I have a code block, to perform 3 times retry of the code execution in case of a specific error. In below example if HTTP 503 error occurred during the data download from ADLS container, I want the same operation to be executed maximum of 3 times retry.
recheck <- 0
while (recheck < 3){
recheck <- recheck + 1
storage_download(container, file, filename, overwrite=TRUE)
recheck <- 4
}, error = function(e){
if ( sum(str_detect(e, '503')*1) > 0 ){
print(paste0('An infra-level failure occured. Retry sequence number is : ', recheck))
} else{
recheck <<- 4
This code works fine for me, but similar to storage_download in the above example, I have other ADLS operations like delete_blob, upload_blob, storage_upload, list_storage_files at multiple instances in the code, I have to write above mentioned code for each of these functions. I want to make the above code as a function which can be called during each of these ADLS operations. Any thoughts or suggestions would help me greatly.
The following should do the trick:
with_retries_on_failure = function (expr, retries = 3L) {
expr = substitute(expr)
for (try in seq_len(retries)) {
error = \(e) {
if (str_detect(conditionMessage(e), '503')) stop(e)
message('An infra-level failure occurred. Retry sequence number is: ', try)
Used as follows:
with_retries_on_failure(storage_download(container, file, filename, overwrite=TRUE))
Note the return() call, which immediately returns from the surrounding function without the need to update the loop variable. Likewise, in the case of a failure we also don’t have to update the loop variable since we are using a for loop, and we use stop() to break out of the loop for any error that is not a 503 HTTP response.
I have a character string of 400 URLs called URLs.
I have a loop that has been working for a while but now it takes way too long. It used to just report the url as an error and then I would omit but its is getting hung up.
"https://en.wtcf.org.cn/GlobalNews/2021020320227.html", "https://www.ladepeche.fr/2021/02/08/golf-un-top-4-royal-pour-victor-perez-9360378.php",
"https://www.jeudegolf.org/EasyBlog/Agathe-sauzon.html", "http://topactu.net/2021/02/viktor-hovland-vaults-into-farmers-lead-at-wet-torrey-pines/",
"https://www.golfpost.de/396354-7777396354/", "https://www.golfpost.de/german-challenge-powerd-by-vcg-golf-challenge-tour-kehrt-nach-deutschland-zurueck-7777396396/",
"https://de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=nmona&article=84265497", "https://www.buerstaedter-zeitung.de/sport/golf/kaymer-18-bei-golf-turnier-in-saudi-arabien-johnson-siegt_23109750",
####I have tried this:
html_reader<- function(x){return( tryCatch(xml2::read_html(URLs[k]), error = function(e) NULL))}
for (k in seq_along(URLs)) parsed_pages[k] <-lapply(as.list(URLs), html_reader)
I havent run into issues with runtime for some reason until now. The function will not complete even with the try() error function.
My current working code is the following:
pp <- replicate(list(), n = length(ESPN))
for (k in seq_along(ESPN)) pp[[k]] <- try(xml2::read_html(ESPN[k]), silent = TRUE)
It used to just take a while but now it never finishes.
I think the issue I am running into is due to the open connections. The script would get progressively slower and I feel it was due to the old connections. Here is a simple loop that closes out all of the connections. I will know when I run a particular report again if this is the solution but it has seemed to help so far.
for (i in seq_along(df$URLs)){function(i)
So I've got a list of "Player" objects, each with an ID, called players and I'm trying to reach a web JSON with information related to the relevant ID, using JSONlite.
The HTML stem is: 'https://fantasy.premierleague.com/drf/element-summary/'
I need to access every players respective page.
I'm trying to do so as follows:
playerDataURLStem = 'https://fantasy.premierleague.com/drf/element-summary/'
for (player in players) {
player_data_url <- paste(playerDataURLStem,player#id,sep = "")
player_data <- fromJSON(player_data_url)
When I run it, I'm getting the error Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : Timeout was reached: Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds. This error is produced at a different position in my list of players each time I run the code and when I check the webpage that is causing the error, I can't see anything erroneous about it. This leads me to believe that sometimes the pages just take longer than 10000 milliseconds to reply, but using
options(timeout = x)
for some x, doesn't seem to make it wait longer for a response.
For a minimum working example, try:
playerDataURLStem = 'https://fantasy.premierleague.com/drf/element-summary/'
ids <- c(1:540)
for (id in ids) {
player_data_url <- paste(playerDataURLStem, id, sep = "")
player_data <- fromJSON(player_data_url)
options(timeout= 4000000) is working for me .try increasing value of timeout to higher number
I have a scenario where I want to check If R has loaded the .RDA(which is a model)
I want this for getting prediction call as I don`t want to load every time I am asking for a prediction.
I tried with this below code
bar<-load(file = "C:\\T2I_Vendor_Eval1.rda")
print("ended ")
Result I get is
Error: object 'T2I_Vendor_Eval1.rda' not found
Instead of doing this
bar<-load(file = "C:\\T2I_Vendor_Eval1.rda")
print("ended end")
I did this
load(file = "C:\\T2I_Vendor_Eval1.rda")
print("ended end")
It worked for me.
thanks for you help #JonGrub
So this is a strange one. My code does a bunch a things that are hard to explain (but if necessary I´ll try to explain), but the following works:
var res = data.delete_if (function(key, value) { return key == "a"; })
but the following crashes:
data.delete_if (function(key, value) { return key == "a"; })
So, the fact that I do not save the result of the delete_if function crashes the browser with the following stack trace:
Error: test: B environment should proxy a Ruby hash. (MDArraySolTest): Java::JavaLang::IllegalStateException: Channel stream was closed before response has been received.
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java/lang/reflect/Method.java:498) org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling(org/jruby/javasupport/JavaMethod.java:453)
Any ideas of why this happens? Any solutions? I can provide more information if needed.
Doing some more tests I found out that the error occurs only if the call to data.delete_if is the last statement on the script. If I add for example: console.log(""); after the call, everything works fine.