 6 Compatibility Layer for IIS 7 is installed
The IIS 6 Compatibility components can be added by going to the Control Panel, selecting Programs and Features, and clicking Turn Windows features on or off. Make sure to check the IIS 6 Management Compatibility components under Internet Information Services.
Once I installed these components and rebooted I was able to debug.
EDIT: I still find that the process dies on my from time to time if I have other Internet Explorer browser windows open. Therefore, I have to make sure that the only Internet Explorer window that is open is the one that is debugging my Visual Studio 2005 code. I use FireFox to browse the web in parrallel if I need to.
This can happen if a stack overflow (no pun intended) occurs in your application. Stack overflows are usually caused by infinite recursion in your code.
I had the same problem since an update from latest weeks.
But solved by simply open the develompment tools and set the browser mode to ie7.
I get this if I have an existing IE window open when I start the debugger. Make sure you close all existing IE windows.
Using IE1 and VS 2003 (!) on Win 7 Enterprise N, I found that having additional IEs running made debugging impossible, but when starting the debug session after losing all IE windows worked.
Cost a lot of time and frustration.
I solved the issue on mine, by doing the following:
Go to IIS.
Go to Application Pools.
Click Advanced Settings on the relevant App Pool.
Find the key "Ide Time-out Action" and increase the value to something you think is right for you.

Severe Flex issues

I seem to be having difficulties getting the trace function to output anything to the console in either Eclipse with the Flex Plug-in, Flex Builder, or even FlexBeans (the Netbeans plug-in for Flex). I have removed and then reinstalled the Flash player 10 debugger version for both Firefox and IE, rebooting after uninstalling them and then after re-installing them. I have removed all old versions of Java and updated to the most recent version.
mm.cfg is configured correctly to allow the trace actions to appear in flashlog.txt
I tried removing the Flex Plug-in for eclipse to re-install, and now that I re-installed, I cannot create new Flex projects. I would rather not uninstall Flex Builder for fear that it will also behave strangely.
ANY ideas would be useful. Ideally, I need the plug-in to work, but any way I could get tracing to output to the console (in ANY IDE) would be better than what I have now.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Flash debugger for both Firefox and IE"; are you referring the debugger versions of the Flash Player available here?
If not, you definitely need those installed in order to be able to write trace() output to the IDE console.
I'm almost positive that this is not the issue, but it has confused me on a couple of occasions.
The Debug Application (as opposed to Run Application) keyboard command is different on Mac and PC. I use both and have gotten them mixed up, which results in my Running when I think I am Debugging, which of course leads to know trace outputs in the console.
Most likely not it, but doesn't hurt to mention it (I hope) :)
-- Evan
How are you testing the debugger? Have you tried going somewhere like with lots of ads that generally still have their traces in? Or are you just testing it with your own swfs? Have you installed the projector debug version? How is eclipse / flex configured to launch test swfs? Is it in the browser, or in the stand alone player? Do you have any weird mxmlc settings?
I assume you've followed all these instructions?
This is actually a combination of issues. The minor issue was that one application was interfering with Flex Builder Plug-in. The major issue had to do with a setting which had gotten changed on the Flash debugger.
If you right-click the running SWF and then click Debugger, you can (essencially) tell the VM where to listen for trace actions. This had been set to another machine on the network, and not my local machine. As soon as that was switched, everything restored itself.

how to debug swf browser crashes

My swf is occasionally crashing the browser (or just crashing the plugin as chrome tells me).
How do I diagnose the bug? I am developing for flash player 9 using flex.
Things I have tried:
Turned on log files so I can see trace("...") output. However, my log files, and my swf, are ending at inconsistent termination points.
Install the debug version of the flash player
Tried different browsers (today I am on vista, and can reproduce the bug on four browsers).
I am hoping there is a [legible] stack trace from the plugin. Any suggestions?
It's likely that the flash plugin is causing the crash before your log files can be flushed. The only thing I can recommend is to install the Windows Debugging Tools.
Then bring up a command prompt (as administrator if in vista), and type the following:
cd "%programfiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows"
adplus -crash -pn iexplore.exe
(Obviously, change iexplore.exe to whatever browser you are running against.)
Now, use your flex application in the browser until it crashes. This will create a crash dump in %programfiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows\Crash_Mode__Date_02-18-2009__Time_14-40-0202 (actual date will be used).
You can now send that mini-dump (smallest dmp file) to Adobe so they can analyze it properly.
If you want to view the (native) call stacks in hope of discovering what caused the issue, you can load windbg and load the dump file (File > Open Crash Dump). Once it's loaded type the following at the windbg commandline and hit enter:
~* kb 2000
Some specifics on the bug I uncovered regarding masks and textfields:
