System.Web.Services : is there password property in Context.User.Identity -

just a small query
i m using .net web service and created simple login method
public bool Login(string sUsername, string sPwd)
if (sUsername == Context.User.Identity.Name && **sPwd == "123456"**)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(sUsername, true);
return true;
return false;
is there any password property like "Context.User.Identity.Name" . or any other alternative
Please suggest if i am missing something

Your approach doesn't make sense. The Context.User is set by the Forms Authentication module which relies on the information from the forms cookie. You, on the other hand, try to use the information to acually ISSUE the cookie.
This means that you effectively need the cookie to issue the cookie. This won't work.
Try to rethink the approach - you probably need an external data source, like a database or something, to validate your users against. In the database you will have both usernames and their passwords stored somehow.


How do you disable a User When Using ASP Forms Persistent Cookie/Ticket?

I'm using the Forms Auth and ASP Universal Membership Provider in an MVC 3 Site. We're persisting the cookie for user convenience.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, true)
When we disable a user in the Membership provider like this:
memUser.IsApproved = model.IsActive;
if they have the cookie they can still get in to the site. This is similar to what is described in this post:
We use Authorize attributes on our controllers, and I know that that is technically more Authorize than Authentication. But the certainly overloap so I'm trying to figure out what is the best MVC way to do a check that the user is not actually disabled? Custom AuthorizeAttribute that checks the user against the membership database? An obvious setting/method I'm missing with Forms auth to invalidate the ticket?
Here’s basically what I'm going with – we use a custom permission denied page which we we use to better inform user that they don’t have rights vs. they’re not logged in. And I added the IsApproved check. AuthorizeCore gets called when you put the attribute on a Controller or Action and if it returns false HandleUnauthorizedRequest is called.
public class CustomAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !Membership.GetUser(filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).IsApproved)
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
// in the case that the user was authenticated, meaning he has a ticket,
// but is no longer approved we need to sign him out
var permDeniedRouteVals = new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() { { "controller", "MyErrorController" }, { "action", "MyPermissionDeniedAction" }, { "area", null } };
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(permDeniedRouteVals);
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext)
// since persisting ticket,
// adding this check for the case that the user is not active in the database any more
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) && Membership.GetUser(httpContext.User.Identity.Name).IsApproved;
public class MyController
Well, you're going to have to check the database regardless, the only question is how you want to do that. Yes, you could create a custom authorize attribute, or you could write some code for the OnAuthorize override in ControllerBase, or you could do it in Application_AuthenticateRequest.. lots of ways you could do it, depends on what works best for you.
The best way, of course, would be to not use a persistent ticket if this is an issue for you.
I pretty much always use Roles and a RolesProvider, even if there is just one role named "Login" - in part for this issue. This way, your Authorize attributes might look something like this:
Where Login represents a basic 'Role' that all "active" accounts must have to be able to log in at all; Every protected action is protected by this, at minimum.
That way, simply removing the "Login" role effectively disables the user... because, in my Roles Provider, I am checking the logged-in user's roles against the database or server-local equivalent.
In your case, your "Login" role could simply resolve to a check on the IsApproved field on your user model.

Require stronger password for some users based on roles

I have a MVC 3 app. There are mainly two zones regarding security. The first one is mostly to prevent public access, but not really sensitive information. Password strength might be weak since there is not really much harm to do either.
Second zone(Area) is restricted. user must apply for access. If user gets access it gets a certain role(s). So each controller method autorizes the user based on that role.
I want these users to have to change password to a strong password on the next logon before they can go further and access the restricted content.
User A applies for access.
Access is granted. The password policy for
that user is changed as long as it has access. They MUST
change their password on the next logon, and they cannot change back
to a weaker password as long as they have that role.
Is there any secure way to implement this using the ASP.NET?
I've actually used Chris proposed solution and it works, but to handle the verification of the password itself I actually got some inspiration from Micah's proposed solution too. However, it turns out that overriding MembershipProvider.OnValidatingPassword does imply also having to implement 10 + abstract methods that I really do not need to solve this.
A better solution in my eyes was hooking on to the Membership.ValidatingPassword EVENT. I do this inn App_Start, then I implement my own password validation in the event handler and that solved my problem.
Just to share the solution with you i present it here, toghether with Chris solution this solved my problem and hopefully for someone else too:
void App_Start()
//To do custom validation on certain passwords set new event handler
Membership.ValidatingPassword += Membership_ValidatingPassword;
private void Membership_ValidatingPassword(object sender, ValidatePasswordEventArgs e)
//If the user is a new user, we let registration happen without strong password
if (e.IsNewUser) return;
MembershipUser membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(e.UserName);
Guid userId = Guid.Parse(membershipUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
//First check if the pwd is strong enough to be flagged, if so we flag it
//using regex to validate the password (20 char, 2 uppercase so on)
if (MyValidationClass.IsStrongPassword(e.Password, 20, 2, 4, 1))
//if the user does not already have a flag we set one
//If the user needs strong pwd, we cancel the operation and throw exception
if (MyValidationClass.NeedsStrongPassword(e.UserName))
e.FailureInformation =
new MembershipPasswordException("Password does not satisfy reqirements!");
e.Cancel = true;
You could write your own Authorize Attribute to accommodate both. You simply need to then use it on the relevant sections of your application:
For example:
public class HasChangedPasswordAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
UserRepository repo = new UserRepository();
var user = repo.GetCurrentUser();
bool hasSecurelyChangedPassword = user.HasSecurelyChangedPassword;
return hasSecurelyChangedPassword;
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/Account/ChangePassword");
The above will check that the user has securely changed their password. If not it will redirect them to a new page in which to change their password. Once they change it, set the flag as changed.
You can then use it like this:
public ActionResult MySecureAction()
You could obviously integrate both of these attributes into one, but for the sake of showing the example they are seperated above.
you will need override the MembershipProvider.OnValidatingPassword
Probably a simpler method would be check the strength of the password on the client-side when you user is attempting to enter a new password. Check out this list for some examples using JQuery.
In regard the transaction of upgrading and resetting the password, that's something your code can handle, i.e. a flag in the users table that redirects the user to a new registration page. But when they set the password (and presumably it matches the appropriate strength) it can then be submitted... mvc multiple connection strings

I am creating MVC Application using MVC 3.0. I have 2 users but the DataBase is the same. So, Is it possible to setup two connection strings or even more in web.config? when user login, I redirect it to his database, so then he can use his DataBase.
So major issue here is to find out which user is logged in and use connection string for that user.
I am using default mvc account controller and for example when i want to display welcome message for user in my view i type: if (#User.Identity.Name == "UserName") then some message
So where is the best place to find out which user is logged in and set his connection string in controller or in a view?
Yes, you can have as many connection strings in your web.config file as you want.
But, if you're designing a multi-tenant application than there are better ways of doing it than adding a connection string to web.config file every time a new user signs up.
Probably the best way for you is to have a single database where user-related tables have foreign keys to Users table.
You can learn more about multi-tenant architectures from this Microsoft article.
I agree with Jakub's answer: there are better ways of handling multi-tenancy than having a different database per user.
However, to answer your specific question, there are two options that come to mind:
You can set the connection string to a session variable immediately after login.
Your data access layer can choose the connection string based on the logged in user when it's created. (I'd recommend this over the first option)
To store the connection after login, if you're using the standard ASP.NET MVC Account Controller, look at the LogOn post action:
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password))
Session["userConnectionString"] = SomeClass.GetConnectionStringForUser(model.UserName);
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/")
&& !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\"))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
If you wanted to select the connection string when doing data access, your repository or data access layer will probably have a system for handling that. For instance with Entity Framework Code First, the DbContext constructor allows you to pass in the name of a connection string when you're creating it:
connectionString = SomeClass.GetConnectionStringForUser(model.UserName);
DbContext context = new DbContext(connectionString);
But again, I'd look at other ways of handling multitenancy unless your business dictates that your users have physically separate databases.
you can have multiple connection strings in web.config. Now if you want to use different connection string for different users there must be some criteria for division of users
<appSettings><add key="connectionString" value="Data Source=develope\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=validation_tdsl;Integrated Security=True;Max Pool Size=1000;Connect Timeout=60000;"></add>
<add key="connectionString1" value="server=MARK\SQLEXPRESS;database=name;integrated security=true;Max Pool Size=1000;Connect Timeout=60000;"></add>
<add key="connectionString2" value="server=name\SQLEXPRESS;database=FM;integrated security=true;Max Pool Size=1000;Connect Timeout=60000;"></add>
and later you can use them like following
Dim con As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionString"))
Dim con1 As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionString1"))
EDIT : In c# it would be:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"]);
SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString1"])
Note: ConfigurationSettings is now obsolete.

Very simple single user login in ASP.NET MVC2?

I'm building my site, and I want to restrict a part of my site (The admin parts) from normal public display.
I am using LINQ for database access.
I have a Service class to handle calls to the database through LINQ
I have the whole site running, except for the Login part.
So far I have only been able to find examples using MembershipProvider and/or RoleProviders etc. And to be honest, it does seem like too much work for what I want. All this has to do is to let you in if you type the correct password in the input fields.
Can i really not avoid the Providers?
Since you only have a single user you don't need to create a database dependency. You can make a very simple authorization service based off of a hard coded credentials. For example,
public class AuthorizationService{
private AuthorizationService(){}
public static readonly AuthorizationService Instance = new AuthorizationService();
private const string HardCodedAdminUsername = "someone";
private const string HardCodedAdminPassword = "secret";
private readonly string AuthorizationKey = "ADMIN_AUTHORIZATION";
public bool Login(string username, string password, HttpSessionStateBase session){
if(username.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()==HardCodedAdminUsername && password.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()==HardCodedAdminPassword){
session[AuthorizationKey] = true;
return true;
return false;
public void Logout(HttpSessionStateBase session){
session[AuthorizationKey] = false;
public bool IsAdmin(HttpSessionStateBase session){
return session[AuthorizationKey] == true;
Then you can build a custom IAuthorizationFilter like:
public class SimpleAuthFilterAttribute: FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter{
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext){
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
Then all you have to do is decorate the protected controller actions with the SimpleAuthFilter and you're application's login suddenly works. Yay! (Note, I wrote all this code in the StackOverflow answer window, so you may need to clean up typos, etc. before it actually works)
Also, you could refactor this to omit the username if you find that unnecessary. You will need to create a controller action for Login and Logout that make the corresponding calls to the AuthorizationService, if you want your protected controller actions to ever be accessible.
Its worth building a light-weight Membership Provider with minimal implementation; GetUser, ValidateUser etc methods. YOu dont need to implement the whole thing. It just helps with authorising pages and checking User.Identity etc when needed. You also dont need the RoleProvider or ProfileProvider to do this.
Its also scalable for the future.
You just need to implement the core methods to valudate and get the user and insert your own validation/data access code.
Something like this....
web.config settings:
<membership defaultProvider="ApplicationMembershipProvider">
<add name="ApplicationMembershipProvider" type="YourNamespace.ApplicationMembershipProvider"/>
Login Code:
if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, password))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);
You can set the status (logged in or not) in a session variable. Set the variable to true if the user entered the correct password, then on every page you want to restrict access, check if the variable is true.
#KristianB a while ago I gave an answer to this SO question. I believe it may be useful since it's very straightforward to implement and at the same time it's better than hardcoding a username and a password in your code.
Good luck!

Custom IPrincipal together with WindowsAuthentication

Is there any good way of combining ASP.NET Windows Authentication with a custom IPrincipal/IIdentity object? I need to store the user's email address and have done so for Forms Authentication using a custom IIdentity/IPrincipal pair that I added to the Context.CurrentUser during the AuthenticateRequest event.
How would I best go by to accomplish this using WindowsAuthentication?
Maybe you could create your "ExtendedWindowsPrincipal" as a derived class based on WindowsPrincipal, and just add your extra data to the derived class?
That way, your ExtendedWindowsPrincipal would still be recognized anywhere where a WindowsPricinpal is needed.
OR: since you're talking about using Windows Authentication, you're probably in a Windows network - is there an Active Directory or a user database somewhere, where you could look up your e-mail address that you're interested in instead of storing it in the principal?
I ended up refactoring my initial solution into replacing the Principal instead of the Identity as I originally thought. Replacing the Identity proved troublesome, since i ran into security problems when creating an instance of a new extended WindowsPrincipal.
public class ExtendedWindowsPrincipal : WindowsPrincipal
private readonly string _email;
public ExtendedWindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity ntIdentity,
string email) : base(ntIdentity)
_email = email;
public string Email
get { return _email; }
In my Authentication module i replaced the principal on the HttpContext like this:
var currentUser = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
HttpContext.Current.User =
new ExtendedWindowsPrincipal(currentUser, userEmail);
