White page is it includes www normal without - wordpress

My domain is jrummyapps.com. If I go into my General settings my settings are such,
WordPress Address (URL) http://jrummyapps.com
Site Address (URL) http://jrummyapps.com
If I change them to include the www. then http://jrummyapps.com gives me a white screen and http://www.jrummyapps.com does work. I have already spoken with my hosting company who said the DNS settings were set up correctly and that it seems to be more of a wordpress issue. Can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to make it so that it does not matter if the www is there or not it will load my site?
Thanks in advance

Did you change your wordpress settings to include the www? That is all you need to do and it should do the trick, I didn't quite understand if that's what you said you already tried.


My Website (Wordpress) Loads Bad when (www.) and it's normal when acessed without (www.)

https://www.excelintercambio.com/ (With www. loads all wrong)
https://excelintercambio.com/ (Without www. looks fine)
The website it's not mine, I've been doing some SEO work for a client and his website turned into this out of nowhere. Of course, the heat is on me and the client is asking like crazy to me to resolve. I'm not at all expert with wordpress and was just editing texts for his website, so I'm pretty sure that I didn't messed up anything.
However I need to fix this.
Can you guys help me with? It's suposed to look be acessable as www.
Please change WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) from wordpress admin settings. Go to Settings > General Settings and set www in WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
I think this is happening due to WP Rocket plugin.
https://www.excelintercambio.com/ In this url JS and CSS files are not loading its showing 404 error.
Can you once deactivate WP Rocket plugin and then check

IP Address showing instead of Domain name on my Wordpress site

I am having an issue where I have a Domain name from Go Daddy, and I am hosting a WP site on Amazon Web Services EC2. I have already changed the A record to so the site pulls up anytime i go to www.bemoremarketing.com. Everything works fine until I hit the home bottom on the website. At that point the IP comes up in in the address bar. Any pages i access after that will have the IPaddress/page
From what I have gathered, I may need to change something in the wp-config.php, but I am unable to find where this is. Any help is appreciated.
You need to change the Site URL.
You can do this through the Wordpress Settings at Settings > General > Wordpress Address/Site Address, or in the wp-config.php file
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com/wordpress' );
For more details see https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL.
Go to settings of wordpress. Then, change the URL as given below.
I do not know if this is still of interest but make sure you have all your pages linking to the actual www.yoursite.com
Also, make sure that your HOME link on the menu links to the www.yoursite.com instead of IP.
Changes made in the WP Settings > General are also needed.
I have fixed the same issue. My domain name is purchased from GoDaddy too. I use a raspberry pi and wordpress to build a website.
For GoDaddy.com, following this explain,
Use Forwarding with masking in your DNS management.
After changing wait for a while.
Go to your website by searching your domain name and it won't change to IP address on the address bar.
I didn't modify WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)

park a domain without redirecting in wordpress

i have a wordpress website with this name mydomain.ir
i parked mydomain.com to this website. but when i type mydomain.com it redirect to mydomain.ir
i want to address stay on mydomain.com .
i try some plugins but didnt work properly.
my host service told that this is a worpress error and you should change your codes.
i tried this but didnt work too
what can i do to do this?
thanks for your answers
First of all, make sure that you have the correct url at wordpress settings. Check Settings->General and make sure that site and home urls ar the one you want.
Next, check if there is any kind of redirection at .htaccess file.
Then, check at your cpanel if you have added any redirection there.
Finally, make a search at your wordpress database for your unwanted domain name. Make sure to change all old urls to the new one. Try this plugin for that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/velvet-blues-update-urls/
Alternatively, you may want to mask your domain. This should be done through your domain name registrar.

Wordpress links pointing to the wrong domain

In wordpress, how can I change where the links are pointing to without changing the server name or adding redirection?
My main site is a rails app at www.example.com.
I have the wordpress blog on a separate server at blog.example.com/blog
I have a reverse proxy on the primary (rails) server that takes any url that ends in /blog/ and then serves up the blog content. (That's all behind the scenes -- the user never sees the blog.example.com domain)
Currently, I can access the blog via the reverse proxy at www.example.com/blog, but the problem is that the urls on the blog point to blog.example.com/blog (wrong) instead of www.example.com/blog (right).
I've tried changing the urls in wp-config.php, but whenever I change those it breaks something.
I eventually figured it out. Here's what I did.
1) Got rid of the Bitnami wordpress image (on Amazon) and reinstalled wordpress fresh, from scratch, on EC2. Bitnami had a bunch of magic behind the scenes that was making it hard for me to figure out what was going on.
2) Via wordpress admin changed Site Address (URL) from http://blog.example.com/blog to http://www.example.com/blog Previously, I had been changing this in the wp-config.php file, but I am pretty sure that doesn't do the same thing. So I needed to change it in wordpress admin. However I needed to keep the Wordpress Address the same. Found out that the Site Address governs the urls displayed in the theme, whereas the Wordpress Address is the server hostname. I'm using a reverse proxy which is why this was confusing.
3) To enable pretty permalinks behind the reverse proxy I changed the permalink settings in wordpress admin, then I updated .htaccess according to its instructions, then I modified /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. Need to do this to enable mod_rewrite to work on virtual hosts.
Go to wp-admin - settings, and change site url. Than flush permalinks by resaving settings.
You don't really provide a mountain of information. But you will need to check this area of your dashboard
to make sure the information is
In both fields.
If you still have issues try changing your permalink setting to a new setting save it and then change it back again and save.
If you are unable to access the dashboard of the site on the address
As it redirects you to the other domain.
Then you need to likely change the two fields mentioned earlier siteaddress and wordpressaddress via the database. Find the table in your database wp_options or yourtableprefix_options and edit the fields option_value where the option_name is siteurl and home to have the address
Also if you are just starting using a webserver. You may need to make sure your files are writable by the webserver.

Wordpress primary domain

I've got a question regarding wordpress and multiple domains. I've got two domains (.cz and .com), both pointing to the same folder. The .com domain automatically redirects to the .cz domain. I would like to change this so that the .cz domain redirects to the .com domain. I thought this can by done in my webhosting interface, however, tech support told me that I have to change it in wordpress. Can anyone help me, please?
Go to Settings -> General and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
You should also set up 301 redirects to send the .com to .cz (and probably non-www to www, or vice-versa on both domains).
Do some Google searching, or search on here for tons of resources on how to do that.
