GXT 3 Can't fill Grid - grid

I want to load data from a remote server in the grid. The following code:
final RepServiceAsync service = GWT.create(RepService.class);
final RepProperties props = GWT.create(RepProperties.class);
RpcProxy<PagingLoadConfig, PagingLoadResult<ReportsList>> proxy = new RpcProxy<PagingLoadConfig, PagingLoadResult<ReportsList>>() {
public void load(PagingLoadConfig loadConfig, AsyncCallback callback) {
ListStore<ReportsList> store = new ListStore<ReportsList>(props.key());
final PagingLoader<PagingLoadConfig, PagingLoadResult<ReportsList>> loader = new PagingLoader<PagingLoadConfig, PagingLoadResult<ReportsList>>(
loader.addLoadHandler(new LoadResultListStoreBinding<PagingLoadConfig, ReportsList, PagingLoadResult<ReportsList>>(
final PagingToolBar toolBar = new PagingToolBar(50);
toolBar.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("borderBottom", "none");
ColumnConfig<ReportsList, String> nameCol = new ColumnConfig<ReportsList, String>(
props.name(), 150, "Name");
ColumnConfig<ReportsList, String> pathCol = new ColumnConfig<ReportsList, String>(
props.path_name(), 150, "Path");
List<ColumnConfig<ReportsList, ?>> l = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig<ReportsList, ?>>();
ColumnModel<ReportsList> cm = new ColumnModel<ReportsList>(l);
Grid<ReportsList> grid = new Grid<ReportsList>(store, cm) {
protected void onAfterFirstAttach() {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
public interface RepProperties extends PropertyAccess<ReportsList> {
ModelKeyProvider<ReportsList> key();
ValueProvider<ReportsList, String> name();
ValueProvider<ReportsList, String> path_name();
ReportsList code:
public class ReportsList implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
int id;
String name;
String path_name;
public ReportsList() {
public ReportsList(int id, String name, String path_name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.path_name = path_name;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getPath_name() {
return path_name;
public void setPath_name(String path_name) {
this.path_name = path_name;
GWT Servlet Impl:
public class RepServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements RepService {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ReportEjb repManager;
public List<Report> getReports() {
List<Report> reports = null;
reports = repManager.getReports();
return reports ;
The code is executed without error, the query to the database is performed ( EJB-call ), but the Grid is not populated.
In what could be the problem?

In my experience this usually means that there is an exception while trying to put data into the grid itself. Try attaching a LoadExceptionHandler to your loader and see what it gives you
public class DebugLoadHandler implements LoadExceptioniHandler<ListLoadConfig> {
public void onLoadException(LoadExceptionEvent<ListLoadConfig> event) {
Window.alert("Load Exception" + event.getException().getMessage());


Save data from fragment to custom session

I am creating a project in which I am using navigation drawer and on navigation item click it opens a login page and after login it movies to my main activity. Now, I want to save my login details and all data in my custom shared preference from the fragment. After that it on app restarts and I go to navigation login items it should check if the user is already logged in then it should move to an activity otherwise it should run my login fragment
my login fragment
public View onCreateView(#NonNull LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
CDSMainViewModel =
View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_cdplogin, container, false);
context = container.getContext();
context = getActivity().getApplicationContext();
session = new Session(context);
if (session.isLoggedIn()) {
Intent itra = new Intent(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), Verification_Activity.class);
login_button = root.findViewById(R.id.button_click_login);
edit1 = root.findViewById(R.id.input_username);
edit2 = root.findViewById(R.id.input_password);
layout_1 = root.findViewById(R.id.usnamelayout);
layout_2 = root.findViewById(R.id.password_layout);
login_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
return root;
private void Login_data() {
String URL = "";
Log.i("response", URL);
StringRequest jsonObjRequest = new StringRequest(
Request.Method.POST, URL, new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
Log.i("response_login", response);
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
VolleyLog.d("volley", "Error: " + error.getMessage());
}) {
public String getBodyContentType() {
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("AuthID", name);
params.put("AuthPwd", password);
return params;
RequestQueue queue = SingletonRequestQueue.getInstance(getActivity().getApplicationContext()).getRequestQueue();
private void parseData1(String response){
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
int success = json.getInt("success");
String msg = json.getString("message");
if(success == 1){
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
JSONArray recData = json.getJSONArray("data");
for (int i = 0; i < recData.length(); i++) {
JSONObject c = recData.getJSONObject(i);
String uname = name;
String upass = password;
String emp_id = c.getString("emp_id");
String empname = c.getString("EmpName");
String office = c.getString("OfficeNameFull");
String desig = c.getString("DesignationName");
String mobile = c.getString("EmpMobile");
String office_code = c.getString("OfficeCode");
String OfficeType = c.getString("OfficeType");
String district = c.getString("DistrictCode");
String DistrictName = c.getString("DistrictName");
String designationCode = c.getString("designationCode");
String DesignationName1 = c.getString("DesignationName1");
String DesigShortName = c.getString("DesigShortName");
//Here my loginsession is not working its not saving my data in my session..
// String email = SessionManager.getInstance(context).getUserEmail();
// session.loginsession(emp_id,uname,upass,empname,office,desig,mobile,office_code,OfficeType,district,DistrictName,designationCode,DesignationName1,DesigShortName);
Intent its12 = new Intent(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), Verification_Activity.class);
getActivity().overridePendingTransition(R.anim.from_right, R.anim.slide_to_left);
} else {
Toast.makeText(context,msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
}catch(Exception ex){
//Session manager class
package com.example.agridept.domain;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import com.example.agridept.ui.CDP_login.CDP_MainFragment;
public class Session {
private static Session jInstance;
SharedPreferences preferences;
SharedPreferences.Editor editor;
Context context;
private static final String IS_LOGIN = "IsLoggedIn";
private static final String PREF_NAME = "AndroidHivePref";
String emp_id1,username1,password1 ,empname1 , office1 , desig1, mobile1, office_code1, OfficeType1 , district1 ,DistrictName1 , designationCode1, DesignationName11 , DesigShortName1;
public Session(Context context){
this.context = context;
preferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, PRIVATE_MODE);
editor = preferences.edit();
public void loginsession(String emp_id,String username,String password11 ,String empname ,String office ,String desig,String mobile,String office_code,String OfficeType ,String district ,String DistrictName ,String designationCode,String DesignationName1 ,String DesigShortName){
editor.putBoolean(IS_LOGIN, true);
public boolean isLoggedIn() {
return preferences.getBoolean(IS_LOGIN, false);
public void logoutUser() {
// Clearing all data from Shared Preferences
// After logout redirect user to Loing Activity
Intent i = new Intent(context, CDP_MainFragment.class);
// Closing all the Activities
// Add new Flag to start new Activity
// Staring Login Activity
public void clearinfo() {
// Clearing all data from Shared Preferences
public SharedPreferences getPreferences() {
return preferences;
public void setPreferences(SharedPreferences preferences) {
this.preferences = preferences;
public SharedPreferences.Editor getEditor() {
return editor;
public void setEditor(SharedPreferences.Editor editor) {
this.editor = editor;
public Context getContext() {
return context;
public void setContext(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public int getPRIVATE_MODE() {
public void setPRIVATE_MODE(int PRIVATE_MODE) {
public static String getIsLogin() {
return IS_LOGIN;
public static String getPrefName() {
return PREF_NAME;
public String getEmp_id1() {
return emp_id1;
public void setEmp_id1(String emp_id1) {
this.emp_id1 = emp_id1;
public String getPassword1() {
return password1;
public void setPassword1(String password1) {
this.password1 = password1;
public String getEmpname1() {
return empname1;
public void setEmpname1(String empname1) {
this.empname1 = empname1;
public String getOffice1() {
return office1;
public void setOffice1(String office1) {
this.office1 = office1;
public String getDesig1() {
return desig1;
public void setDesig1(String desig1) {
this.desig1 = desig1;
public String getMobile1() {
return mobile1;
public void setMobile1(String mobile1) {
this.mobile1 = mobile1;
public String getOffice_code1() {
return office_code1;
public void setOffice_code1(String office_code1) {
this.office_code1 = office_code1;
public String getOfficeType1() {
return OfficeType1;
public void setOfficeType1(String officeType1) {
OfficeType1 = officeType1;
public String getDistrict1() {
return district1;
public void setDistrict1(String district1) {
this.district1 = district1;
public String getDistrictName1() {
return DistrictName1;
public void setDistrictName1(String districtName1) {
DistrictName1 = districtName1;
public String getDesignationCode1() {
return designationCode1;
public void setDesignationCode1(String designationCode1) {
this.designationCode1 = designationCode1;
public String getDesignationName11() {
return DesignationName11;
public void setDesignationName11(String designationName11) {
DesignationName11 = designationName11;
public String getDesigShortName1() {
return DesigShortName1;
public void setDesigShortName1(String desigShortName1) {
DesigShortName1 = desigShortName1;
public static synchronized Session getInstance(Context context) {
if (jInstance != null) {
return jInstance;
} else {
jInstance = new Session(context);
return jInstance;

Using database on recyclerview

The first activity save some data at the firebase database and i need to show on the second activity using a recyclerview. I'm trying many times and i follow a tutorial, but always the recyclerview isn't displaying anything.
The Firebase was working correctly saving the data, but i can't put at recyclerview.
The activities are:
MenuActivity (recyclerview)
private RecyclerView recyclerView;
private Informações informações;
FirebaseDatabase database;
DatabaseReference myRef;
List<Informações> list;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
myRef = database.getReference("Informações");
myRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
list = new ArrayList<Informações>();
for (DataSnapshot dataSnapshot1 :dataSnapshot.getChildren()){
Informações value = dataSnapshot1.getValue(Informações.class);
Informações informações = new Informações();
String empresa = value.getEmpresa();
String setor = value.getSetor();
String data = value.getData();
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {
RecyclerAdapter recyclerAdapter = new RecyclerAdapter(list, MenuActivity.this);
RecyclerView.LayoutManager recyce = new GridLayoutManager(MenuActivity.this,2);
The RecyclerAdapter
List<Informações> list;
Context context;
public RecyclerAdapter(List<Informações> list, Context context){
this.list = list;
this.context = context;
public MyViewHolder onCreateViewHolder( ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.adapter_lista,parent,false);
MyViewHolder myViewHolder = new MyViewHolder(view);
return myViewHolder;
public void onBindViewHolder( MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
Informações mylist = list.get( position );
public int getItemCount() {
int arr = 0;
try {
if (list.size() == 0)
{ arr = 0;
} else { arr = list.size(); }
} catch (Exception e) {}
return arr;
public class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
TextView empresa, setor, data;
public MyViewHolder(View itemView) {
empresa = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.textEmpresa);
setor = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.textSetor);
data = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.textData);
And the Firebase
public class Informações {
private String equipe;
private String empresa;
private String setor;
private String responsavel;
private String visita;
private String ferramenta;
private String data;
public Informações() {
public void salvar(){
DatabaseReference firebase = ConfiguracaoFirebase.getFirebaseDatabase();
.child( this.empresa )
.setValue( this );
public String getVisita() { return visita; }
public void setVisita(String visita) { this.visita = visita; }
public String getFerramenta() { return ferramenta; }
public void setFerramenta(String ferramenta) { this.ferramenta = ferramenta; }
public String getData() { return data; }
public void setData(String data) { this.data = data; }
public String getEquipe() { return equipe; }
public void setEquipe(String equipe) { this.equipe = equipe; }
public String getEmpresa() { return empresa; }
public void setEmpresa(String empresa) { this.empresa = empresa; }
public String getSetor() { return setor; }
public void setSetor(String setor) { this.setor = setor; }
public String getResponsavel() { return responsavel; }
public void setResponsavel(String responsavel) { this.responsavel = responsavel; }

Can not read data from firebase as List in android

I read many articles but still my problem is continuing, while fetching data from firebase as list. could you please help me on this.
Error: com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseException: Can't convert
object of type java.lang.String to type SubCategoryLoad Object
Firebase database image
--> Loading data from firebase:
mSubCategoryDatabaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("user_post_add_database_ref").child("yeswanth599").child(mCategoryNameReceive);
mSubCategoryDatabaseRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot postSnapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
GenericTypeIndicator<Map<String,SubCategoryLoad>> genericTypeIndicator=new GenericTypeIndicator<Map<String,SubCategoryLoad>>(){};
(-->Error Showing in this Line) Map<String,SubCategoryLoad> map=(Map<String, SubCategoryLoad>)postSnapshot.getValue(genericTypeIndicator);
assert map != null;
mSubCategoryLoad=new ArrayList<>(map.values());
mSubCategoryAdapter = new SubCategoryDisplayAdapter(getContext(), mSubCategoryLoad);
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), databaseError.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
--> SubCategoryLoad.Class
public class SubCategoryLoad {
private String mUserPostAddress;
private String mUserPostBusinessEndTime;
private String mUserPostBusinessSelectedCity;
private String mUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry;
private String mUserPostBusinessStartTime;
private String mUserPostCategory;
private String mUserPostEmail;
private List<UserPostAdsImages> mUserPostImages;
private String mUserPostName;
private String mUserPostPhonenumber;
private List<UserPostAdsLanguages> mUserPostSupportingLanguage;
private String mUserPostWebsite;
public SubCategoryLoad() {
//empty constructor needed
public SubCategoryLoad(String userPostAddress, String userPostBusinessEndTime,
String userPostBusinessSelectedCity, String userPostBusinessSelectedCountry,
String userPostBusinessStartTime, String userPostCategory,
String userPostEmail, List<UserPostAdsImages> userPostImages,
String userPostName, String userPostPhonenumber,
List<UserPostAdsLanguages> userPostSupportingLanguage, String userPostWebsite
) {
mUserPostAddress = userPostAddress;
mUserPostBusinessEndTime = userPostBusinessEndTime;
mUserPostBusinessSelectedCity = userPostBusinessSelectedCity;
mUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry = userPostBusinessSelectedCountry;
mUserPostBusinessStartTime = userPostBusinessStartTime;
mUserPostCategory = userPostCategory;
mUserPostEmail = userPostEmail;
mUserPostImages = userPostImages;
mUserPostName = userPostName;
mUserPostPhonenumber = userPostPhonenumber;
mUserPostSupportingLanguage = userPostSupportingLanguage;
mUserPostWebsite = userPostWebsite;
public void setUserPostAddress(String userPostAddress) {
this.mUserPostAddress = userPostAddress;
public void setUserPostBusinessEndTime(String userPostBusinessEndTime) {
this.mUserPostBusinessEndTime = userPostBusinessEndTime;
public void setUserPostBusinessSelectedCity(String userPostBusinessSelectedCity) {
this.mUserPostBusinessSelectedCity = userPostBusinessSelectedCity;
public void setUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry(String userPostBusinessSelectedCountry) {
this.mUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry = userPostBusinessSelectedCountry;
public void setUserPostBusinessStartTime(String userPostBusinessStartTime) {
this.mUserPostBusinessStartTime = userPostBusinessStartTime;
public void setUserPostCategory(String userPostCategory) {
this.mUserPostCategory = userPostCategory;
public void setUserPostEmail(String userPostEmail) {
this.mUserPostEmail = userPostEmail;
public void setUserPostImages(List<UserPostAdsImages> userPostImages) {
this.mUserPostImages = userPostImages;
public void setUserPostName(String userPostName) {
this.mUserPostName = userPostName;
public void setUserPostPhonenumber(String userPostPhonenumber) {
this.mUserPostPhonenumber = userPostPhonenumber;
public void setUserPostSupportingLanguage(List<UserPostAdsLanguages> userPostSupportingLanguage) {
this.mUserPostSupportingLanguage = userPostSupportingLanguage;
public void setUserPostWebsite(String userPostWebsite) {
this.mUserPostWebsite = userPostWebsite;
public String getUserPostAddress() {
return mUserPostAddress;
public String getUserPostBusinessEndTime() {
return mUserPostBusinessEndTime;
public String getUserPostBusinessSelectedCity() {
return mUserPostBusinessSelectedCity;
public String getUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry() {
return mUserPostBusinessSelectedCountry;
public String getUserPostBusinessStartTime() {
return mUserPostBusinessStartTime;
public String getUserPostCategory() {
return mUserPostCategory;
public String getUserPostEmail() {
return mUserPostEmail;
public List<UserPostAdsImages> getUserPostImages() {
return mUserPostImages;
public String getUserPostName() {
return mUserPostName;
public String getUserPostPhonenumber() {
return mUserPostPhonenumber;
public List<UserPostAdsLanguages> getUserPostSupportingLanguage() {
return mUserPostSupportingLanguage;
public String getUserPostWebsite() {
return mUserPostWebsite;
--> SubCategoryDisplayAdapter.class
SubCategoryLoad subCategoryLoadCurrent = mSubCategoryLoad.get(position);
//Log.i(TAG, "message:"+subCategoryLoadCurrent.getUserPostImages().get(0).getUserPostImageList());
Thanks & Regards,
I used to have the same issue with my parsing and the problem was instead of a list of custom objects i was supposed to be using a Map like this
private Map<String,Boolean>
That field in Firebase contains a key and a state (True or False).
Also you can check the code on the docs to see how they parse these objects.

Form Gives 400 Bad Request error when using with Spring's ModelAttribute

i have html form which i forward to spring controller. Its works fine if i use getParameter but using modelAttribute it says 400 bad request error.
Here is my controller Code
public class BookController {
#RequestMapping (value="/addBook")
public String addBook(#ModelAttribute Book book){
return "index";
This is Book model Code
#Table (name = "Book")
public class Book {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name="ID",columnDefinition = "BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT")
private long bookId;
#Column(name="book_code",columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL")
private String bookCode;
private String bookName;
private String author;
#Temporal (TemporalType.DATE)
private Date dateOfArrival;
private Double price;
private String rackNo;
private int numberOfBook;
private String subjectCode;
public Book() {
public Book(String bookCode, String bookName, String author,
Date dateOfArrival, Double price, String rackNo,
int numberOfBook, String subjectCode) {
this.bookCode = bookCode;
this.bookName = bookName;
this.author = author;
this.dateOfArrival = dateOfArrival;
this.price = price;
this.rackNo = rackNo;
this.numberOfBook = numberOfBook;
this.subjectCode = subjectCode;
public String getBookCode() {
return bookCode;
public long getBookId() {
return bookId;
public void setBookId(long bookId) {
this.bookId = bookId;
public void setBookCode(String bookCode) {
this.bookCode = bookCode;
public String getBookName() {
return bookName;
public void setBookName(String bookName) {
this.bookName = bookName;
public String getAuthor() {
return author;
public void setAuthor(String author) {
this.author = author;
public Date getDateOfArrival() {
return dateOfArrival;
public void setDateOfArrival(Date dateOfArrival) {
this.dateOfArrival = dateOfArrival;
public Double getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(Double price) {
this.price = price;
public String getRackNo() {
return rackNo;
public void setRackNo(String rackNo) {
this.rackNo = rackNo;
public int getNumberOfBook() {
return numberOfBook;
public void setNumberOfBook(int numberOfBook) {
this.numberOfBook = numberOfBook;
public String getSubjectCode() {
return subjectCode;
public void setSubjectCode(String subjectCode) {
this.subjectCode = subjectCode;
I have doubt that the problem is due to using date
Please Help me out
I would try 2 things.
In your Model add this:
//here use the same pattern of date your send from the view
#DateTimeFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy")
private Date dateOfArrival;
In your controller
#RequestMapping (value="/addBook")
public String addBook(#ModelAttribute Book book, BindingResult result){
Then you will be able to debug your method and know the problem.

Javafx Custom TableCell

I have tables with editable fields item,Description,Quantity,Unit price and Sub Total.
I am creating a cellFactory and Column Update like this:
TableColumn DescriptionCol = new TableColumn("Description");
TableColumn QuantityCol = new TableColumn("Quantity");
TableColumn UnitPriceColumn = new TableColumn<>("Unit Price");
TableColumn DiscountColumn = new TableColumn<>("Discount");
SubTotalColumn = new TableColumn<>("SubTotal");
TableColumn SubTotalColumn = new TableColumn<>("SubTotal");
DescriptionCol.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String> t) {
((DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine) t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow())).setDescription(t.getNewValue());
QuantityCol.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String> t) {
((DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine) t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow())).setQuantity(t.getNewValue());
UnitPriceColumn.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String> t) {
((DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine) t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow())).setUnitPrice(t.getNewValue());
DiscountColumn.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String> t) {
((DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine) t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow())).setDiscount(t.getNewValue());
public class EditableTableSupport {
public static void createEditingColumn(TableColumn Column ,String name){
Callback<TableColumn, TableCell> cellFactory = new Callback<TableColumn, TableCell>() {
public TableCell call(TableColumn p) {
return new EditingCell();
Column.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>(name));
public static void createColumn(TableColumn Column, String name) {
Column.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine, String>(name));
Question:How to Update Subtotal Column When i updating Quantity Column or UnitPrice Column
Thank you..
public class DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine {
private String name;
private String description;
private BigDecimal quantity;
private BigDecimal unitPrice;
private BigDecimal discount;
private BigDecimal subTotal;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public BigDecimal getQuantity() {
return quantity;
public void setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
public BigDecimal getUnitPrice() {
return unitPrice;
public void setUnitPrice(BigDecimal unitPrice) {
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
public BigDecimal getDiscount() {
return discount;
public void setDiscount(BigDecimal discount) {
this.discount = discount;
public BigDecimal getSubTotal() {
return subTotal;
public void setSubTotal(BigDecimal subTotal) {
this.subTotal = subTotal;
public DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine(String name, BigDecimal description, BigDecimal quantity,BigDecimal unitPrice,BigDecimal discount,BigDecimal subTotal) {
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
this.discount = discount;
this.subTotal = quantity.multiply(unitPrice).subtract(discount);
In your DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine class create a read only property named subTotal and initialize it in the constructor via binding. The combination of the binding and the PropertyValueFactory you use to set the value for the SubTotalColumn will ensure that the correct subtotal is always reflected.
class DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine {
private IntegerProperty quantity = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
private DoubleProperty unitPrice = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);
private DoubleProperty discount = new SimpleDoubleProperty(0);
private ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper subTotal = new ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper(0);
DUMMY_PurchaseOrderLine() {
IntegerProperty quantityProperty() { return quantity; }
IntegerProperty unitPriceProperty() { return unitPrice; }
IntegerProperty discountProperty() { return discount; }
ReadOnlyDoubleProperty subTotalProperty() { return subTotal.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
Note the naming conventions used. Using the correct naming convention is key.
I'm assuming here that the subtotal is just the calculated value for a single row (specifically by quantity * unitPrice - discount), not a total of values calculated across multiple rows (which would be quite a difficult problem to solve with a TableView).
Update based on question edit
I see from your update that you are using BigDecimal and JavaFX doesn't have a corresponding BigDecimalProperty, so either you will need to create one (not trivial if you want it to be fully featured) or use one of the existing property types.
Your alternate to using properties is to use the low level binding api to calculate subtotals, but I'd advise using properties if you can.
