Primefaces style is applied on <span> instead of <input> - css

I'm working with primefaces on a screen where I used calendar and autocomplete
I got the UI from the designer and started integration, I assigned styles like this
<p:calendar styleClass="xyz" />
the output is
<span id="bla" class="xyz" >
<input type="text" class="some other classes here" />
so my styles all fail
Now I need to apply styles on input directly instead of the spans

Can you solve it by rearranging your CSS?:
.xyz input {
/* some weird styling here */

This is problematic if you rely on Bootstrap CSS for example. Form controls needs the class form-control, but when you add styleClass="form-control" for p:calendar, the surrounding span gets the class instead of the input, which totally messes with the design. I think there should be a inputStyleClass attribute for the p:calendar tag, the same way there is a tableStyleClass tag for p:dataTable.

This worked for me using jQuery to add the form-control class to the input field:
$(".mycalendar input:first-child").addClass("form-control");
p:calendar id="date1" value="#{bean.date1}" styleClass="mycalendar" />

You can use this trick if you are using material design:
:host /deep/ .ui-inputtext{
/* Your Crazy Custom Style*/


PrimeNG: CSS background for p-inputNumber

I am using PrimeNG and find a way to set the background-color of a p-inputNumber control.
It is working fine with pInputText.
<!-- OK -->
<input pInputText type="text" style="background: red;"/>
<!-- Not OK -->
<p-inputNumber [showButtons]="true" style="background: red;"></p-inputNumber>
Thanks for the hint!
I found the inline attribute too.
<p-inputNumber [showButtons]="true" [inputStyle]="{background: 'red'}"></p-inputNumber>
p-inputNumber is a component rather than a simple input element and it style in different way base of the documentation page you can add a class for the internal input element by using the property inputStyleClass
add the css class in global style file
<p-inputNumber inputStyleClass="bg-red" [(ngModel)]="value1"></p-inputNumber>
stackblitz demo 🚀🚀

Add a custom style to the component in Angular

I am still new in angular 7. I have a form with title directive and div. I am trying to set both of them in same row with 49% width in side the form. The div style work fine but in the title component doesn't take the style. the problem is i need to change the title directive only in the current form. is there any way to do that?
many thanks
<form #taskForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<my-title [style.width]='49%' [title]="''" [wikiUrl]='wikiUrl' icon="work">
<div [style.width]='49%'>
Add px which almost equals to 49%.
<div [ngStyle]="{'width.px': 490px}">
If you want to set a width in percent you can also use the following syntax:
<div [style.width.%]="49">...</div>
The real problem however seems to be that the 'my-title' component is not responding to the width rule. This is probably because 'my-title' is not a known html tag and so there is no default rendering behavior in the browser for it.
If you want your component tag to behave like a block element (that is what a div element is rendered like) then you just have to apply the rule display: block; to it.
Since your component tag is not part of your template, but the wapper for it you can either apply the following style to the parent component that is using the 'my-title' component:
/* this will not work inside the css file of the 'my-title' component:*/
my-title {
display: block;
...or you can use the :host selector in the css/scss file of the 'my-title' component, which is probably better in this case:
:host {
display: block;

Can overwrite Bootstrap CSS for some elements but not others?

I have the following elements I have applied the Bootstrap btn and default-btn classes to:
<input class="btn btn-default add-to-cart-btn" type="submit" name="addcart" value="Add to Cart" />
<div class="btn btn-default enquire-btn" >Enquire</div>
My CSS selectors look like:
.add-to-cart-btn, .enquire-btn {
However, only the add-to-cart-btn CSS overwrties the Bootstrap CSS.
Would anyone know why this is or if/why Bootstrap has issues with overwriting styles on divs?
Your CSS must be more specific than the css you are trying to overload.
Your are doing .add-to-cart-btn, .enquire-btn.
So bootstrap might be doing "div.enquire-btn". This is more specific than your CSS.
To overload it div.enquire-btn.
I would try making two different classes.
.add-to-cart-btn {...}
.enquire-btn {...}
Your first issue is that for your input class you've spelt "btn-default" incorrectly. So the bootstrap.css for that class isn't being used, which is why your custom code is working for that and not the other.
Without seeing the rest of your document, I can only assume that your custom css is being loaded before the bootstrap stylesheet which is why that is receiving preference. Try making your custom selectors more specific by adding the btn class to them.
.btn.add-to-cart-btn, .btn.enquire-btn {
This is quite strange. But I will try to do this instead to see if it's working or not.
input.add-to-cart-btn, div.enquire-btn {
/* Your Style Here */

Nice design for Textarea in forms in bootstrap?

Arent there any CSS stylings for textarea in CSS bootstrap?
<input type="text" > has various classes that can be applied to it, but nothing for textarea?
You can give it a class of .form-control in a form which gives it the 'bootstrap' look like other inputs.
<textarea class='form-control'>Test</textarea>
You can however still add some classes to the parent div:
Most styling classes you can give an input's parent, you can give to a textarea's. However, classes applied to textarea's parents like has-feedback will have varied results.
Example: bootply

clicking on label 'for' both anchor tag and input tag

I cannot get this work, looks like not possible, that's why i'm asking...
This is the CSS used:
label.btn {
label.btn>input[type=checkbox] {
label.btn>input[type=checkbox]:checked~b {
/* not relevant, just for testing purpose */
#divtest {
Following HTML code will check the input, and then style for <b> tag is applied:
<a href="#divtest" id="anchor">
<label class="btn">
<input type="checkbox"/><b>Click should scroll to '#divetest' element and check input for styling!</b>
DEMO styling
If i add attribute 'for' to the label to target the anchor tag, the default browser scrolling works, but then no more styling applied:
<label class="btn" for="anchor">
DEMO anchor
Now, the obvious question:
Can i get these both behaviours working together in pure CSS?
An input element inside an a violates common sense as well as HTML5 CR. Nesting two interactive elements raises the issue which element is activated on mouse click.
Instead of such construct, use valid and sensible HTML markup. Then please formulate the styling question in terms of desired or expected rendering vs. actual rendering, instead of saying that “this” “does not work”.
This won't work since the Input:checkbox is INSIDE the <label>. Browsers will set focus on the input upon a click on the label.
